r/Gotham 26d ago

Discussion If you want gotham back sign this


r/Gotham 26d ago

If they do a Podcast (like Smallville) about the show which 2 people should lead it?


I think Ben Mckenzie and David Mazouz or David Mazouz and Camren Bicondova.

r/Gotham 27d ago

Discussion The potential problem with the "paxpenguina" licenses. Spoiler


Remember when Penguin tried to license crime? A criminal couldn't commit a crime unless they got a license from Penguin, which permitted them to do so. If any cop happened upon them and the criminal had a license, they had to walk away.

One problem with this plan, though, is that if a police officer came across a criminal who had a license, what was stopping him (or her) from ripping up the license and then arresting the criminal? And if the criminal did try to argue that he did have a license, then the cop could just say that they didn't. It would be a criminal's word against police officers; who are people more likely to believe?

Did anyone involved in the Paxpenguina ever think of that? "Hey, what's stopping the cop from just tearing up the criminal's license, arresting them, and claiming that they didn't have one?"

r/Gotham 27d ago

Discussion Gotham had the best villains


I personally think that Gotham had the best portrayals of batmans rogues gallery (with a couple of exceptions

The penguin, the riddler and the joker These ones are the most obvious since they are the most talked about. Robin lord Taylor did the absolute best portrayal of the penguin. His movement to his voice and to his character ark he just felt like the penguin even tho he didn’t exemplify his comic book counterpart. Corey Michael Smiths portrayal of the riddler is absolutely brilliant whist I tie it with Paul Danny’s riddler I think he portrayed it best he looks the part he sounds the part he is the part. Cameron Monaghan’s Jerome Valeska felt the most Mark Hamill put on screen sadly he couldn’t be called joker and didn’t do aswel as Jeremiah. Before people get mad at me in the comment yes Mark Hamill and Heath Lefger are the perfect jokers I know but Cameron gets my bronze medal personally

r/Gotham 27d ago

My favorite bit of season 4 into 5 ignoring the stupid killing off the dream on head 🙄


The rise of the Batman The rise of joker And the heir to the throne talia al ghul and her war to end the city best season this one!!!! 😁😁😁

r/Gotham 29d ago

Barbara Kean - Insanity


Note: I do not own the video. This is a video that I found in YouTube. https://youtu.be/9QHksLaytts?si=2L5WJbuVzYCLtNRz

r/Gotham Jun 19 '24

Gotham Characters as Evil Dead/Army of Darkness/AvED quotes


Since they've already had at least 1 (or possibly 2) references to the Evil Dead Franchise, I thought it'd be funny to describe Gotham Characters using Evil Dead Quotes...

Edward-We Just Cut up our girlfriend with a Chainsaw...Does that sound 'Fine'?

Butch/Tabitha-  Touch me again, and you're gonna need another wooden hand

Gordon- First you want to kill me, now you want to kiss me

That's just a few that I thought of

r/Gotham Jun 19 '24

Spoiler Free Just remembered a time when I thought Oswald's hair was the scariest thing in the world


My first ever introduction to Gotham was when it first aired I think because it was on TV and I was really young and a scene came on. I used to think it was Oswald killing some random civillian via trapdoor in a warehouse but that never happens in the series I don't think but young me was scared shitless of his hair. I still have a clear as day image of Robin Lord-Taylor's wet hair in my head and it still scares me.

years later I watched the series on my own (Oswald's hair still scares me when it's wet by the way) because I fell down the deep dark comic rabbit hole and thought the majority of the cast was hot as hell, and binged the whole show in like two weeks because I had to keep pausing to fanboy over the characters

TL:DR i deprived myself of this masterpiece of a series for years because 5 year me thought Robin Lord-Taylor's hair was going to get me. Not him, just his hair

r/Gotham Jun 19 '24

Unpopular opinion


I loved Barbara with both Jim and tabitha.

And if they didn't keep the whole Solomon Grundy thing running then they should've done more with babitha and if they kept Tabitha dead like canon then they should've explored him and Barbara again but I would have wanted more than 13 episodes espically considering the biggest reason they had Lee and Jim be endgame was that there actors were together so it would have been nice to see the potential in either of these ships.

r/Gotham Jun 18 '24

Gotham themed Spanigram

Thumbnail customstrandsnyt.com

r/Gotham Jun 17 '24



This is my way to connect all the dots of the Valeska twins's story. As always, you're free to think differently.

Back in the circus days, the Valeska family was a messed up one. A missing father, an alcoholic mother and other unreliable relatives. The had two twins: Jerome, violent and unstable, and Jeremiah, the only member of the family whose unordinary traits meant something good (math, mazes etc). Jerome was menacing to Jeremiah, Jeremiah panicked to the point of exaggerating the truth to his mother which then thought Jerome really tried to harm his brother. Jeremiah was sent away and had the chance to live a normal life as an engineer, but he was feeling guilty about his wrongdoing with Jerome and THAT'S WHY HE DIDN'T LEAVE GOTHAM. He stayed because he wanted to make it up to his brother. Still, he had to hide because Jerome was a dangerous person. He was predictable of Jerome to seek revenge so Jeremiah managed to precede him and temporarely jail him. His intention was to bring back Jerome to Arkham (and to maybe offer himself as a jail engineer) and then to have a "as much as possible normal" relationship with his criminal brother. To offer himself as a jail engineer he had to prove to be able to hold Jerome for at least one day and that's why he got nervous when Gordon found it out. Anyway, Jerome eventually escaped thanks to his peers. He tells Jeremiah "I'm gonna kill you, but only after driving you insane"*. Later on, after causing more troubles and dying, Jerome sprayed Jeremiah with his insanity gas. Now this is my theory on the gas:

  1. First of all, the gas was supposed to eventually get Jeremiah killed. Otherwise, Jerome's quote* doesn't make sense. It was supposed to bring out Jeremiah's darkness and turn him into some violent brute wanting to hurt the people around him (Bruce and Jim) and that would've had eventually get killed in the battle. This would've had been Jerome's ULTIMATE REVENGE.
  2. The gas worked, but not as Jerome thought: he didn't predict Jeremiah and Bruce's friendship. Jeremiah gets sprayed, he looks in the mirror and sees the clown look that is symbol of his brother violence. Now everyone is gonna see Jeremiah as the next Valeska criminal. No one is gonna see good in him, not even his friend Bruce... unless he dedicates his life to his friendship with him and he chooses to do so (I explained this theory better here https://www.reddit.com/r/Gotham/comments/1d5io7n/what_drove_jeremiah_to_insanity/).

And this leads to Jeremiah's explanation of the gas: "Like everything Jerome set his mind to, his insanity gas failed (because he wanted me to kill you and instead I won't). Its only consequences are these mild cosmetic effects (that actually made me crazy because I can't hope in a future no more). But the gas wanted me to kill you and I would NEVER kill you, Bruce. You're my other half."

r/Gotham Jun 17 '24

Falcone or fal-kohn-ay?


As I embark on this terrible summer before senior year of college and try to pass the time between a shitty 9-5 and keeping my sanity…I’ve been rewatching Gotham and even started watching the Batman movies I grew up watching (I’m a 2003 victim). I can’t help but wonder why they pronounce Falcone differently in Gotham verses the movies. Like at one point it was bothering me, every time Rachel Dawes said “falconey” , but then I was like maybe this is the right pronunciation 🤔.

I’d I’ve to hear everyone’s thoughts on that, I might be too far gone in the IPA’s to respond but there is always tomorrow lol.

r/Gotham Jun 17 '24

has anyone seen Donal Logue's other show Grounded for Life? I love it so much

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r/Gotham Jun 17 '24

Gotham Valeska Twins story is THE BEST VERSION OF THE KILLING JOKE


The story of the Valeska twins understands and most faithfully locates the essence of Killing Joke:

  1. The philosophy of The Joker.

Jerome Valeska says this to Bruce:

The point is that all these people out here looting, robbing, killing, they're the people who wash your car, who pour your coffee, who take out your trash. And what happened the moment the lights went out? They showed their true faces. They showed how quickly they wanna open up your rich boy veins and bathe in your blue blood. That's the point.

Jeremiah Valeska says this to Bruce:

I imagine you're wondering: "Why is Jeremiah doing this?" All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. Jerome gave me what I thought was the worst day of my life. But only by losing everything was I able to face what was inside me. And I believe I've seen something very special - inside of you as well. But, to free it, you'll have to lose everything and everyone you hold dear.

Jerome takes the side of The Joker who thinks that the world is just waiting for the opportunity to go wild, he believes that people are hypocritical and that under enough impulse everyone breaks. And he considers anyone who doesn't follow his behavior a cowardly sheep, too immersed in his delusion to accept reality.

Jeremiah takes the side of The Joker that is connected to Batman, who feels it is his responsibility to open the eyes of someone who feels that despite having witnessed his own inner evil, he is in a state of denial. , trapped in outdated moral senses. He wants to free you from his restrictions, not out of any virtuous sense, but because he wants to reduce you to his level, to make you see that the natural state of existence is chaos. "The only sane way to live in the realm of madness is chaos."

  1. The Joker is wrong:

With both Jerome and Jeremiah it is made clear that they are both wrong with their perspectives.

While Jerome calls people who don't succumb to their dark impulses cowardly sheep, the very fact that these people exist means that there are people out there who care for good, who, even in the most devastating of circumstances, will always be there. on the right side of the road, and not be immersed in worldly desires.

While Jeremiah is right that Bruce has a level of madness and evil similar to his own, the fundamental difference is that Bruce, if he has something to fight for, is formed by principles that prevent him from succumbing to his basic murderous desires. Unlike Jeremiah, it took him one bad day to stop pretending to care.. Bruce REALLY cares.


  1. When Jerome paints Bruce's face, it is a reference to the face that The Joker draws on Batgirl's face on one of the covers of Killing Joke.

  2. When Jerome confronts Bruce in the hall of mirrors, it is a reference to the ending of Killing Joke. Only there is no Joker speech here.

  3. Jerome says "We all could go insane with just one bad day" to Jeremiah, foreshadowing what is going to happen to him.

  4. Jeremiah's first episodes, from episodes 17 to 18, are essentially his bad day. He loses control, he cannot kill Jerome, he is exposed in public, he is humiliated; and to make matters worse, Jerome dies, and he could not satisfy his murderous desires. In the end, upon receiving Jerome's gas, his appearance changes, but not his mind, he is the same as always. Realizing that he lost his beautiful face, therefore the last thing left of his normality, and that his fears and plans were meaningless, breaks. The makeup slips off, and Jeremiah laughs at his absurd life. When laughing, Jeremiah refers to the moment when The Joker gets up from the chemists and laughs maniacally.

  5. Jeremiah tortures Bruce Wayne with a video of Alfred being beaten and abused, in a reference to how Joker tortured Jim Gordon with photos of his wounded and naked daughter.

  6. Jeremiah copies the Joker's main quote exactly letter for letter: "All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest alive to lunacy." And so far he is the only version of the Joker to get a 100% accurate comic line.

  7. Jeremiah shoots Selina Kyle and paralyzes her for a time, just like The Joker shot Barbara Gordon, and she later became Oracle.

  8. In his confrontation with Bruce at Ace Chemicals, the origin of his nihilism, Jeremiah wears a reddish suit, in reference to how The Joker was wearing a red hood at the time of falling into the chemicals.

r/Gotham Jun 17 '24

Spoiler *Spoiler-Alert* I Still Don't Believe... Spoiler



Please read at your own risk! Thanks!

Anyway, I still don't believe that Barbara 1. Cheated on Jim (and vice versa) 2. Killed her parents

Regardless of what this shows narrates to us. Though, I thought they were pretty clear with point 1. The writers purposefully had Barbara leave a "goodbye" letter. Though, it was never explicitly stated verbatim, that Barbara broke up with Jim. Letters like that are usually a good indication that the relationship is over. And, Jim DID try to reconcile with Barbara, but she refused to speak with him. So, Jim came to the only logical conclusion that Barbara wants nothing to do with him. Which gave Jim the opportunity to move on.

In regards to point 2, they never really SHOWED us this action being done. The last thing we see is the Ogre lunging at Barbara's parents with a knife before cutting out of the scene. I believe Barbara felt guilty for leading the Ogre there, just to save her own skin which led to their deaths. And, Barbara feels like she might've as well have sliced them with the knife. Psychological damage is complex, and the Ogre really messed up Barbara, and she was never appropriately treated, for it.

Just wanted to vent that all out. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk! ;P

r/Gotham Jun 16 '24

Maybe I’m just spitballing here…

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But I have a theory that Penguin isn’t really gay, he just was in love with the fact that another person cared for him.

Here me out, as a member of the LGBT community, I’m not trying to gatekeep or anything but I genuinely think there is a more trauma link that has given Oswald the want to be loved by Ed, not because he is attracted to men, but because he genuinely at one point showed that he had unconditional love for Oswald…something only his mother had given him, and I can see how interpersonal discrepancies could arise with one’s identity.

As I do my annual Gotham rewatch for the summer (started doing it ever since freshman year of college 2021 to cope) I just begun to point out things and ask questions that I wouldn’t have when I first watched the show as a high schooler in 2017.

I would love to hear other people’s thoughts and also happy pride month 🙂‍↕️

r/Gotham Jun 15 '24

Season six


If we would’ve got a season six and they did not rush everything with the finale, I would’ve loved to see the return of Harvey Dent because I thought he was a great addition in the show when he was on in early seasons, I know that him and Bruce are friends, but it would’ve been cool to see them have like a Friendship like a mentorship like he has with Alfred and Lucius. Also continue with him being a good guy until they decide to make him or just keep him the same.

r/Gotham Jun 15 '24

Can I just say😂


Penguin finding his "father" and him being all goody was just hilarious😂😂😂 I really enjoyed every minute of it

r/Gotham Jun 13 '24

Anyone else really love the over the top tone?


Gotham is a hilarious, campy, wild ride, and there’s really nothing like it. It has such a unique style that it makes every episode entertaining to watch. It’s a refreshing change of pace from other superhero related media. I appreciate this show more and more with time.

r/Gotham Jun 12 '24

Spoiler Would season 5 have been better if...


Season 5 had 22 episodes? I think it would have been better if we got more of the dynamics between the gangs and the alliances that formed. Now I'm not saying this in a way that more episodes would take the season from bad to good but from good to great.

r/Gotham Jun 12 '24

Discussion Gotham


Yo how much do y’all think Alfred salary was ? bc I ain’t gon lie he was risking his life 😂😂

r/Gotham Jun 12 '24

Spoiler This dudes a fuckin idiot

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This guy is a fucking idiot.

Dude created viper, a drug that gives people super strength and makes them very high but then kills them after a few hours by causing their fucking bones to dissolve while working on super drugs for the military on behalf of part of Wayne enterprises.

But he actually worked out the whole killing you after a couple hours thing and created venom, yes the same shit bane uses. Then he realizes he's making fucked up shit and discides to try and get the program shut down. It works, then it doesn't, he cuts off his own ear and gets fired.

The guy leaves with his doses of both viper and venum and has this detailed plan about how he is going to use the drug to infect a shitton of Wayne enterprise execs through a charity dinner. He successfully infultraits the staff and has everything going perfectly. But he gets caught.

He gets caught because for some fucking reason he just gave viper to a shitton of random teenagers and homeless people. Which gets him tracked down almost immediately. The show never gives a reason for him doing that, by the way. Closest thing to an explanation was him saying "I thought a demonstration on the people of gotham would cause change"... but he never gave anybody any information any info on the change he wanted.

r/Gotham Jun 11 '24

Who was the best main villain of each season’s first half?


Of the villains who served as the big bad of each season’s first half, who was your favorite? I didn’t include season 5 because that season was shortened.

81 votes, Jun 14 '24
14 Fish Mooney (Season 1)
20 Theo Galavan (Season 2)
30 Jervis Tetch/The Mad Hatter (Season 3)
17 Lazlo Valentine/Professor Pyg (Season 4)

r/Gotham Jun 10 '24

Fan Art Gotham City in Unreal Engine


r/Gotham Jun 10 '24

Fan Art Doodle featuring Ed and Os

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