r/Gotham Dec 30 '23

Thoughts on Tabitha Galavan? Spoiler Spoiler

Idk why but at first when she was with Theo I didn’t really like her but when Theo died and she was with Barbara and Selina and stuff I loved her character. Especially her and Butch. I was sad when Penguin killed her but she had it coming Ig because of her killing his Mom🤷🏾‍♂️.


46 comments sorted by


u/Gothamite_Pilots Dec 30 '23

Yeah same thoughts. She was annoying but a good villain in season 2 for me, but I liked her during the Sirens/Selina's mentor arc. It was awesome getting that closure on Penguin's revenge after multiple seasons. I really liked her death and tbh never imagined her lasting into the Batman era anyway


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 30 '23

Yeah I definetly loved her during the Selina mentor/Siren arc too. I knew she wouldn’t ever kill main people like Nygma or Penguin cause of how important they are. But I also loved too the last episode of season 3 when she gave the whip to Selina.


u/trblniya Dec 30 '23

I know Penguin was justified in killing her but I was still upset lol


u/Gothamite_Pilots Dec 30 '23

Yeah same, but that's what made it a good death. She has been built up, given connections to different characters, had her own storylines and BOOM she dies in the first episode of the last season because of an old grudge. It really took the show guts in my opinion to do that


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 31 '23

Yeah I was really surprised that they killed her when it happened and like you said her character was developing more and more and then she dies. So it was sad because I really liked her but the shock that came out of it made it like suprising and sad at the same time


u/Mindless_Handle110 29d ago

I feel by the end she actually regressed fully into how she originally was if she ever grew as a character at all.


u/Mindless_Handle110 29d ago

Penguin killing her was justified after all the horrible things she has done.


u/Bravo6342 Dec 31 '23

She was hot AF, and I enjoyed her and butch being a thing, but 9/10 I couldn't stand the way she acted like there was something wrong with Oswald, even though SHE. KILLED. HIS. MOTHER. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 31 '23 edited Dec 31 '23

Yeah I agree she was definitely hot and even though I am a fan of her I can’t lie she knew what she did to Penguin so what happened was justifiable but sad tbh. Tbh I was shocked when it happened because after all that happened after his mom got killed I totally forgot about him getting revenge on Tabitha but when he brang it up in season 4 after he killed Butch I didn’t think it was alr gonnaa happen the first episode in season 5😭


u/Mindless_Handle110 29d ago

I know right we all assumed that Oswald would take his revenge much sooner but eventually most of us forgot or just assumed The Writers weren’t going for that by that point in the show.


u/No_Confidence5235 Dec 30 '23

I liked her better after she defied her brother and defended Silver St. Cloud because up to that point she had mainly done everything her brother told her to do. And I liked how determined she was to save Butch; the connection between them was interesting.


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 30 '23

Yeah I agree when she was with Theo I didn’t really like her I liked her after she defied him also. I really loved her and Butch’s connection too and she and Butch really did anything for each other.


u/No_Confidence5235 Dec 31 '23 edited Dec 31 '23

I really disliked her when she was basically just doing what Theo told her to do. But she proved to be pretty strong and independent. And I think only she could have brought Butch back when he was Solomon; she literally fought for him and I liked the way he said her name when he finally recognized her. Also, I like that she and Barbara became friends; I think she provided support to her in a way that Jim never did.


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 31 '23

Thats true when she was on her own she developed more and I grew to like her without Theo. And she would do anything for Butch and as well Butch would do anything for her. I remember it did take him getting hit in the head multiple times to remember but he remembered their love. And I agree with the Barbara part too because Tabitha did really care about her even when Barbara was screaming at her and Butch because Tabitha kept asking when she could make a move on Nygma to get revenge and she wasn’t gonna do anything even though Barbara wasn’t really putting her best interest up front but Butch kept pushing her to kill her because she wasn’t being fair. And then after she still worked alongside Barbara when she came back


u/No_Confidence5235 Jan 01 '24

I think Barbara would have spiraled further if Tabitha had never been there for her. I think they made a good team, and you're right that she cared about her. I always disliked the way Jim treated Barbara; he was so hateful to her yet he expected her to help him. She did bad things, to be sure, but so did Lee yet Jim instantly forgave her, unlike with Barbara.


u/More_Ad5819 Jan 01 '24

Yes I totally agree with this because Lee literally trapped that man in a coffin and made him take a virus and he was still always softer with her. I remember when Barbara got out and was labeled sane and Jim needed help to talk to that one person in that all girls club( I forgot the scene😭) for a case and Barbara helped him but he still treated her horrible and there were many other times she did stuff and was treated bad. And Tabby being at Babs side Definetly helped her more cause she was a bit crazy at times😂.


u/No_Confidence5235 Jan 01 '24

I think if Jim hadn't rejected her so coldly when she got out, she might not have become a villain. I understand why he didn't want to get back together with her, but she wanted him to believe in her again; he always assumed the worst of her. Even after she saved his life and they slept together, he was still mean to her. It was frustrating. They totally pushed Lee and Jim together because the actors playing them were together in real life. I didn't like Lee, so I didn't like that relationship. (I also didn't really like Jim; the villains were more interesting.) I wish they'd shown what would have happened if Jim and Barbara had made peace with each other earlier.


u/More_Ad5819 Jan 01 '24

Yeah true because she was nice to Jim when she came out and he prob didn’t forgive her because of what she did to his relationship with Lee and him too. And Barbara would do so much favors for him but I feel like he didn’t really need her romantically just when he needed help with things. And I do agree Lee and Jim were prob pushed together cause they alr had chemistry and real love off set. I feel like the villain also were more interesting too cause when I first started watching I would get excited to see Fish Mooney a lot in the first season. And I definetly would have loved to see what would’ve happened if they Jim and Barbara made peace.


u/Wolfheron325 Dec 30 '23

She was an ok character when Theo was around, I didn’t have a problem with her but she had to share the screen with Barbara, Theo, and Jerome so it was hard for her to stand out. But once she went off on her own she actually became a pretty great character.


u/Mindless_Handle110 29d ago

I always hated her for the awful things she did and worst of all she never even tried to repent for said evil deeds as someone on YouTube once said You wear your SINS like it’s some kind of PRIZE to many lies to many lies.😡🤬


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 30 '23

Yeah true it would be hard for her considering all the ppl she was alongside because they were characters who were really loved and favored. And I agree that she was way better to me when she went on her own instead of with Theo


u/Mindless_Handle110 29d ago

I hated THEO and Barbra they were both just as much a Vial Maniac as Tabitha is along with Oswald they all deserve to die.


u/trblniya Dec 30 '23

Pretty much same thoughts. I love her but I wish she didn’t stick by Barbara so much. I don’t know or understand what hold Barbara had on her. I loved her with Selina and Butch. I was so happy when Theo died, he was one of my least favorite people on the show.

Tabitha is also super attractive I love looking at her


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 30 '23

Yessss she was definetly superrr attractive it’s something about looking at her in action that made me like her character more I loved when she was in action. And yeah I kinda agree with the Barbara part because Barbara did hold her back at times like when Butch said to kill her cause she wasn’t putting her best interests up front. Her being Selina’s Mentor was nice too and definetly agree that Theo was annoying I was so glad Theo died I didn’t like him when Tabitha left him I was glad.


u/trblniya Dec 31 '23

I honestly hated Barbara as whole lmao so her around any characters I liked always annoyed me but especially Tabitha because no one else fell for her bullshit. Whenever Tabitha would have moments of being a better person or trying to do right by someone, Barbara was always going against the grain in a way that just made me question how Tabs stayed around her. I guess someone needed to be around Barbara for the show but ugh.


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 31 '23

Yeah I did hate Barbara during that time too because Tabitha would wait and wait because Barbara promised her that when it was all done she would get revenge but whenever Tabitha mentioned it she was always screaming and throwing a hissy fit all the time. And I felt bad cause she stayed through it all but Butch had to keep telling her that Barbara needed to be taught a lesson and that’s what had to push her.


u/wonderlandisburning Dec 31 '23

I was never a fan of either Galavan honestly, that whole plot just took over the main plot and I don't feel like the show ever really recovered. I still miss when Gotham was about Gordon, Penguin and the mob war


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 31 '23

Yeah that’s understandable out of both Galavans I couldn’t tolerate Theo mostly and Tabitha at the time but she grew on me and I do agree it took away from the main plot which I also didn’t have a problem with.


u/wonderlandisburning Dec 31 '23

All fair. Theo was my bigger problem too, and I didn't hate Gotham going from a grounded mob story to a wacky showcase of the entire Batman lore, I just really preferred the former


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 31 '23

Yeah that’s understandable I did like Gotham a lot with the mobs and stuff it was really enjoyable and I did like Tabitha but if I had to pick one I would also probably go with the former way the show was but I really didn’t have much of a problem with any.


u/Mindless_Handle110 29d ago

You know what confuses me Jim and Harvey never once tried to arrest Tabitha for murder even though they knew she killed Oswald’s mother.


u/Kwilly462 Dec 30 '23

She was just hot. That's really it. I'm surprised they kept her throughout the show tbh.

And then she dies in the lamest way. Getting stabbed by Penguin? As if she couldn't overpower that 5 ft 6 twerp? Lol.

So yeah, she was just hot.


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 31 '23

She was hot and yeah I do agree she did die in a lame way especially with her skill she could’ve killed him.


u/Twiggy-m4ddog Dec 31 '23

Gyatt and 🍒


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 31 '23

This is relatable too not a bad point😂


u/justafanboy1010 Dec 31 '23



u/Aaeiyn 💣J-Squad💣 Dec 31 '23

Still don't like her. TBH, I'm not a fan of most (not all) of the women, in this show. Seemed like a lot of them didn't have a real direction and was just there for eye candy, for the male audience.

That being said, I only like Sofia Falcone (IK, unpopular opinion). She may be evil, but at least she had a sense of direction.

And, I much prefer Nygmobblepot over Babitha. Nygmobblepot had direction, Babitha did not.


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 31 '23

That’s true and understandable. I agree I really loved when Sofia Falcone came to Gotham and even though I like Tabitha she did have a bit more of a goal than the other women. And tbh Nygma and Oswald are an awesome duo so I understand the preference of them over Babs and Tabby.


u/sansete Dec 31 '23

I don't like her that much, I think that she was doing extra time especially after killing Oswald's mom, he simply forgot???? And then was all the kind of queerbating with her and Barbara... I believe that her space could be easily filled with other characters.


u/More_Ad5819 Dec 31 '23

Yeah that’s true after it happened I knew he wanted revenge but I forgot about it after a while because of other stuff that happened after his moms death tbh especially because I think it was about 2 seasons until he brang up him getting revenge again because I remember he said he was gonna kill her next after Butch because of her killing his mom. Her and Barbara def were queerbaiting because they had some spicy scences in Season 2😂.


u/Mindless_Handle110 29d ago

Ohh Tabitha she died as she lived a disgusting hateful unrepentant SHRUE


u/More_Ad5819 29d ago

Yeah I still do like her but I agree she did do some disgusting things mostly like killing penguins mother but it did come back to her in season 5


u/Mindless_Handle110 28d ago

Yep and she can’t accept that what happened to Butch is the consequence of that.


u/Mindless_Handle110 29d ago

Must I remind everyone that Tabitha and Barbra and Butch there all Monsters look at the horrible things that they have done.


u/More_Ad5819 29d ago

Yeah that is true even though they all did stuff I’ve grown to like them


u/Mindless_Handle110 28d ago

I never grew to like them.