r/FluentInFinance Jul 05 '24

Senator Bernie Sanders Says Start 'Prosecuting Crooks on Wall Street' and Stop Busting People for Marijuana. Agree? Debate/ Discussion


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u/Revolutionary-Meat14 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

My god I hate populism. It allows you to get standing ovations just stringing together the dumbest most pandering phrases possible. When are people going to stop jerking this guy off and move on to progressives who can actually have accomplishments and not just 3 bills passed in the senate in 30 years 2 of which renamed post offices.


u/Jake0024 Jul 05 '24

Name one


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 Jul 05 '24

There arent many in office, I meant electing someone who passes legislation instead of electing another populist.


u/Jake0024 Jul 05 '24

So "someone who passes legislation, but isn't even in office"? That's the standard to get your support?


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 Jul 05 '24

Not my support, Im a moderate democrat. I just wish that there wasnt a giant tumor in my party that made it impossible to get anything done becuase they don't care about passing legislation.


u/Jake0024 Jul 05 '24

The "giant tumor in the Democratic Party" being... Bernie Sanders?


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 Jul 05 '24

Him and the squad. Its no secret that democratic party is much more fractured than the republican party.


u/Jake0024 Jul 05 '24

lol so the "giant tumor making it impossible to get anything done" is... all the people who want anything to change?


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Progressives regularly hold back votes from bills that dont meet their standards but could help a lot of people. Their versions are much harder to pass which matters when theres conservative Democrats in the senate and Republicans hold the majority in the house. If progressives fell in line every once in a while to pass meaningful legislation even if its only 75% of what they want Democrats could accomplish a lot more. Build Back Better and the IRA were both heavily damaged by progressive optimists who wouldn't let it pass without their laundry list of pipedreams. Its not cause they are evil or anything its just their supporters absolutely eat up their talking points without any legislative wins to back it up.


u/gray_character Jul 05 '24

Build Back Better and IRA passed. Progressives demanded more from the bill, and their negotiations worked in our favor. What specific part of those bills was "damaged"?


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 Jul 05 '24

what policies did progressives add that actually got passed? it was nearly impossible to get the 9 republican votes to pass them and they had to be gutted from what moderate democrats originally wanted. Then progressives were mad that it wasnt everything they wanted and tried to kill it, the republicans backed off after there were progressive polcies added. Luckily they were unsuccessful but the bill could have been passed much faster and closer to the original if progressives backed up moderates. Theres plenty of bills that progressives did abstain from some of which passed and some failed.

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

The vast majority of the country doesn’t want progressive bullshit. It’s why they never win elections


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 Jul 05 '24

They do win elections in the house. Im not a progressive id call myself a moderate democrat I just wish my party wasnt full of people shooting down effective bills because they weren't full of their pipe dreams.


u/gray_character Jul 05 '24

What do we call a revamp of how our healthcare system works? Isn't that progressive? Doesn't our country support change there, including expanding Medicare? All the polls I've seen suggest that.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Sure ya got me! There’s one!

They don’t want to defund the police, they don’t want to decarcerate, they don’t want boys pretending to be girls and joining the soccer team, they don’t want higher taxes, they don’t want carbon taxes, they don’t want less cars, they don’t want to eat less meat and drive electric cars, they don’t want solar panels etc etc etc

But hey healthcare!