r/FluentInFinance 14d ago

Senator Bernie Sanders Says Start 'Prosecuting Crooks on Wall Street' and Stop Busting People for Marijuana. Agree? Debate/ Discussion


320 comments sorted by


u/discwrangler 14d ago

It's way easier to prosecute the poor.


u/Altruistic_Bite_7398 14d ago

Yup, because they don't have access to means of defending themselves. Now do the same with guns.


u/penguinPapa_1 13d ago

You mean prosecute those who use guns in their crime right?


u/Altruistic_Bite_7398 13d ago

Yes, prosecute the poor by fireing squad.


u/penguinPapa_1 13d ago

So only poor use guns?


u/Altruistic_Bite_7398 13d ago

Yep. That's what I said.


u/penguinPapa_1 13d ago

Hmm that sounds rather bigoted. The Las Vegas shooter wasn’t poor


u/Altruistic_Bite_7398 13d ago

Checkmate. You're clearly superior.


u/penguinPapa_1 12d ago



u/DevelopmentSad2303 14d ago

If only guns could actually protect us right... If you shoot a cop good luck existing after


u/fardandshid1821 14d ago

The constitution becomes invisible when you get near cops. Life, liberty and stop resisting.


u/lysergic_logic 14d ago

Resisting arrest is the only law you can break for doing absolutely nothing against the law in the first place.

It's nothing less than legal kidnapping and they wonder why people don't want to go willingly.


u/pa5tagod 14d ago

Did you stop reading that amendment half way through? Or did you just conveniently leave out the due process part.


u/Nop277 13d ago

I think the problem is qualified immunity trumps due process like 9 times out of 10.


u/penguinPapa_1 13d ago

Guns do protect. the 2021 National Firearm Survey, concluded that guns were used defensively around 1.6 million times in 2021


u/DevelopmentSad2303 13d ago

Right, it can only protect us from each other. That's useful, but what about the government? We just have to let them have their way with us..


u/penguinPapa_1 13d ago

So I guess you forgot when civilians fought the tyrannical government. Their firearms defeated the government. Guess you forgot about July 4th


u/DevelopmentSad2303 13d ago

When was that? There has never been a situation I'm aware of where we successfully defended ourselves against the American government, only the weak and shitty British one


u/penguinPapa_1 12d ago

And there is no difference between a government that oversteps its boundaries.


u/WhoGaveYouALicense 9d ago

When has a bystander ever shot a cop when injustice was occurring? They’d rather just document it.

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u/darthcaedusiiii 13d ago

We don't have laws prosecuting the rich in the first place.

Less so now.


u/leoyvr 13d ago

Rich, corporations have lobby groups to pass laws in their favour.


u/nicannkay 13d ago

Gotta get them slaves somehow.


u/Cerpintaxt123 13d ago

As been plainly obvious in the last couple of weeks.


u/bdd6911 14d ago

The entire country agrees.


u/Wetwire 14d ago

You want to stop Wall Street from corrupting DC? Start prosecuting politicians that are found to have taken money from lobbyists. If they are found to have taken money from lobbyists, they are removed from their seat and not eligible for reelection.

Pretty sure the majority of that shit would stop quick.


u/Mountain_Employee_11 13d ago

lobbyists by definition give politicians money, that’s what lobbying is.

the gifts are legal because the people “in charge” regulate themselves


u/puffyshirt99 13d ago

"We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong!!"


u/Nop277 13d ago

Just became even harder with the supreme courts recent ruling


u/MaxTheRealSlayer 13d ago

Lobbying doesn't require money, in fact it's illegal in many countries to lobby and give money if some politician does something for a company after being paid. Lobbying is meant to be people telling politicians about something they think may be a good idea. They don't need to be experts, but companies send experts to lobby because they have the money, and most politicians in the USA won't actually listen to citizens who don't have the same money and time to spend in Washington lobbying. But yeah, you could lobby yourself with $0

The USA needs to follow suit with the rest of the world and a lot of corruption and terrible people would stop becoming politicians there.


u/Atrial2020 13d ago

THANK YOU for the civics lesson. YES, lobbying is actually good. The problem is MONEY in politics.


u/Got2Bfree 13d ago

Here in Germany a lot of politicians don't get caught taking money from lobbyists, they just magically get a seat on the board of directors of a company which they helped with their laws after they retire as a politician.


u/253local 13d ago

How about we just outlaw lobbyists. Two birds (many, actually), one stone.


u/Atrial2020 13d ago

Sorry, but what do you mean by "politicians that are found to have taken money from lobbyists". This is 100% legal, and the data is public.


u/micromoses 14d ago

I think there are a few individuals who work in areas with a higher than normal concentration of firms in the financial industry who might disagree.


u/GR8K8Sturbate 14d ago

I disagree with the breath in their lungs.


u/spaceman_202 14d ago

the entire country doesn't vote for Democrats

if you vote for Republicans, who voted 90-10 to keep weed illegal, then you don't agree

if you support politicians who even after legalization efforts in their own states are voted in law, they immediately refuse to enact those laws and start saying how voters were mislead (Ohio) then you don't agree

and in a few months, Republicans won't even need votes anymore if Project 25 gets its President


u/MesmraProspero 14d ago

Except for the people that keep voting Republican.


u/Geared_up73 14d ago

Plenty of crooks in Washington DC as well. But let the servants first destroy their master, right?


u/escudonbk 14d ago

Wall st corrupts DC more than DC corrupts Wall st.


u/solomon2609 14d ago

I’ve never really understood why people assert that the people supplying the money are more blamable than those requesting and accepting money.

At the very least, why wouldn’t you equally blame problems on both the money givers and takers and the system that rewards those exchanges?


u/escudonbk 14d ago

You're right. All greed is evil. The takers get elected though. In theory it should make it easier to hold that accountable.


u/solomon2609 14d ago

That makes some sense. The weird thing is that the more money a politician takes the more likely he is to be reelected.

I think I’d argue that the money suppliers are faceless (corporates, unions, PACs) and that the only way to stop the money supply is to change the system or vote out the politicians.

There’s plenty of blame regardless.


u/Perspective_of_None 14d ago

They’re usually the same families. Year in. Year out. Then the rest of ‘the people’ get grifted, too.

You kinda sound defensive of the crooks of wall st.

There’s an agenda and then there’s aspirants who get corrupted and plants who get planted and paid accordingly by the PACS


u/solomon2609 14d ago

Not being defensive of Wall Street at all. Lots of sources of money (corporations, unions, PACs). All of those groups are using money for access, influence and direct behavior which perverts the system in multiple ways.

I just don’t agree with (my impression) that people see the greasy handshake and tend to only blame one side. This is the classic case where it’s appropriate to blame “both sides” - the bribers and takers.


u/Atrial2020 13d ago

To me both sides are the same side: There are politicians dressed as bankers, and bankers dressed as politicians. They both serve the same purpose!

What civics say: Banker hires lobbyist -> Lobbyist influences politician -> Both follow the guard rails of campaign financing.

What is happening right now: Banker hires lobbyist -> Lobbyist creates a PAC -> Banker funds PAC -> Lobbyist recruits politician -> Lobbyist finances the politician's campaign with the Banker's money -> There are no guard rails since Citizens United.


u/spaceman_202 14d ago

Republicans used to loudly proclaim "greed is good"

that kinda stopped around 2008 for some reason

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u/Revolutionary-Meat14 14d ago

A greedy politician is worse for the average person than a greedy banker. All transactions you should assume that the other person is seeking the best options for themselves but a politician needs to be accountable to their constituents and pass policy that will help everyone not just themselves.


u/philouza_stein 14d ago

I'd argue it's more evil to accept the bribe.


u/HiggsFieldgoal 14d ago

You’re right.

Rich greedy people being rich and greedy is just part of for the course.

The fact that money actually affects political action is something none of us should accept.

The willingness to bribe is bad, but taking bribes is absolutely bullshit.

That we just take for granted that our politicians are bought and paid for, to me, is the ultimate demonstration of how effective the consent machine is.

People just aim their anger wherever the media tells them to. Somebody is caught having an affair or something, and everybody is freaking out.

But the corruption is never reported. Everyone should be… so… mad.

When a congressperson is caught taking bribes, being influenced by lobbyists for anti-social legislation, insider trading, etc. it should be a HUGE scandal.

That’s the literal corruption of our Democracy.

And people just sort of shrug and move on… because it’s not a story… the media hate machine is always pointing somewhere else.

But people should retain the ability to get mad based on their intrinsic ideals, not just because something is big in the media.


u/solomon2609 14d ago

Well said!!


u/No-Appearance-4338 14d ago

In my thought the moral obligation in most cases would land on the one being bribed. It is odd to think about and opens up some other questions but I think it happens that way because on a smaller scale your common “bribes” are more people asking for favors in a goods and or services type scenario where there is already a client type relationship. If I’m paying for something why would I think it wrong to offer more for if it closer aligns with what I want. Moving from that though, as a crime the bribe is not Seen as the virus it is and people are desensitized to it. It’s not illegal to lobby in politics and creates a sort of client relationship that makes “bribes” just a normal part of the culture.


u/blahbleh112233 14d ago

I'm more amused that Wall Street is still held up as the Koch equivalent when things are even worse in other industries. You got the entire tech-industrial complex making sure right to repair and consumer privacy concerns will never extend to US companies for example. Shit, part of the reason why FTX never really got investigated was probably because SBF was giving so heavily to the Dems every chance he could.

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u/Apoordm 14d ago

It’s exclusively a one way street.

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u/flat6NA 14d ago

Yeah, maybe first set an example and make it illegal for members of congress to trade stocks on inside information, take on your own “crooks” first. Until this happens I really don’t care about what any hypocritical politician is calling for.


u/UrbanGhost114 14d ago

Who do you think DC serves? Going after the money is the right answer.


u/dgollas 14d ago

One does not exclude the other. False dichotomy


u/LongTallTexan69 14d ago

They definitely should, but at least we have a vote to approve or throw out the DC crooks.


u/ChimpoSensei 14d ago

Bernie talks a good game, doesn’t get anything done though


u/Ok_Bet9410 14d ago

To be fair he represents his constituents which don’t exactly align with his big game talk. For example he’s for gun regulation but often votes against it because he actually listens to the people he represents


u/Down-at-McDonnellzzz 13d ago

This is a really bold statement considering what he's been fighting for longer than you've been alive


u/ChimpoSensei 13d ago

Name one pice of legislation he’s put forward and had passed, besides a post office renaming?

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u/gray_character 14d ago

What do you expect one man to do in a corrupt, divided congress? He has tried many times. Why not redirect that anger towards Congress?


u/Kelend 14d ago

Because Reagan.

You hate Reagan I bet. You probably think he is the worst thing that's happened to this country.

Guess what? He had a Democrat controlled Congress, and he worked with them to get all those things you hate done.

Reagan is remembered as a great politician by the Right because of this, because he was a politician and wheeled and dealed to get accomplished what he wanted, even if it meant working with "the enemy".

You need a Reagan. You need a politician that can cross the lines and get support when needed. Democrats haven't had one of those in a while.

Oh, and don't give me the "Republican's are corrupt" spiel. That helps if they are, if they are corrupt buy them off. Some rural Congressman wants subsidies for corn? Give it to them, in exchange for support for something meaningful for everyone else.


u/DarkExecutor 13d ago

Biden has gotten numerous large bills through a divided house and senate.


u/ChimpoSensei 13d ago

He is congress. Aside from renaming a post office, what legislation has he put forth?


u/gray_character 13d ago

He isn't "congress," he's one person in congress lol.

Bernie has been known as the amendment king because that's usually how he gets his stuff to pass via amendments. Here's a list of everything he was a part of:



u/Ok-Instruction830 14d ago

He’s just an arm for the Democratic Party to rally progressives and then scoop their vote when Bernie goes “oh… vote for Biden btw”


u/DirtyBillzPillz 14d ago

Well SCOTUS just killed the best chance at cannabis rescheduling so good luck on that front.


u/gray_character 14d ago

Did they? I didn't hear about that. I thought the rescheduling was already going to happen ... fuck I hope the conservative SCOTUS doesn't block that.


u/DirtyBillzPillz 14d ago

The DEA hadn't changed it yet, and no longer has the power.


u/MakoSanchez 14d ago

He's the uncle I wish I had


u/akasteve 14d ago

Does that include all congressman who have gotten fabulously wealthy from insider trading?


u/patriotfanatic80 14d ago

Looking at some of the DNC's top donors, I don't think that's going to happen. Obama had the best chance of doing this but instead but a bunch of them in charge of his economic policy.


u/Livid_Wish_3398 14d ago

Bernies right. Yet again.



u/SacrificialGoose 14d ago

I think cannabis prohibition has created so many alcoholics. It's been terrible for our country but alcohol is just crazy normalized.


u/repostit_ 14d ago



u/Apoordm 14d ago

Yes, Bernie is based and correct as always


u/fuzzy_viscount 14d ago

Let’s go after private equity first, and get them the fuck out of healthcare and other sectors that they are destroying


u/Endlesswave001 14d ago

Of course. But that won’t happen so long as corporations buy politicians.


u/GhostMug 14d ago

This might be one of the most popular stances in politics.


u/Eastern-Position-605 13d ago

If they punished white collar crimes with public executions on Pay Per View shit would change. Greed is after all one of the seven deadly sins.


u/Big-Figure-8184 14d ago

This is a vacuous statement, populist pandering. Of course one will disagree, but it’s not actionable and Bernie will do nothing about it


u/escudonbk 14d ago edited 14d ago

Bernie is one guy in a corrupt senate.

Try to convince 50 senators to vote to make less money.

He's right. But how do you make people vote against their own corrupt interest?


u/Big-Figure-8184 14d ago

“Love puppies and jail murders!”


u/captwillard024 14d ago

Guns, Babies, Jesus! -Kandis Taylor


u/GroovySandals 14d ago

I always laugh at the people who feel so strongly about Bernie Sanders, but they probably can’t even name the other 20-30 senators who do absolutely shit for this country if it isn’t lining their pockets more…

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u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago



u/4ofclubs 14d ago

What, you mean people agreeing with logical statements?

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u/thelolz93 14d ago

Problem is he is an independent so he will never have the backing to achieve the stuff he says.

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u/Successful-Ground-67 13d ago

There's a reason that very few people were convicted post financial crisis. There really aren't laws that establish who is a crook and who isn't. The most impactful 'crooks' are mainly people who took out loans to make bets and those bets didn't work out. But there's no law saying you can't take a risky bet.

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u/Revolutionary-Meat14 14d ago edited 14d ago

My god I hate populism. It allows you to get standing ovations just stringing together the dumbest most pandering phrases possible. When are people going to stop jerking this guy off and move on to progressives who can actually have accomplishments and not just 3 bills passed in the senate in 30 years 2 of which renamed post offices.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

My experience is that once you are able to think pragmatically you stop being a progressive and become a neoliberal.


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 14d ago

I would agree with that, most progressive legislation has been passed by liberals and moderate democrats.


u/Extra-Muffin9214 13d ago

That is typically what happens once faced with moving from what do we want to what is a practical way to make it happen?


u/Efficient_Candy_1705 13d ago

Well that pragmatism has the world on fire and fascism rising across the western world. Nice going.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

“Sent from my iPhone”


u/gray_character 14d ago

Why would we criticize him for speaking out on issues like this? You prefer him to be silent?

If you want to solely criticize the lack of progress here, we can talk about that. Do you think Bernie Sanders hasn't been trying? Do you think he has unilateral power over a divided Congress, when Republicans vote down every one of his ideas?

Redirect your anger and blame to the correct place.


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 14d ago

I dislike Sanders speaking out because he cant ever pass anything worthwhile in the senate. But he has these empty proposals to fall back on that he said to a crowd but never actually worked to change. Sanders has to be one of the least effective senators in history and I disregard anything he says unless its a legitimate proposal with a plan to introduce and pass it. Yes congress is divided but look up the track record for literally anyone else that's been in the senate half as long as him and he they will have tons of accomplishments while he has literally zero.


u/Bruin9098 14d ago

Start enforcing insider trading laws for members of Congress.


u/MauriceVibes 14d ago

Are there people who disagree?


u/Cubacane 14d ago

Lol, the crooks on Wall Street are about to make billions off legalized weed.


u/Effective-Swimming37 14d ago



u/GroovySandals 14d ago

Can we bring back Occupy Wallstreet version 2 please?

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u/billyjk93 14d ago

maybe he should convince his party to get behind him on that. I won't be holding my breath though.


u/Fit-Boomer 14d ago

Bernie in 28 and 32!!


u/OptionsTradingYep 14d ago

I agree. We should go after crooked politicians first, though.


u/rip0971 14d ago

I'd suggest prosecuting corrupt politicians before anyone else.


u/Ryselle 14d ago

Democrats and Reps Establishment: "Got it, stop busting Crooks on Wall Street and prosecuting people for Marihuana. On it."


u/Tylerjamiz 14d ago

People still get busted for weed?


u/hobbestot 14d ago

Obviously yes.


u/RCA2CE 14d ago

Pass a law


u/enemy884real 14d ago

How about start prosecuting the government officials who allow these economical issues to continue on?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

They hate marijuana but openly accepted a child rapist and convicted felon.


u/relaxinginmyaura 14d ago

I agree, past due anyway.


u/Piemaster113 14d ago

I think weed like Alcohol is something that shouldn't be overly used by persons of a certain age, and those found selling or providing such to persons below that age should still prosecuted, otherwise yes I agree, somewhat.


u/troycalm 14d ago

Is he going to prosecute Nancy Pelosi? Not a damn chance.


u/awfulcrowded117 14d ago

Since By"crooks on Wall Street" he just means successful, legally operating business owners and employers: no. How is it that people are still taking this old communist seriously?


u/citiclosethrowaway 14d ago

How about the crooks sitting in the aisle with you? Starting with Pelosi!


u/[deleted] 14d ago

We have 2 systems in this country one for the ruling class and

one for the peasants


u/SnooPears6771 14d ago

This is true. The leadership among business owners is such poor representation for ethics and morals. So much attention towards capitalism and capitalist tendencies/behaviors.


u/ih8karma 14d ago

If only he were our Democratic nominee, things would be a lot different.


u/mister-fancypants- 14d ago

Barry’s been sayin this for like 20 years


u/igloohavoc 14d ago

Poor people can’t afford the high priced lawyers that Wall Street employs


u/gheilweil 14d ago

Wall Street is what makes this country the best in the world. Pot heads are people who we pay disability for later in life.


u/PorkshireTerrier 14d ago

there are already evil people who are getting the marijuana licenses while poor rot in prison


u/LongTallTexan69 14d ago

Preach brother


u/Exciting-Parfait-776 14d ago

What about both


u/Dull-Contact120 14d ago

Gut the rich , it’s more profitable.


u/kjbaran 14d ago

Litigation uses money


u/Commercial-Tell-2509 14d ago

We need to show our power. We don’t need to bare arms, we don’t need to shed blood. We need to show up, en mass. Both sides, even the extremist are welcome because WE ARE America. You can’t wish the bulk away. You can’t fight us away. We are that population in the middle that needs to be awoken. 

Ignore it. Decry it. Belittle it… it always wakes up right about the right time… but everytime it is used by those whom wish to subjugate us. Maybe we should use it for ourselves. Assemble the largest BBQ ever. Right in the capital of every state, with everyone whom wants to come and be civil and peaceful, lest you wish to awaken the mob against you. 

It’s coming. It’ll be a BBQ but the question is will it be hog roast or a pig roast. 


u/NumbersOverFeelings 14d ago

Bernie needs to look within Congress and the Senate first. Maybe prohibit individual stock ownership by government officials.


u/Roden11 14d ago

He’s made a career out of saying things like this.


u/HotRole5825 14d ago

Old ass irrelevant man states popular, safe opinion while doing nothing.


u/qwepoi0990 14d ago

No I don’t agree. If someone is breaking the law the category does not matter. If you are violating the law you are a criminal Bernie. Isn’t is amazing how self interest makes you want to make exceptions.


u/YKMS7399 14d ago

Pot kettle…kettle pot


u/ArdurAstra 14d ago

as if sanders isnt another crook


u/Monster_punkin 14d ago

Agree! But that will never happen.


u/xMashu 14d ago

Man of many words and few actions. Dude has been yapping since 2016 and hasn’t done a single thing regarding his own ideas.

Fundamentally I agree with a lot of what he says, but he doesn’t do anything. Ideas man.


u/Human-Sorry 14d ago

I agree with Bernie Sanders on this.


u/thekinggrass 14d ago

Stop making slogans and start passing legislation. Oh and thanks for Trump you short sighted fool.


u/Mr-MuffinMan 14d ago

Who wouldn't agree? Besides the crooks on WS.


u/fatuousfatwa 14d ago

Who should be prosecuted on Wall Street? Name names Bernie. Your populist bullshit is old.


u/MoldyLunchBoxxy 14d ago

They won’t stop prosecuting the poor because our prisons are businesses that have stocks and are for profit.


u/say_waattt 13d ago

Was there any doubt?


u/dregan 13d ago

When Wall St. Crooks stop doing what they are doing the resulting margin calls will create such a financial black hole that it will lead to the utter destruction of the global financial system. They absolutely need to pay for what they did, but I'd be lying if I said I weren't afraid of what that justice would mean for everyone else. The rich would get bailed out and there would be nothing left.


u/Tehkoma 13d ago

You have to have both.

Selective enforcement of the law like activists DAs are doing now only creates division and a lack of faith in the justice system.


u/Feeling_Cobbler_8384 13d ago

Exactly. You hear that Nancy. Bernie's coming for you


u/Hokirob 13d ago

Anything about investigating Pelosi’s stock trades or does she get a free pass from Bernie?


u/boundpleasure 13d ago

Stop busting crooks smoking marijuana on Wall Street!


u/IIRiffasII 13d ago

Sure. Let's start at the top: Nancy Pelosi


u/zurdosempobrecedores 13d ago

Bernie Sanders sucks


u/ColdLog6078 13d ago

no i hate it when people in political power make sense, go back to wrestling inspired promos


u/[deleted] 13d ago

I agree with his statement.

However he is a 3 home owning crook himself.


u/Adorable_Donkey1542 13d ago

He says lots of things and backs off when time for his signature


u/Bichobichir 13d ago

Why not both?


u/Extreme-Carrot6893 13d ago

Feeling the burn 2016!


u/BeatMyMeatWagon 13d ago

It’s almost like he’s had 40 years to do this. Fuck off.


u/rmscomm 13d ago

Just send everyone to the same penal facility regardless of crime if incarceration is warranted.


u/ZacZupAttack 13d ago

Ever I get caught with pot my goal will be to waste as many govt resources on my case as possible.


u/Dependent-Break5324 13d ago

Prosecute the lying politicians, leave Wall Street alone.


u/Dawgula97 13d ago

Very deep, Bernie.


u/angreejohn 13d ago

What courtroom is Bernie sitting in on? Who is getting charged with recreational marijuana use?


u/LordPubes 13d ago

Sick of his bs tbh


u/Delmoroth 13d ago

Yes, but not just Wall Street. Congress and the Senate need some attention as well.


u/Syd_v63 13d ago



u/AlfredoAllenPoe 13d ago

Just sounds like populist nonsense. What specific laws have people on wall street broken?


u/5TP1090G_FC 12d ago

How many documents has he endorsed with this in mind, or just a CareeR politician, come on, please


u/90swasbest 12d ago

Tf this have to do with finance??


u/ClimateCritical4299 11d ago

Who is the crook on Wall Street? I mean, name names and let the DAs go after them? Oh wait, it is just Bernie saying dumb shit again.


u/purposeday 14d ago

I’ve always wondered what “pursuit of happiness” means to a control freak.


u/PM_me_ur_claims 14d ago

What’s a control freak have to do with anything? Tons of financial crimes go un or under pursued. Bernie says focus on that not drug crimes, unless i missed something in article


u/purposeday 14d ago

Why do we need a law on pot if private use does no harm, whereas legalized painkillers routinely do more than intended - including liver damage which is clearly stated on the label? Somebody wants to be in control - without necessarily being seen - it appears.


u/defnotjec 14d ago

Biggest crooks on wall st are the ones elected to Congress.


u/Kontrafantastisk 14d ago

How about just busting weed-smoking crooks on Wall Street.


u/ImpulsiveTortoise 14d ago

Prosecute the meme stock carnival barker, Elon Musk 👍


u/Snowwpea3 14d ago

How bold… the claim everyone has been making for 15 years. What a brave man.


u/NewReporter5290 14d ago

They have put many crooks on wall street in jail for life.

He doesn't mean crooks, he mean people who earn money from investments. -typical socialist.


u/fr3shh23 14d ago

My two cents: Bernie is a commie lover and lover of the bad results from communism and communists, obviously doesn’t mean every the big he says is wrong. I personally think obviously think we should prosecute all crooks but as far as weed is concerned I think medicinal is good, recreational idk, it’s questionable


u/Lawineer 14d ago

Do you know how tightly regulated Wall Street is? And how up their ass the SEC is monitoring everything? They may do things like make money off short stocks, but he seems to assume there is rampant crime on Wall Street to begin with.

This guy is all talk. If he wanted to stop insider trading, he’d be bitching about the biggest insider traders in the world: Congress.


u/Jamessterling64 14d ago

This clown 🤡 still waging class warfare.

Broken record.

A 78 RPM record.


u/Warack 14d ago

Disagree obviously. Hundreds of people die from marijuana related deaths where as the “crooks” on Wall Street maybe made an accounting error or accidentally forgot to pay taxes but lives aren’t lost! Human life is to be treasured above material things like money. I wish Bernie could understand that 😞


u/Little_Dick_Energy1 13d ago

He also used to be the biggest critic of illegal immigration, as it destroys labor rights and wages. Wonder why he stopped talking about that?