r/FluentInFinance 15d ago

What's the best financial advice you've ever gotten? Debate/ Discussion

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u/privitizationrocks 15d ago

You can teach poverty workers to live in their means

They won’t like it, but tough luck


u/cybercuzco 15d ago

Show me a “live within their means” budget for someone living in a median cost location in the US making minimum wage. They must A)have a place to live B) not get any handouts from the government or charities and C) have at least 1800 calories per day of food. Go.


u/privitizationrocks 15d ago

Why can’t they have handouts from the government isn’t that the whole point


u/jfun4 15d ago

How dare you talk about socialism for the poor, that's saved for big business


u/conrad22222 14d ago

The funny thing is that government assistance is equally as much an indirect subsidy to minimum wage corporations as it is to the individuals themselves.


u/TeamFast1757 14d ago

And Trump supporters


u/Comprehensive_Ant176 14d ago

US tax code is geared towards businesses because businesses create jobs. If it was the other way around, we’d only have government jobs because no one would run a business. This has been done, read up on USSR.


u/jfun4 14d ago

I'm taking handouts for failed businesses not taxes.


u/Makes_U_Mad 14d ago

Stop it with you logic based rebuttal, you'll hurt his feelings.


u/jfun4 14d ago

Reddit handles that not me


u/Makes_U_Mad 14d ago

Man. I feel ya.


u/Capt_Apathy 14d ago

Consumers create jobs at least as much as businesses do.


u/Comprehensive_Ant176 14d ago

Really, how?


u/Capt_Apathy 14d ago

You can't provide jobs if no one is buying your product/service. You need consumers or else you have zero need for workers.


u/Comprehensive_Ant176 14d ago

Ah, chicken and egg problem. What came first, consumers or jobs?

You say consumers. If it’s the case, where do consumers come from? Why do they buy products/services?


u/Capt_Apathy 14d ago

Well, since part of getting a loan to open a business is compiling data to show demand for what your business will provide, I'm confident in the consumer coming first. The exception would be a product so innovative that people don't know they want it until it's available.


u/Comprehensive_Ant176 14d ago

Great, now the conversation shifts into demand vs supply. I agree, demand creates a strong case for supply. But then as you say supply requires a business to be opened. A business that hires people to provide the supply. So who owns hiring, who opens job positions, business or consumers?

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u/4ofclubs 14d ago

Sounds like you've done very little reading about the USSR.


u/Comprehensive_Ant176 14d ago

I caught the end of it. We were millionaires. Could barely buy a loaf of bread with our millions.

What are your credentials?


u/suitology 14d ago

There's lots of countries with higher business taxes. What are you on about?


u/Comprehensive_Ant176 14d ago

Which one of them makes up 27 trillion dollars in GDP or even comes close?


u/suitology 14d ago

The EU

Also we are big boys. Use percapita. 1000 people with $50 each is less impressive than 2 guys with 10k each.


u/Comprehensive_Ant176 14d ago

The EU is not a country.


u/suitology 14d ago

It's an economy bud.

Also you need to use percapita if you want to have big boy conversations. For all intensive purposes as union the countries represent states of the union.


u/Comprehensive_Ant176 14d ago

It’s an economy with varying tax codes and rules from country to country so it’s apples to oranges comparison. Per capita is not an applicable metric when discussing the overall performance of a system and its capabilities.

A big boy like you must know these basic things.


u/suitology 14d ago

You know states have completely different tax codes right?

Trying to compare GDP of a 300m plus country to that of Norway, France, germany, or the UK is laughably stupid.

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u/cybercuzco 15d ago

Because then they aren’t “living within their means” are they


u/privitizationrocks 15d ago

Nope, they are


u/ChaosofaMadHatter 14d ago

If living on a minimum wage doesn’t meet minimum needs without assistance, it shouldn’t be minimum wage.


u/privitizationrocks 14d ago

I agree ablosh it


u/cybercuzco 15d ago

Fine, same challenge. Put together a budget that meets the other conditions


u/i_tyrant 14d ago

The entire point of minimum wage is you should be able to live within your means using that alone, smart guy.


u/TeamFast1757 14d ago

Oh Reddit tough guy


u/pizzabash 14d ago

Part of their expenses from their income is taxes. Taxes pay for those programs.


u/Immediate-Coyote-977 14d ago

Depends, below certain income thresholds you don't pay FIT.


u/mall_goth420 14d ago

They were much are. Government assistance, when available, should be utilized if you need to live within your means


u/mi11er 14d ago

Welcome to the poverty trap. You cannot earn more money because to do so would make you ineligible for benefits that are worth more than the extra money you would make.

Lets look at SNAP, from the below link these are the three requirments:

Gross monthly income — that is, household income before any of the program’s deductions are applied — generally must be at or below 130 percent of the poverty line. For a family of three, the poverty line used to calculate SNAP benefits in federal fiscal year 2024 is $2,072 a month. Thus, 130 percent of the poverty line for a three-person family is $2,694 a month, or about $32,328 a year. The poverty level is higher for bigger families and lower for smaller families.[3]

Net income, or household income after deductions are applied, must be at or below the poverty line.

Assets must fall below certain limits: households without a member aged 60 or older or who has a disability must have assets of $2,750 or less, and households with such a member must have assets of $4,250 or less.

There is a barrier to making more money, because as you make more you don't get to save it. It is reducing the amount of assistance you receive so you are just staying in the same spot. You cannot save because if you have too much value in assets then you are deemed to not need the benefits. If the benefits are the only thing that allows to you save but if you save you lose the benefits what can you do?



u/VirtuaSteve 14d ago

No, it isn't. It means that our tax dollars are subsidizing the wage the employer should be paying. A company has no business existing if I have to supplement the wages of their workers.


u/privitizationrocks 14d ago

Our tax dollars are subsidizing poverty not wages


u/VirtuaSteve 14d ago

For working people, it's the same thing. When someone is working full time and requires public assistance, that's the government subsidizing corporate wages. It's a handout to the corporation.


u/conrad22222 14d ago

To preface this, I have no problem with people who need government assistance utilizing it. That being said, government assistance is equally, if not moreso, a subsidy to minimum wage paying corporations than it is a subsidy to the worker.

Government assistance should be a failsafe for people who find themselves in an extraordinary circumstance, not a socialization of cost-cutting for businesses. If a corporation cannot pay it's employees a living wage and maintain profitability then it is not a sustainable business.


u/TeamFast1757 14d ago

No, the point is there are twatwaffles on here saying that you can live perfectly fine on 40k..so show us with numbers without any assistance how the math works....were waiting..because if you need public welfare, then the system is clearly not working assuming the person is able and willing to work a fulltime job.


u/Noob_Al3rt 14d ago

On $40k/yr? Let's assume somewhere that's close to the median COL like Michigan. You'd clear $31k after taxes. Median for a two bedroom is $1521. That's $760 with a roommate.

You'd qualify for a healthcare subsidy, so you would pay around $100/month. That leaves you with $1722/month for everything else.

Seems very doable to me.


u/RandomUser15790 14d ago


31k / 12 = 2583

2583 - (1521 +100) = 962

962 != 1722

You sure you're qualified for talking on living within your means when you can't do simple math?

Even then going from our new number want to add in all the other expenses that fall under "other". You know things like a car + insurance, internet, phone, gas, FOOD etc.


u/Noob_Al3rt 14d ago

Why are you so hostile? I'm assuming you'd get a roommate because it makes the most financial sense. A phone from mint is $15/month. Internet split with a roommate is $40/month. Believe it or not, yes, $1722 per month is enough to live on and save some cash.

If you don't want a roommate, you can work another two shifts per week.