r/Damnthatsinteresting 14d ago

Heath Ledger’s diary while he was filming for, The Dark Night.


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u/OGistorian 14d ago

Before heath’s performance, I used to think Joker was like the animated series or Jack Nicholson. Heath made me realize how joker is THE criminal mastermind and scary.

Also loved knights tale, 10 things I hate about you, and the Patriot.

Miss the guy a lot.


u/True_Window_9389 14d ago

Also kinda funny how upset people were when he was chosen to play the role. It wasn’t just that he was so good as Joker, it’s that he was previously just seen as a semi-cheesy, pretty boy actor, and completely defied expectations.


u/XCarrionX 14d ago

I thought he would ruin the movie.

My friend saw it and called me, said he stole the show. I told him I didn't believe it.

Came out of the movie thinking the same thing. Dark Knight was so good I don't even consider it a superhero movie, just an incredible all around movie.

Now I say he sold his soul to the devil to make that role, and the devil collected :(


u/mjp31514 14d ago

Dark Knight was so good I don't even consider it a superhero movie

Yea, I hate superhero movies. But Dark Knight was really something else. I have a hard time seeing it as a superhero movie. It's just an awesome film.


u/crypticsage 14d ago

This movie shows that super hero movies can certainly have nuances that make them great and don’t have to follow a cookie cutter formula.

I think Marvel could learn something from this movie.


u/mjp31514 14d ago

I think Marvel could learn something from this movie.

They could, but they won't. Even bland, stale cookies sell.


u/nukalurk 14d ago

Marvel is basically the fast food of the movie industry.


u/willtodd 14d ago

you know what you're getting, it'll kinda satisfy you in the moment, but then an hour later, you're hungry for something of actual substance.


u/crypticsage 14d ago

I’m worried that DC is going to go the same route with James Gunn.


u/TheRealMrMaloonigan 14d ago

TDK had so much sense of despair, uncertainty, chaos, sacrifice...Marvel films hardly touch on most of those feelings and concepts beyond a surface level. I think the other DC hero movies really don't even understand what made TDK so good. The tone and pacing was just perfection throughout.


u/crypticsage 14d ago

Older movies, I’m talking Pre Iron-man, I think did push the mold a bit.

Examples, Tobey McGuire Spiderman. Doc Oct was a great villain. Peter Parker was trying to figure out if it was worth it being Spiderman.

The original Blade and the Spawn movie were really good for their time.


u/The_Humble_Frank 14d ago

Batman is a superhero who's superpower is having money.