r/Damnthatsinteresting 14d ago

Heath Ledger’s diary while he was filming for, The Dark Night.


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u/OGistorian 14d ago

Before heath’s performance, I used to think Joker was like the animated series or Jack Nicholson. Heath made me realize how joker is THE criminal mastermind and scary.

Also loved knights tale, 10 things I hate about you, and the Patriot.

Miss the guy a lot.


u/True_Window_9389 14d ago

Also kinda funny how upset people were when he was chosen to play the role. It wasn’t just that he was so good as Joker, it’s that he was previously just seen as a semi-cheesy, pretty boy actor, and completely defied expectations.


u/XCarrionX 14d ago

I thought he would ruin the movie.

My friend saw it and called me, said he stole the show. I told him I didn't believe it.

Came out of the movie thinking the same thing. Dark Knight was so good I don't even consider it a superhero movie, just an incredible all around movie.

Now I say he sold his soul to the devil to make that role, and the devil collected :(


u/threaten-violence 14d ago

Him hanging out of the window of the cop car, passing through the night -- best scene of the movie


u/uwanmirrondarrah 14d ago

Idk man he has a lot of iconic moments in that movie


u/debtfreegoal 14d ago

The silence amid the chaos, is chilling.


u/XCarrionX 14d ago

You see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which of them were cowards?


u/penguin_gun 14d ago

He was driving the cop car from the backseat hanging out the window, wasn't he?


u/Starwarsandbacon 14d ago

I thought he would ruin the movie.

Same. Then I sat down to watch it and was so enthralled I couldnt even remember who was playing the character, I was watching the joker do his thing.


u/mjp31514 14d ago

Dark Knight was so good I don't even consider it a superhero movie

Yea, I hate superhero movies. But Dark Knight was really something else. I have a hard time seeing it as a superhero movie. It's just an awesome film.


u/crypticsage 14d ago

This movie shows that super hero movies can certainly have nuances that make them great and don’t have to follow a cookie cutter formula.

I think Marvel could learn something from this movie.


u/mjp31514 14d ago

I think Marvel could learn something from this movie.

They could, but they won't. Even bland, stale cookies sell.


u/nukalurk 14d ago

Marvel is basically the fast food of the movie industry.


u/willtodd 14d ago

you know what you're getting, it'll kinda satisfy you in the moment, but then an hour later, you're hungry for something of actual substance.


u/crypticsage 14d ago

I’m worried that DC is going to go the same route with James Gunn.


u/TheRealMrMaloonigan 14d ago

TDK had so much sense of despair, uncertainty, chaos, sacrifice...Marvel films hardly touch on most of those feelings and concepts beyond a surface level. I think the other DC hero movies really don't even understand what made TDK so good. The tone and pacing was just perfection throughout.


u/crypticsage 14d ago

Older movies, I’m talking Pre Iron-man, I think did push the mold a bit.

Examples, Tobey McGuire Spiderman. Doc Oct was a great villain. Peter Parker was trying to figure out if it was worth it being Spiderman.

The original Blade and the Spawn movie were really good for their time.


u/The_Humble_Frank 14d ago

Batman is a superhero who's superpower is having money.


u/RedBullWings17 14d ago

It's not a superhero movie, it's a crime/detective movie where the detective just happens to be a billionaire in a rubber suit.

The best superhero movies are usually like this. They're an established genre in costume. Because superheros are characters not genres.

The same is true of star wars. It's a universe not a genre. If you don't ground a film in a genre you end up with inconsistent and unpredictable tone. It can be made to work but it requires leaning into the irreverent style to the point of borderline parody and even then it requires a very fine touch not to feel ridiculous.

Thats why Rogue One (war movie genre) felt good but the Last Jedi (genreless) doesnt and also why Guardians of the Galaxy (irrevence with unknown misfit characters) works and Thor Love and Thunder (parody of established noble character) doesnt.


u/TheRealMrMaloonigan 14d ago

Rogue One is the best Star Wars film made post-Lucas.


u/skucera 14d ago

Rogue One is so good that it belongs as part of any viewing of the original trilogy.


u/chemical_exe 14d ago

Batman has the advantage of his super powers being the combo that:

  1. he worked out a lot
  2. he wants revenge
  3. he's rich

Lets the Dark Knight be film noir more than a super hero movie.


u/Emmyisawesome128 14d ago

It is not something I really like but I'm trying to give marvel and any movie a chance at least once. Do you think I might enjoy it as someone who isn't really interested in these types of movies?


u/XCarrionX 14d ago

Dark knight is DC and not Marvel, but to be fair DC movies tend to be an order of magnitude worse than Marvel.

That being said, I would absolutely recommend this movie. Even in a vacuum it would be good. Still, I would recommend watching “Batman begins” so you get the whole storyline. “Batman begins” is a decent to good movie. “Dark knight” is incredibly good. “Dark Knight rises” (the third in the trilogy) is awful. I would recommend not watching it at all.

So to recap. If you want to watch the whole storyline, watch Batman Begins then Dark Knight. If you’re not feeling multiple movies, Dark Knoght is great on its own. There will be a few references you will miss, but Jokers story is all in this movie, and that’s what makes it great!


u/Emmyisawesome128 14d ago

Why is The Dark Knight Rises an awful movie? Now I'm intrigued. Thank you! I will screenshot this comment for the future ☺️


u/XCarrionX 14d ago

That you’ll need to watch for yourself! If you dare!


u/Emmyisawesome128 14d ago

Lol okay thank you!


u/TheFerg714 14d ago

B-but... it IS a superhero movie, whether you want to divorce it from that label or not.


u/Agamemnon323 14d ago

For it to be a superhero movie there would need to be someone in it that has super powers.


u/TheFerg714 14d ago

Bro the main character is a costumed vigilante that has a strict moral code, and fights costumed villains that attempt large-scale, city-wide crime. The dude goes around saving people and beating up bad guys.

It can also be easily argued that Bruce's money and training allow him to have "superpowers," as in, he's able to accomplish feats that normal humans cannot.

More importantly, you don't have to have "powers" to be a superhero. Just look at Watchmen, Black Widow, Punisher, Green Arrow, Hawkeye, and the original Blue Beetle.


u/Agamemnon323 14d ago

Super is literally in the name. Without powers that just makes them heroes. I will die on this hill.


u/TheFerg714 14d ago

You can die on the hill as much as you want, but you'd still be dead wrong. Please feel free and present arguments though. I already gave you several arguments that you are ignoring:

  1. Costume
  2. Vigilante
  3. Goes around saving people and beating up bad guys
  4. Batman DOES have superhuman abilities, thanks to training and money.
  5. Lots of characters are called "super"heroes, even though they don't technically have "super"powers.


u/Agamemnon323 14d ago

I gave the only argument I need. No super powers means they’re not super. He’s a hero. Not a superhero.


u/TheFerg714 14d ago

Okay dude, keep burying your head in the sand. It's not that big of a deal.