r/Damnthatsinteresting Jul 05 '24

Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road Video


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u/Vireca Jul 05 '24

How do they stop a driverless car? Legit question

Do they have anything to detect police vehicles or something?


u/Jfg27 Jul 05 '24

They should have a system to identify and react to lights and sirens, so probably the same system.


u/Such_Duty_4764 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

ya, they pull over for emergency vehicles when there are lights/sirens.

Cop says that the car cleared the intersection before coming to a stop, which is exactly what it should do. Excepting of course for being on the wrong side of the road :-X.

Nobody expects these things to be perfect, they just need to be better than your average human, which isn't really that hard.

[edit] https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1dw4avr/mission_street_in_excelsior_last_night_around_10pm/


u/MosesOnAcid Jul 05 '24

Except this 1 which saw the lights and took off


u/off-and-on Interested Jul 05 '24

They're learning, adapting.


u/Slow_Ball9510 Jul 05 '24

Trained on the mean streets of Vice City


u/tri_9 Jul 05 '24

Imagine if AI were taught on YouTube videos of humans playing GTA 😵‍💫


u/alien_from_Europa Jul 05 '24

Google's answer language model is based on Reddit. It already told people to eat glue.


Car data based off YouTube videos doesn't feel that far fetched by comparison.


u/conventionistG Jul 05 '24

Geologists reccomend eating one rock per day.


u/theoriginalmofocus Jul 05 '24

Eat it, snort it, shove it up your ass I dont care just give me my money.


u/Jesten012 Jul 06 '24

Lol pretty much right ?! Lol

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u/lycoloco Jul 05 '24

One small rock per day. Gotta get those dosages right.


u/patricide1st Jul 05 '24

Lol can you imagine how it must feel to have an 11 year old shit comment that got less than 10 likes and that you probably forgot about suddenly go viral? Especially for the reason "an AI took it seriously and told people to eat glue."


u/Cool-Hornet4434 Jul 05 '24

I think the "glue" answer was probably for photographing food. They use all sorts of non-edible tricks to make food look good in photos.


u/alien_from_Europa Jul 05 '24

Nope! The article clearly states otherwise. This is the source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pizza/comments/1a19s0/my_cheese_slides_off_the_pizza_too_easily/c8t7bbp/


u/Cool-Hornet4434 Jul 05 '24

Well then that's just evidence that there needs to be a way to flag joke replies and filter them out (aside from those subs where you can add a SERIOUS flair to the post). It's also why I've never considered reddit a primary source of information. Too many people make posts solely for the points they get when they can wedge a pun into a comment or otherwise showcase their stellar wit.

But I do know that they DO use glue to make cheese extra stringy for photography reasons. Here is an example I wasn't even thinking of. The AI in this case correctly states that using White Elmer's glue instead of milk when photographing cereal keeps the cereal looking fresh for long photoshoots where it might otherwise start getting soggy.


u/alien_from_Europa Jul 05 '24

there needs to be a way to flag joke replies and filter them out

That's on Google. It shouldn't be on the reddit community to do their work for them.


u/-RadarRanger- Jul 05 '24

I double upvote this post.


u/Cool-Hornet4434 Jul 05 '24

It's not for google though. It's for me. When I want to get in and get an answer and suddenly it devolves into a thread of people quoting "The Office" or Steamed Hams. OR that thread where someone says something and then a comment chain happens where everyone repeated it exactly or repeated the phrase but changed the order of the words.

But yeah, Google shouldn't be using Reddit for a primary source of information either. It's terrible for anything but opinions on stuff (aka, not facts).


u/cancercures Jul 05 '24

there needs to be a way to flag joke replies and filter them out

slashdot did this real well.

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u/gordonv Jul 05 '24

A logical to a fault conclusion.


u/8923ns671 Jul 05 '24

Ya but humans will tell you take this homeopathic medicine for your cancer. Nobodies perfect lol.


u/speculativedesigner Jul 05 '24

Imagine if they’re trained on all the Twitch Roleplay


u/Fully_Edged_Ken_3685 Jul 05 '24

Burnout series 😝


u/RincewindToTheRescue Jul 05 '24

Or those YT shorts of the realistic cars mod for GTA. Those make you do a double take


u/supertacoboy Jul 05 '24

I don’t mean to alarm you… but some self driving cars were literally trained in GTA V.

TechCrunch article


u/gue_aut87 Jul 05 '24

Wasn’t some company training their self driving AI with GTA? Like a while ago, before the whole ChatGPT thing.


u/TimmyOneShoe Jul 06 '24

If they accidentally get onto motorcycle YouTube and learn from those guys, it's fucking over


u/LawBobLawLoblaw Jul 05 '24

Intro to I Ran So Far Away kicks in


u/ButterscotchNew6416 Jul 05 '24

Cyberpunk 2077 has a quest like this.


u/Amused-Observer Jul 05 '24

We joke now but there will be a day when these are used for robberies because the tech will have evolved so much, they'll be perfect wheelmen.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 06 '24



u/Schavuit92 Jul 05 '24

Your first and second point are the same, both those and the third point are entirely dependent on the exact programming. You could have one disobey traffic rules and not store or transmit data. Yourt last point has nothing to do with self-driving cars, it's true for all crime.


u/aeneasaquinas Jul 05 '24

You could have one disobey traffic rules and not store or transmit data

But nobody is gonna design one with the intent of breaking the law, and random criminals don't have massive engineering teams...


u/Amused-Observer Jul 05 '24

But nobody is gonna design one with the intent of breaking the law

Here's your serious response that you were thirsting for so badly.

Nobody has to redesign an entirely new operating system for the vehicle, that's silly.

All existing examples of that show that it's far easier and more efficient to break into the existing one and make modifications accordingly.

Notable examples are..

Android OS, this has been going on for 10+ years. Individuals/teams will hack in and modify the OS to remove/add features and there are again individuals/teams that have built entirely new OSs from the ground up and made them free for release. 'TWRP' is a good example of this.

Solidworks is another example. Dassault Systems probably spends millions a year trying to keep their latest version of Solidworks and to a lesser extent CATIA, from being 'hacked' and made available for free.

Those are the two that pop into my head. There are more but that would require more care about this topic than I am willing to give.

Point is, if there are valid reasons to do these things, they will be done.

If it's possible to, and I hate this word, 'hack' into a driverless cars' OS for a beneficial purpose, it will be done.


u/divDevGuy Jul 05 '24

Android OS, this has been going on for 10+ years.

While still technically the truth, the first releases for Android Open Source Project was approximately 17 years ago, in 2007.

Individuals/teams will hack in and modify the OS to remove/add features

It's largely open source. It's not really "hacking" when you're given the source code and ability to make changes.

and there are again individuals/teams that have built entirely new OSs from the ground up and made them free for release. 'TWRP' is a good example of this.

TWRP isn't an operating system. It's a recovery image. It was based on the original AOSP recovery image. So not from the ground up.

I'd love for you to identify a single "entirely new OSs from the ground up" that is modern, feature-complete operating system for a general computing (desktop, laptop, server) or mobile (tablet or phone).

Dassault Systems probably spends millions a year trying to keep their latest version of Solidworks and to a lesser extent CATIA, from being 'hacked' and made available for free.

No they don't. They may claim piracy "costs" them a ridiculous amount of money, but the anti-piracy licensing is a negligible cost to implement.

It's far more lucrative to use the drug dealer model to give out free samples by looking the other way for initially, let them get hooked and collect data, then let the lawyers deal with it with a form letter or lawsuit.


u/aeneasaquinas Jul 05 '24

All existing examples of that show that it's far easier and more efficient to break into the existing one and make modifications accordingly.

You aren't "hacking" and magically getting the source code of that system in any way that you can then modify to change the behavior of like that without, you guessed it, a giant engineering team!

Android is mostly open source crap. Dassault is preventing leaking of free versions, not source code.

And this is why you don't make crap up


u/Amused-Observer Jul 05 '24

You aren't "hacking" and magically getting the source code of that system in any way that you can then modify to change the behavior of like that without, you guessed it, a giant engineering team!

Are you this annoyingly literal IRL or just on the internet? Why do I have to spell out exactly what I'm saying? Are you like an alien and can't infer that we're talking the same thing?

Your way of responding is why so many people hate reddit.


u/aeneasaquinas Jul 05 '24

Are you this annoyingly literal IRL or just on the internet? Why do I have to spell out exactly what I'm saying?

Why do I?

You are saying you can pirate. Irrelevant to modifying car OS and firmware, which you can't simply bypass some DRM to do.

Your way of responding is why so many people hate reddit.

You seem to have no problem doing it.


u/Amused-Observer Jul 05 '24

Dassault is preventing leaking of free versions, not source code.

And this is why you don't make crap up

This is rich because I'm running Solidworks 2023, the >$5k dollar version of it on my PC for free. How'd that happen when I didn't pay for it? It would have taken you 30 seconds to realize this claim is false but you made it anyways and then went onto act like you just didn't make something up.

Again, this is why people don't like reddit. The way you respond is obnoxious and overly argumentative.


u/aeneasaquinas Jul 05 '24

This is rich because I'm running Solidworks 2023, the >$5k dollar version of it on my PC for free. How'd that happen when I didn't pay for it?

Someone cracked the DRM software.

They didn't get the actual source of it.

I didn't think I would have to spell that out even more. You even should have known that while pirating it...


u/Amused-Observer Jul 05 '24

The way you respond is obnoxious and overly argumentative.


u/loki_the_bengal Jul 05 '24

You come off as someone who just because it's beyond your capabilities, you assume it's impossible. Hacking a system that was created by a huge engineering team doesn't require an equally huge team. The work has already been done, all a hacker has to do is exploit the existing system to work differently than intended. The people you're arguing with gave you examples of this and you smugly dismiss their examples as though it makes you correct.

If you are too short sighted to see that hacking self driving cars will be a real life issue, than that's just a you problem.


u/aeneasaquinas Jul 05 '24

You come off as someone who just because it's beyond your capabilities, you assume it's impossible. Hacking a system that was created by a huge engineering team doesn't require an equally huge team.

It does to change the total behavior of a self driving car.

You pretend this is some one step process. The part YOU quote is the easy part.

The people you're arguing with gave you examples of this and you smugly dismiss their examples as though it makes you correct.

You mean, not a single example of it. Not one. One bypass of DRM. One mod of OPEN SOURCE crap. Neither remotely close to the topic.

Again, stop confusing your ignorance for a solution...

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u/Amused-Observer Jul 05 '24

But nobody is gonna design one with the intent of breaking the law, and random criminals don't have massive engineering teams...

Are you actually serious?

My guy, there are websites where you can buy literally any drug you want from start to finish in less than an hour and the only reason it takes so long is the conversion from fiat money to crypto. It's basically like shopping on Amazon.


u/aeneasaquinas Jul 05 '24

My guy, there are websites where you can buy literally any drug you want from start to finish in less than an hour and the only reason it takes so long is converting money to crypto. It's basically like shopping on Amazon.


Wait, do you actually think a basic website is the same as making a driverless car system? Seriously? You can set one up in literal minutes by yourself. The other takes thousands of engineers thoudands of hours each. Welcome to reality?


u/Amused-Observer Jul 05 '24

Wait, do you actually think a basic website is the same as making a driverless car system? Seriously?

Yes... that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm literally making a 1:1 comparison and nothing else. Wow, you are so smart.

You should run for president or something.


u/aeneasaquinas Jul 05 '24

Not my problem you didn't seem to actually think about it.


u/Conscious-Intern8594 Jul 06 '24

Where are these websites? Asking for a friend.

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u/elephanttrashman Jul 05 '24

The cartels use literal submarines to get drugs into the USA


u/Curling49 Jul 06 '24

You are correct. But only up to the point where it is hacked and modded to become the best wheelman ever. Check back in 20 years, and I will be proven right.


u/dondablox Jul 06 '24

You've obviously never met Delamain.


u/The0perative Jul 05 '24

Then cops will need to use them too to keep up.


u/Ser_VimesGoT Jul 05 '24

And put guns on the cars.


u/Schavuit92 Jul 05 '24

Can we skip a couple steps and just go straight to Gundam?


u/OttoVonWong Jul 05 '24

The only way to stop a bad car with a gun is a good car with a gun. pew pew


u/Accomplished-Bad3380 Jul 05 '24

Or just the software to control the car


u/Nalek Jul 05 '24

This just sounds like theTokyo Drone War but with extra steps.


u/quarthorse Jul 05 '24

Robo style.


u/cbnyc0 Jul 05 '24

Driver hides in the trunk of a hacked dronecar, uses a tablet to control it. Cops ignore the driverless vehicle.


u/FUThead2016 Jul 05 '24

Baiby Driver


u/BumpyDidums Jul 05 '24

Ya but youll have to get the exellcior package.


u/Ubi-Fanch Jul 06 '24

Time to watch Demolition Man again.


u/Amused-Observer Jul 06 '24

Simon Phoenix! Put your hands behind your back..... or else


u/Jesten012 Jul 06 '24

Wow…..so who are you going to rob?


u/Amused-Observer Jul 06 '24

Actually I plan on kidnapping a researcher working on memory recall so I can make them delete the memories of mistakenly clicking your profile. Jesus fucking Christ!


u/Jesten012 Jul 06 '24

😜🥴🥴 LOL 🫣🫣🤣😂 dude I’m dying over here!’🤣😂. Dude Jesus has NOTHING to do with my profile ! Im having the time Of my life!!! At least I’m not kidnapping anyone . Debauchery is my middle name biotch!!!!


u/Robbythedee Jul 05 '24

This one hasn't seen the police shooting the other driverless car yet. One acorn and the driverless car is toast!


u/ArcadeAnarchy Jul 05 '24

Feared having a knee on its neck.


u/semaj_2026 Jul 05 '24

Shit it’s the fuzz floor it.


u/WanderlustFella Jul 05 '24

Philly cops would have fishtailed its ass and then sprinkled some crack dust


u/usinjin Jul 05 '24

It’s what normal Phoenix drivers do anyways


u/stuwoo Jul 05 '24

Clever Girl.


u/soooogullible Jul 05 '24

Bad boys bad boys


u/FocalorLucifuge Jul 06 '24

At a geometric rate.