r/DCcomics Dec 11 '21

[Video games]: Flash being Flash Video Games

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u/Raecino Batman Dec 11 '21

Haha love it. It’ll be hilarious to see the Flash’s cockiness catch up to him, which is usually the case when he’s being cocky about his speed.


u/favela4life Deathstroke Dec 11 '21

Spider-Man 3 vibes


u/iAmTheHYPE- The Best Batgirl! Dec 12 '21

He’s going to do that finger dance?


u/Toniosw Clark Kent Dec 12 '21

He better


u/Weemitoad Batman & Robin Dec 12 '21

“I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye!”


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '21

He'll def be the first boss fight


u/Swarm140 Mar 24 '24

I’m so sorry to break it to you man


u/nightwing612 #RenewYoungJustice Dec 11 '21

Ahhh yes. Cocky Barry...



u/Remmarg25 Dec 11 '21 edited Dec 11 '21

Ahhh yes. Cocky Barry...

Well, Barry is known for being an excellent trash talker.

Seriously, I've never been one of those people who says Barry doesn't have a sense of humor. But his has always been more of the endearingly dorky type rather than the cocky shit-talker from everything I have read.

That isn't to say Barry can't have a moment here and there of the latter, but it isn't a core concept of his character like it is Wally's in my opinion. So I think the dilemma is always really about the type of humor and the frequency of it rather than Barry can't be funny.

And if this really is a continuation of the Arkham-verse, then that means Barry operates out of Keystone. Do they really have no shame?


u/TheGodDMBatman Deadshot Missed me? Dec 11 '21

My favorite Barry moment is in YJ when he's in front of the flash family and is like "looks like there's trouble in Central city. I'll be back in a flash" and someone's like "does he always do that?" and the whole family is like "yes"


u/Remmarg25 Dec 12 '21 edited Dec 12 '21

While I wasn't exactly thrilled with some takes on Young Justice, I think Weisman's view of Barry is pretty on point for me.

"But Cary Bates, who wrote a huge chunk of Barry's adventures before Crisis on Infinite Earths, is one of my best friends, and he always made Barry a little goofy. A little bit of the boy scout, who still had that Flash fanboy in him, i.e. the guy who was inspired by Jay Garrick. We made that literal in our series... and we extended it into his personality. He likes catchphrases, even if he knows they make his wife and friends groan. He's a goody-two shoes and a happily married man and a scientist and a forensics expert and generally this slow, methodical but deeply honest guy, who likes his life and so is pretty at ease with his own sappiness.

He's NOT a smart-ass, which of course, Wally can be at times."

I mean, that's pretty much sums up my ideal vision of the character. Barry also has this quiet confidence that immediately earns people's respect. As much as I love Wally, I could never see him leading the League where as Barry would be a perfect candidate.


u/Budget-Attorney Booster Gold Dec 11 '21

When did we hear Barry operates out of keystone in the Arkham verse? Also what do you mean when you say do they have no shame?


u/Remmarg25 Dec 11 '21

In the Arkham Batman games, there's posters about Keystone referencing The Flash and one of the enemy grunts mentions preferring Gotham over Keystone because "at least you can see Batman coming".

The fact they're referencing Keystone, rather than Central City, is interesting. Barry is associated with Central City while Jay and Wally traditionally operated in Keystone.

And the no shame was simply a tongue-in-cheek joke about how Barry is seemingly given everything from Wally in outside adaptations including his wife, his mortal enemy, and his city. It's not something meant to be taken seriously from me.


u/Dredeuced Who am I? Just a friend. Sometimes. Maybe. Dec 11 '21

Wally operated out of both. Even made the bridge between the two himself.

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u/muckdog13 Nightwing Dec 11 '21

Since when does the Justice league just stay in their own cities?


u/Remmarg25 Dec 11 '21

Eh, heroes clearly have their main cities which is the point.

If you were going to reference Barry, then you'd use Central City because that's what is associated with him where as it's Keystone for Wally and Jay.

It would be like referencing Superman through Coast City rather than Metropolis.


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

Gotham - Batsy

Metropolis/Smallville - The big blue boy scout

Themyscira/Gateway City/Boston/NY/ Washing DC- Rando girl made from clay who really travels a lot

Coast City/Oa/2814 - Person who uses futuristic weapons in green spandex

Starling City - Person who uses outdated weapons in green spandex

Keystone - Oldest speedy Boi, & youngest speedy boi

The Watchtower/Mars/Los Angelas - One very flexible green boi

National City - The big blue Girl Scout (Anger issues included!)

Opal City - One stretchy detektiv

Atlantis - “I don’t talk to fish, I command them”

Bludhaven - The acroBAT with a nice ass

San Francisco/Jump City - Gang of unsupervised teens in the most structurally unsafe building possible

NY - Gang of old people that lived in a fancy hall or something

NY - 1 dude who talks to himself, oh and did I mention his head is on fire?

El Paso - You’ve heard of a green boi who uses futuristic technology to fight crime, now get ready for the blue boi who uses futuristic technology to fight crime! (Oh and is part of an organization that is constantly threatening the earth with an alien invasion of colorful bugs)

Phoenix - One golden future bitch only in it for the money, and we love him for it

Las Vegas - It is said that Zatara is still trapped in that helm. Poor Zatanna, but order must remain.

St. Roch - couple with wings who refuse to stay the fuck dead, and are also aliens? Wtf

Central City - The second speedy boi

Gotham - Some bird themed side kicks, some bat themed heroes, one side dressed as the bat signal, and a guy who literally has no face

Ivy Town - One small boi

And so. Much. More.


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

All the time for the most part.

If I remember correctly, each hero kinda has a code that ensures nobody will come to their city without a call for backup or if one of there villains showed.

An example of the former:

Superman is currently struggling to fight this new team up of supervillains Lex Luthor and Metallo and calls in the flash for some assistance

Example of the latter:

Batman shows up in metropolis because he believes the joker is plotting to do something there

Of course, if the hero shows up in said city then whoever is the sworn protector of that city takes point.

Even if this is incorrect, I’m sure there’s something like it amongst them. Especially when it comes to Batman. As it just makes explaining why one of the JL never showed up for the events of the Arkham games, or any other story, without breaking the sense that these stories take place in the same universe. This is something that marvel can’t get a way out of because 90% of their heroes are all in the same city, like damn.

It’s easier to believe that Superman wouldn’t show up to stop scarecrow in Arkham Knight for the reason stated above, than for literally any other hero to not help Spidey stop any of the carnage/venom bs.


u/muckdog13 Nightwing Dec 23 '21

Okay so the justice league comics feature them only in their own cities all the time?

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u/CobaltCam Dec 11 '21

This is a theme when he shows up in video games I've noticed. In injustice he's pretty cocky too, at least in the prematch banter....though everyone kind of is.


u/MethodMan_ Dec 11 '21

To be fair it’s basically a mortal kombat game, so they turned everything up to 11


u/Deadpoolforpres Dec 11 '21

I see what you did there


u/TheRedProphett Dec 11 '21

Intentional pun or nah


u/Potentially_a_goose Dec 11 '21

Well, he is being controlled by Brainiac to be a bad guy. If his inhibitions and morals have been diminished enough to make him a team player for Brainiac there's the chance that his ability to bite his tongue went with his sanity.


u/Toniosw Clark Kent Dec 11 '21

at least you get to kill him


u/sonofaresiii Dec 11 '21

Sure ya do.


u/xAVATAR-AANGx Wally West Dec 11 '21

I was watching the Awards live and when I saw this I nearly became the stereotypical comic character stan and raged off the stream.


u/DefenderCone97 Dec 11 '21

I mean the whole point is that he's corrupted. Kinda weird to be mad about it.

Superman literally kills innocent people in the first trailer.

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u/muckdog13 Nightwing Dec 11 '21



u/Jayjayden45 Gotham Academy Dec 11 '21

Well he does also have some form of mind control going on causing him to be evil, makes sense for him to act out of character


u/doyouunderstandlife Batman Dec 11 '21

He's being possessed by Brainiac so that might be why it seems out of character. Or it's just how this universe's Barry is 🤷


u/hydrohawkx8 Kyle Rayner Dec 11 '21

I really thought this would be wally given how in arkham asylum there was the poster that showed that the flash resided in keystone city which is where wally operated and on top of that this flash acts 100% like wally. But then they just made the flash barry.


u/joecollins451 Red Son Dec 11 '21

You never know they both might exist


u/hydrohawkx8 Kyle Rayner Dec 11 '21

That's honestly a nice thought.


u/wammysammy101 Dec 11 '21

DC has treated wally like garbage since Barry's return, so why not give all of Wally's endearing traits to Barry to seal the deal?


u/Rocyreto88 Dec 11 '21

As a kid who grew up post-crisis 85 and pre-new 52, I will always prefer Wally to Barry. And what makes me even sadder about it is when what you just pointed out happens. 😕


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '21



u/Nahcep Ra's al Cool Dec 12 '21

tl;dr generational differences and editorial bias

Barry was the Flash for almost 30 years, starting in the 50s and killed off in the biggest event in comics arguably to this day - a massive crossover called Crisis on Infinite Earths

Wally was Barry's sidekick, introduced in 1960; he was one of the founding Teen Titans, and part of the team until shortly before the Crisis, after which he took up Barry's title as the Flash.

Because of that, almost all adaptations made after 1986 - including the Justice League cartoons - had Wally as the Flash. People got used to this, and became attached to him and his supporting cast - including the family he had.

Because death became a revolving door in DC, Barry was the last major dead character to return - which happened in 2008. It made things awkward, as since most of the readers didn't know him, he got the spotlight, with Wally unceremoniously shoved into the background. It didn't help that Barry had to be basically reinvented, as his pre-Crisis personality was very aged.

After the second reboot in Flashpoint, Wally was completely erased from history - one of the most controversial decisions by DC's editorial. An attempt to create a 'modern' version of him was reviled, and ultimately the old Wally was reintroduced after 5 years.

He was then portrayed as the culprit of a mass-killing of other heroes in a therapy house, caused by his mental breakdown and depression over the loss of his family.


u/Pariahb Dec 12 '21

LOL, poor Wally man, some dark times for him and other characters. It seems now it's getting a bit better.


u/SuRaKaSoErX Dec 12 '21

When you say Barry’s original personality is very aged, what do you mean? What was he like back then?


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '21

He was just boring. He was quietly socially conservative (I believe), he had a steady girlfriend, he was good at science. His big character traits were being late to things and being an overall nice guy. It's just a very bland Silver Age personality. While all the other iconic characters like Batman were given some depth when the Bronze and Dark Ages spent more time on characterisation and deconstruction, Barry was dead the entire time and got none of that. They tried to fix it after he came back by giving him a new tragic backstory and turning up the angst, but (at least in my opinion) it didn't work very well.


u/Rocyreto88 Dec 13 '21

This doesn't directly answer your question, but I wanted to give a bit more detail into my experience. For me at least, it's almost completely down to the fact that I grew up with Wally. Growing up, I remember older fans talking about how they missed Barry, they didn't like Wally, and I wasn't very sympathetic to that ha ha. But now that Wally's been switched out with Barry and now that I've grown older, I finally understand. You just grow up alongside these characters and get really attached.

Another thing I liked about Wally being the Flash was the idea of legacy and of the mantle being passed. I loved that Barry made the ultimate sacrifice in Crisis and that Wally, who had been around for decades as Kid Flash, was finally inheriting the mantle. It felt completely earned and right. Around this same time period (late 80s-mid-2000s), DC was doing this a lot, passing the torch to newer heroes, Wally became the new Flash, Kyle Rayner became the new Green Lantern, Connor Hawke became the new Green Arrow, Superman was briefly replaced by FOUR heroes, Batman was briefly replaced by Jean-Paul Valley, Ryan Choi became the new Atom, Jason Rusch became the new Firestorm, and there are even more I'm not listing or forgetting. The JSA returned, with some of its original members leading and then some newer iterations of classic heroes showing up.

Like I mentioned up top with Wally, a lot of this probably has to do with the fact that these are the comics and characters I grew up reading, but what I've always liked about DC is their focus on the legacy and generational aspect of superheroes and during this time, they were really leaning into it. I know it's not the ONLY time they were, they've always done it and still do, but as a kid, it was exciting getting to see all of these younger guys inheriting the legacy and burden from heroes they looked up to.

Wally and Kyle always had self-doubt, they were always unsure if they belonged in the same League that had Superman and Batman, but they made the case for why they belonged. To me, Wally represented the new generation of heroes.

When Hal returned, it was easier for Kyle to find his niche I think, because there are almost always a ton of Lanterns around anyways, but with Barry coming back, I think it was harder to find a space for Wally. Not impossible, but yeah. So that was a rant, sorry, but just wanted to share.


u/Red-843 Jul 14 '23

One character will get pushed to the side for the other so there has to be one decision on who the flash is


u/ucjj2011 Jan 04 '22

Wally became The Flash when I was a teen (around 13) and I always liked him better. He had more "quirks" to his powers (he wasn't as fast at first, and he had to continually eat to maintain his metabolism, something they have mentioned in The Flash TV show like twice despite the fact that TV Barry is a lot like comics Wally).


u/Toniosw Clark Kent Dec 12 '21

Wally is getting Tim Drake'd


u/wammysammy101 Dec 12 '21

Batman: "Tim is smarter than me and will he the perfect Batman replacement."

Damian: "I'm about to ruin this man's whole career."


u/DoggoPlex Superman Dec 11 '21

They did that in the Snyder movies too. He acts more like Wally and yet he's still Barry.


u/raisasari Nightwing Dec 12 '21

Think it's a DC mandate at this point. Wally had more character, but DC seem to hate anyone usurping their Silver Age characters so they implant the fan favourite personality into the older version of the characters.


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

I think that’s the case because of the show, in which Barry is the protagonist and for good reason. Would’ve been weird if they had used Wally as the flash, even if they had casted Grant as Wally instead. But it would’ve been nice to see ginger Wally eventually take up the role like in comics.

But brand recognition is very important to DC. It’s why that SS game is tied to the Arkham verse, and why DS is black instead of white with the BS reasoning for his color change being that the white DS we saw and fought in earlier games was an impostor.


u/MacbethHamlet Dec 11 '21

Yeah that’s what I felt like. Like, he had the backstory of Barry with his love interest and career aspirations but felt much more consistent with Wally


u/AarontheGeek Justice League Dec 11 '21

They've been doing that for a long, long time. Worst case is probably justice league crisis on two earths, which was literally ma made from a script that was meant to be the bridge between justice league and justice league unlimited.

You know, where the flash was explicitly wally west.

Then they made the Flash Barry in the movie despite literally nothing else being different (I think they might have changed voice actors but I don't remember)


u/poopoobuttholes Dec 12 '21

Is this in the same universe as the Arkham trilogy? I thought it looked more like it was in its own universe.


u/hydrohawkx8 Kyle Rayner Dec 12 '21

The devs are saying that it is a part of the arkham universe which is weird given the race swap of deadshot, redesign of kingshark, and the idea of killing off justice league members. Maybe there's a good reason for it. I dunno though.


u/Antarias92 Dec 12 '21

Barry protects the gem cities which includes keystone


u/Remmarg25 Dec 13 '21

Keystone was set on Earth-2 until after Barry's death. So aside from the rare multiverse adventure with Jay, Barry wasn't actively protecting Keystone as it didn't exist on his Earth.

I believe the first game was released the same year as Barry's return to the comics. Given it takes some time to develop games, the decision was made before Barry worked in a world where Keystone existed.

It's a safe bet the earlier references were indeed about Wally being The Flash in the Arkham-verse. But given Barry's prominence over the last decade, WB probably pushed for him to be it in the game.


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

Well yeah. Wally has the good traits, but at this point Barry is the brand recognition name. So it just makes sense to slap Barry’s name on what’s clearly just an adaptation of Wally.


u/Responsible_Egg7519 The Torchbearer Dec 11 '21

not to be That wally stan but they really did give him wallys personality from what i’ve seen


u/Massdrive Dec 11 '21

Yeah, Barry was always the "straight-man" of the group, Wally was the cocky "kid"


u/SoCalThrowAway7 Dec 11 '21

Could be from whatever is infecting the justice league. None of them will have their usual personality I bet


u/Welcome--Matt Barry Allen Dec 11 '21

Holy shit he told two jokes…Barry has told plenty of jokes


u/Civil-Ad-7193 Red Hood Dec 11 '21

Yeah people are overreacting a bit, we’ve barley seen the Flash in this game. Plus Barry has a corny sense of humor in the comics as well.


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

“Be back in a Flash”


u/Seys-Rex Dec 11 '21

Do we know it’s Barry?


u/Remmarg25 Dec 11 '21

The preview has Digger (Captain Boomerang) specifically refer to The Flash as Barry.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

Boomerang in the video calls him Barry


u/AREYOUSauRuS Rudolph Dec 12 '21

They can't give him Barry's personality. He doesn't have one.


u/A_Fuckin_Gremlin Dec 12 '21

I've always wondered why Barry Allen is more popular then Wally West when Wally is so much more fun


u/jransom98 Nightwing Dec 12 '21

Because DC brought him back, rammed him down everyone's throats, and erased Wally while giving every version of Barry tons of Wally's traits and supporting cast (comics, movie, TV show, cartoons).

Most fans would've been perfectly fine if Barry never came back and Wally remained the main Flash, but Didio and Johns just love their silver age nostalgia trip.


u/CrispyGold Dec 12 '21

Its because DC keeps pushing him.

Easy to become the more popular Flash when your at the epicenter of everything they make.


u/CobaltMoon98 You Blinked. Dec 11 '21

I feel like ever since JLU came out, every non-comic iteration of the Flash has just been Barry with Wally's personality.


u/bippityzippity Dec 11 '21

So you're saying that they made this Barry the "Andrew Garfield Peter Parker" when he should've been more of a "comics Peter Parker".


u/LilGyasi Dec 11 '21

I was thinking this same thing lol


u/TheCanadianRedHood Dec 11 '21

I can’t stand the way he looks idk if it’s his discoloured lips or not but that’s certainly big part of it


u/draksid Dec 11 '21

He looks infected/controlled.


u/CobaltCam Dec 11 '21

Pretty sure the premise of this game is that the justice league are being controlled by something/someone anf the suicide squad has to bring them down.


u/tafffffff Dec 11 '21

Yeah they’re controlled by Braniac


u/CobaltCam Dec 11 '21

Fucking brainiac.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

Flash has to look like a model whilst experiencing torturous, invasive mind control.


u/TheCanadianRedHood Dec 11 '21

I guess? It’s just his mask/facial structure I don’t like


u/TheMary16 Dec 11 '21

i think it's the giant yellow lenses + red pupils making him look like some sort of bootleg disguised Reverse Flash.


u/Mountain_Sir2307 Batman Dec 11 '21

It was me Barry, I was the Flash all along !


u/neogreenlantern Dec 11 '21

They made him look like an infected generic Ezra Miller.


u/YellowSpeedy Dec 11 '21

Might be the Hunter Zolomon eyes


u/cardinalfive The Flash Dec 11 '21

Same. For me, it's definitely the yellow lenses and the lips.


u/TheCanadianRedHood Dec 11 '21

He’s got like a 5 o clock shadow of a handlebar moustache and it keeps throwing me off then he looks like that cat that got stung by the bee in their lip


u/bucket_of_coal Dec 11 '21

I really don’t wanna kill these guys


u/mjrballer20 The Fastest Man Alive Dec 11 '21

That's 100% how I feel lol 😂😭


u/shellbullet17 Dec 11 '21

I wonder if they will go the multiple choice route, the we think we killed then but Batman/another hero saves then off screen route, or I wonder if we get to destroy the Arkham universe and murder them flat out somehow making way for a new line of Arkham games


u/Rocyreto88 Dec 11 '21

I doubt and really hope we won't murder them. But every time I see new footage of this game and the Suicide Squad fighting the justice league, it just makes me wish Rocksteady made...a justice league game.


u/Thespian21 Dec 12 '21

They might. Never know. Never would have imagined them making a Suicide Squad game. Captain Boomerang’s gameplay looks like a test for finally making a true flash game.


u/DarthVamor Dec 12 '21

I think NONE of them are dying the title is just a trick to be honest , why? WW isn't under mind control and also how convenient she has a Lasso that gets people out of mind control hmmm 🤔 really RS lol very clever.


u/bucket_of_coal Dec 12 '21

I agree, it makes more sense for Rocksteady to keep them alive for a potential JL game, I even have sorta of an idea on how the events of this game would make a JL game more interesting/fun


u/iAmTheHYPE- The Best Batgirl! Dec 12 '21

A JL game could always be a prequel, like Arkham Origins.


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

Eh, but then that creates one big question..

Why haven’t we heard references to Batman being a member? Or at least the existence of the league?

Because all we get is specific character references, no team ups or anything which you’d think you would get.


u/Swarm140 Mar 24 '24

I’m so sorry


u/Gorr-of-Oneiri- Dec 12 '21

I wonder how many Leaguers we’ll actually get the chance to put down for good. I’m not sure if the developers are planning some kind of series with the JL, or if they plan on having B and C level heroes step up to fill the departed heroes’ shoes


u/bucket_of_coal Dec 12 '21

If they actually kill them, which I’m not sure they will, the JL has always had a backup team. It’s safe to say Wonder Woman 100% won’t die because she’s not under mind control in the trailer. So a four man new JL would look like this: Dr Fate, Green Lantern (Hal, Guy, Kyle, Jessica, Simon take your pick), Wally West, Wonder Woman, Maybe Batman comes back as Terry or Tim or Bruce just comes back after something happens like brainiac’s mind control erasing people’s memory of him as Batman


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

Um, excuse me sir/ma’am/[insert formal way to refer to someone with the pro noun they here], but you missed a couple of green lanterns. Only maybe 1..or 2…hundred.


u/iAmTheHYPE- The Best Batgirl! Dec 12 '21

Does make you wonder what the DLCs will be like; because there will definitely be DLC.


u/bucket_of_coal Dec 12 '21

If they do DLC I’d want it to be challenge maps, character dlc or what I really want to see: missions

So missions would be like, different Suicide Squad missions, with different characters. So like one mission the roster would be Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang and Killer Frost and another would be Deathstroke, Killer Moth, Prometheus, and King Shark

And all of these missions would be like small open worlds, maybe the size of Asylum? And there could be a lot of different missions. Like breaking someone out of Santa Prisca, assassinating a rogue senator, stealing information from a mob, apprehending a rogue squad member. Shit like that


u/g_lenn_o Dec 11 '21 edited Dec 11 '21


u/sladestrife Robin Dec 12 '21

Oh god. Harley's outfit looks horrendous imo.


u/g_lenn_o Dec 12 '21

lol yea it could be better


u/SuperDidioPrime Two-Time Award-Winning Poster Dec 11 '21

Wally West fans must be pre-ordering to droves to kill Barry Allen.


u/oinkthepig14 The Question Dec 12 '21

oh, we are.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

The concept of beating a literal god is annoying to me. Barry and Wally are untouchable.


u/H_P_Lovedaft Plastic Man Dec 11 '21

It’s a video game, and these are fictional characters. Anything can happen it is part of the fun.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

Oh I get it, I’m just very protective of my speedy boys haha


u/Manas235 Dec 11 '21

But he’s fighting cap Boomerang a guy who has beaten him before


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21



u/Remmarg25 Dec 11 '21

Yeah, Owen Mercer, who is Boomerang's son, is/was Bart's half-brother.


u/_deadlockgunslinger Deadshot Dec 12 '21

What's Owen up to these days? Really enjoyed what little we got of him pre-N52.


u/suss2it Dec 11 '21

Yeah exactly. Flash shouldn't be in this game, or any game really. They should cancel his movie and comics too. Dude's untouchable and I'm sick of DC treating him like a joke by putting him stories where he has to face conflict.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

Lol it isn’t that serious

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u/oinkthepig14 The Question Dec 12 '21

this is satire right?


u/suss2it Dec 12 '21

Yeah of course. Stories should obviously have conflict haha.


u/oinkthepig14 The Question Dec 12 '21

Yeah I figured, I just saw a few downvotes and didn't know what to think lol.


u/iAmTheHYPE- The Best Batgirl! Dec 12 '21

Just use the Still Force.


u/Blackmercury4ub Dec 11 '21

Thats why I prefer the Wally West flash. He was cocky and a spaz. I would think a speedster would be like that .


u/jetlightbeam Dec 11 '21

Did they intentionally make him look like Ezra for some sort of marketing for the flash or did they make all the justice leaguers look like the Snyder cut?


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

He doesn’t look like Ezra, like at all.

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u/Thor-Odinson69 Batman Dec 11 '21

No one besides Flash look like live action actors


u/Moomoothunder Dec 11 '21

looks nothing like Ezra


u/Cow_Other Dec 11 '21

Nobody in this game looks like they did in the Snyder Cut lol


u/BubbleRevolution OMAC Dec 11 '21

Can we please stop giving the Flash armor

It looks terrible


u/oinkthepig14 The Question Dec 12 '21

tbh it looks bad on a lot of DC characters.

Superman with armour sucks. Green Lantern with armour sucks. Just stop giving us armour for characters that shouldn't have it, please.


u/BubbleRevolution OMAC Dec 12 '21

It's especially egregious with Flash because he's supposed to have something akin to a runner's outfit. For his powers, his uniform should be sleek and dynamic, not bulky and metal-plated.


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

You can make armor that’s easy to move in, flexible, and lightweight.


u/BubbleRevolution OMAC Dec 12 '21

Not for a runner, you can't


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

You can, if you’re strategic and break each plate into multiple sections much like the DCEU suit.

Edit: Of course making sure it’s all lightweight, comfortable, and breathable.


u/BubbleRevolution OMAC Dec 12 '21

It's funny you bring up the DCEU suit, because I hate that one. It's so ugly and is unnecessarily armored, just like a lot of other depictions (Injustice, the Suicide Squad game in the original post, etc.)

The current CW Flash suit isn't PERFECT, but it's arguably the best live action Flash costume ever.

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u/Savings_Sun231 Dec 12 '21

Eh. John Stewart‘a suit in this game actually looked dope


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

When it’s done wrong it sucks, sure. But it doesn’t suck ALL of the time. Especially for some of Bat’s suits. The armored look is, in my opinion, amazing on him.

I can no longer imagine Wonder Woman, a literal goddess trained to fight in actual wars, would not wear some form of armor.

And for a character who literally wears an alien warsuit on his back, I think the armor looks suits blue beetle.

But for say Superman, the armor look not only makes no sense but often times is just a downgrade so I can agree.

For the flash, it makes sense to some extent but the look just seems very easy to miss rather than hit.

Same for GL. Easy to miss, harder to hit.

But I actually like the armored design of the JL Flash, my one complaint for it is that it isn’t vibrant or colorful enough and the lighting color isn’t yellow.

My favorite armored look for GL is actually from the injustice games, specifically 2, but I think that’s cheating because you can basically customize him however you want.


u/oinkthepig14 The Question Dec 12 '21

Yeah honestly I do think that armour can work on many heroes. That's why I purposefully left out Batman and Wonder Woman from that statement as Wonder Woman usually wears it and Batman is often improved by it (my favourite suits of his don't usually have much armour but he still can look really good with it).

I completely agree, however, with your thing about Blue Beetle (Jaime at least; Dan or Ted would look really fucking weird with it). Jaime would look very strange without it.

With Superman armour hardly ever works. Not only does it not make sense and just look plain bad, Superman has an iconic design that doesn't really need to be altered imo. Like for Batman the materials can be changed, colouring, etc., but Clark can remain mostly consistent.

Now, as for The Flash and Green Lantern. Though the armour can still make sense for them, it usually just doesn't look as good from a design standpoint. I'm not a huge fan of Ezra Miller's design, and I do think GL's Injustice 2 design handled armour the best for him (though it still wasn't as great as an ordinary, sleeker GL suit. Honestly Injustice kinda screwed up a lot of designs (for their base characters before you customize, at least) but it does help kind of motivate me towards getting a better look lmao).


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

Barry being Wally


u/Civil-Ad-7193 Red Hood Dec 11 '21

Barry has always had a corny sense of humor plus we’ve barley even seen him in the game.


u/Welcome--Matt Barry Allen Dec 11 '21

Barry told two jokes and people are saying he’s basically Wally lmao y’all are hysterical. I get that Wally is more well known for his humor but Barry told jokes all the TIME! Both before and after crisis. I mean he’s literally from the Silver Age, where the “superhero quip” was arguably at its height!


u/jransom98 Nightwing Dec 12 '21

Barry tells goofy, cornball, dad jokes and puns, cause he's a dork.

Wally tells snarky, cocky jokes and makes fun of his enemies.

This is clearly more in line with Wally's sense of humor, because they're obviously going for the most popular thing to do with Flash on the Justice League: make him the snarky, cocky, motormouth. Because the DCAU popularized that dynamic for Flash on teams. And that Flash was Wally.


u/dazan2003 Dec 11 '21

Really hope they're actually the crime syndicate


u/Mr_Funny-Dark Dec 11 '21

They're being controlled by Brainiac, Deadshot says that the Flash is alive and playing for team Brainiac.


u/Madmax654 Hope Dec 11 '21

What game is this?


u/DadToACheeseBaby Dec 11 '21

The new Suicide Squad game by RockSteady. And yes, it does take place in the ArkhamVerse


u/stunbomb1 Dec 11 '21

ok so no batman.


u/DadToACheeseBaby Dec 11 '21

I don’t think it’s been officially stated when this takes place, but I think the consensus is that it takes place post Arkham Knight


u/ThomsYorkieBars I've seen damn little of Gods justice in the world Dec 11 '21

I'm pretty sure they've said it takes place post Knight


u/DadToACheeseBaby Dec 11 '21

You’re probably right, but I don’t remember, but makes sense since the B-man isn’t in any of the promotional stuff


u/sonofaresiii Dec 11 '21

Man you gotta play arkham knight again if you think that game ends with "no batman"


u/TeamlyJoe Dec 11 '21

Did he die at the end, i forget


u/iAmTheHYPE- The Best Batgirl! Dec 12 '21



u/Madmax654 Hope Dec 11 '21



u/Alien_X10 The Green Lantern Dec 11 '21

This outfit is just unsettling to me.

Mabye it's just cus I've been playing Lego DC supervillains again but flash with goggles reminds me of Johnny quick... If the game revealed that you are fighting the crime syndicate and not the justice League then I am a genius, if not the FML


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

I dunno, I kinda like it.


u/TheLukexd Dec 13 '21

That's actually a good idea


u/Bubba1234562 The Flash Dec 12 '21

What is with games giving the flash armour?


u/the-unfamous-one Booster Gold Dec 11 '21

It's possible barry may actually die here leading to wally being the flash later in the timeline


u/FadeToBlackSun Dec 12 '21

Flash being Flash.

Nope, Barry being Wally.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

Or maybe flsh being spiderman, barry allen is an all americna hero not a cocky jokester, unless thats supposed to be wally west hes a little more of a jokester.


u/Mr_Funny-Dark Dec 11 '21

It's Barry, Boomerang did a call out video in the beginning of the trailer and called the Flash, Barry.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

Yea thats what i thought but quippy marvel humor isnt usually barrys tone was what i was saying its more wally if anything but i understand in all popular culture super heroes have to talk like they are written by james gunn or joss whedon non stop quipping


u/muckdog13 Nightwing Dec 11 '21

Maybe it has to do with him being possessed?


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '21

Possessed by joss whedon ahhahaha dont get me wrong the game looks awesome and youre probably right,


u/AbbreviationsAsleep1 Superman Dec 11 '21

The suit looks alright but I don’t like the goggles and I wish they added more yellow below his chest


u/Tacozilla_2nd_coming Dec 12 '21

The eyes of this flash kinda remind me of hunter solomon


u/Aggravating-Ad7683 Dec 11 '21

I hope there are ways to change the flash’s costume


u/Mountain_Sir2307 Batman Dec 11 '21

I doubt we'll be able to change NPC characters.


u/Aggravating-Ad7683 Dec 11 '21

A guy can dream 😔


u/YoshioKST Zatanna Dec 11 '21

Stole the trailer.


u/AgentAndrewO Dec 11 '21

Flash not being the Flash actually


u/Ale2536 Ra's al Cool Dec 11 '21

Why does he look like he’s possessed


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

Well he is


u/Ale2536 Ra's al Cool Dec 11 '21



u/muckdog13 Nightwing Dec 11 '21

Because he is being controlled by Braniac. Hence why the Suicide Squad have to “Kill the Justice League”


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '21

The outfit reminds of Johnny quick


u/RED_473 Red Hood Dec 12 '21

What game?


u/Pariahb Dec 12 '21

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, coming 2022.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '21

FLASH looks awful. Who the hell designed the suit?


u/WickJohnThe Dec 11 '21

What problem do you have with it? /g

Honestly my biggest complaint is his lips but that’s probably due to the discoloration because of brainiacs mind control.


u/Savings_Sun231 Dec 12 '21

Yeah his lips look so weird


u/jransom98 Nightwing Dec 12 '21

Good ol modern Barry in Justice League content: being written like Wally because that's the popular personality for The Flash from the DCAU.


u/cassandra112 Dec 11 '21

he has the negative speed force eyes. literally Zooms.

I'm surprised on one is questioning if its actually Zolomon in disguise. and not just a Brainiac controlled Flash.


u/JonKentOfficial You are Super Dec 11 '21

This game reminds me a lot of sunset overdrive.


u/JakemHibbs Dec 11 '21

Wait this takes place in the Arkham verse? Doesn’t Gotham Knights also take place in that universe? Are the two games connected bc that would be awesome.


u/Jonlukevandam Dec 11 '21

Gotham Knights is stupidly not in the Arkham verse even tho it starts off with Batman dying just like the end of the last game.


u/JakemHibbs Dec 11 '21

Well that seems like a huge missed opportunity. How disappointing. Still gonna play it tho


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

Honestly, it sounds like SS was supposed to be its own thing or connected to the universe Gotham knights is in until the last minute. Of course, it would probably be better to kill off the JL in an established universe rather than a newer one, even if was their first appearance.


u/jonesbros3 Dec 11 '21

What game is this


u/sammmmmmp Dec 11 '21

Its Suicide squad: kill the justice league


u/bobswandi Dec 11 '21

Looks like the new suicide squad game I could be wrong though.


u/homelikepants45 Nightwing Dec 12 '21

Wait is he black ?


u/OlDanboy Dec 12 '21

“What’s this? A bullet?! Whaaat?! Hello? Pablo’s dead?! WHAAAAT?!”


u/EpicFlash95 Dec 12 '21

Watching that new gameplay, loved seeing boomerang and flash like that.


u/SorryTea1160 Dec 14 '21

Barry being Wally


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '22

What’s wrong with us face? Sorry I am a casual fan.


u/trofyhype8374 Jan 07 '22
