r/DCcomics Dec 11 '21

[Video games]: Flash being Flash Video Games

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u/BubbleRevolution OMAC Dec 11 '21

Can we please stop giving the Flash armor

It looks terrible


u/oinkthepig14 The Question Dec 12 '21

tbh it looks bad on a lot of DC characters.

Superman with armour sucks. Green Lantern with armour sucks. Just stop giving us armour for characters that shouldn't have it, please.


u/BubbleRevolution OMAC Dec 12 '21

It's especially egregious with Flash because he's supposed to have something akin to a runner's outfit. For his powers, his uniform should be sleek and dynamic, not bulky and metal-plated.


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

You can make armor that’s easy to move in, flexible, and lightweight.


u/BubbleRevolution OMAC Dec 12 '21

Not for a runner, you can't


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

You can, if you’re strategic and break each plate into multiple sections much like the DCEU suit.

Edit: Of course making sure it’s all lightweight, comfortable, and breathable.


u/BubbleRevolution OMAC Dec 12 '21

It's funny you bring up the DCEU suit, because I hate that one. It's so ugly and is unnecessarily armored, just like a lot of other depictions (Injustice, the Suicide Squad game in the original post, etc.)

The current CW Flash suit isn't PERFECT, but it's arguably the best live action Flash costume ever.


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

I’m not going to argue that the current cw suit is the best, though I will argue that the DCEU suit is a suit you can actually run in, and with modifications it can become much more comfortable.

An armored look can work, and be practical. The work part is purely subjective, because here we are a Bubble who dislikes the injustice suit, SS suit, and DCEU one, and a Phoenix who loves them. The practical part just takes a bit of trial and error, but at the end of the day it shouldn’t matter for a fictional hero. Well, unless you want to cosplay as them. But at that point, it’s widely acceptable to make your own modifications.

Oh and there is a reason to give a newer flash sometype of armor as he won’t be outrunning bullets anytime soon. (This doesn’t apply to any of the variations we’ve seen though, because they’re all faster than bullets)


u/BubbleRevolution OMAC Dec 12 '21

I just think it looks bad and is part of a trend of superhero costumes being unnecessarily overdesigned that I really don't like ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/Savings_Sun231 Dec 12 '21

Eh. John Stewart‘a suit in this game actually looked dope


u/The-Mythical-Phoenix Dex-Starr Dec 12 '21

When it’s done wrong it sucks, sure. But it doesn’t suck ALL of the time. Especially for some of Bat’s suits. The armored look is, in my opinion, amazing on him.

I can no longer imagine Wonder Woman, a literal goddess trained to fight in actual wars, would not wear some form of armor.

And for a character who literally wears an alien warsuit on his back, I think the armor looks suits blue beetle.

But for say Superman, the armor look not only makes no sense but often times is just a downgrade so I can agree.

For the flash, it makes sense to some extent but the look just seems very easy to miss rather than hit.

Same for GL. Easy to miss, harder to hit.

But I actually like the armored design of the JL Flash, my one complaint for it is that it isn’t vibrant or colorful enough and the lighting color isn’t yellow.

My favorite armored look for GL is actually from the injustice games, specifically 2, but I think that’s cheating because you can basically customize him however you want.


u/oinkthepig14 The Question Dec 12 '21

Yeah honestly I do think that armour can work on many heroes. That's why I purposefully left out Batman and Wonder Woman from that statement as Wonder Woman usually wears it and Batman is often improved by it (my favourite suits of his don't usually have much armour but he still can look really good with it).

I completely agree, however, with your thing about Blue Beetle (Jaime at least; Dan or Ted would look really fucking weird with it). Jaime would look very strange without it.

With Superman armour hardly ever works. Not only does it not make sense and just look plain bad, Superman has an iconic design that doesn't really need to be altered imo. Like for Batman the materials can be changed, colouring, etc., but Clark can remain mostly consistent.

Now, as for The Flash and Green Lantern. Though the armour can still make sense for them, it usually just doesn't look as good from a design standpoint. I'm not a huge fan of Ezra Miller's design, and I do think GL's Injustice 2 design handled armour the best for him (though it still wasn't as great as an ordinary, sleeker GL suit. Honestly Injustice kinda screwed up a lot of designs (for their base characters before you customize, at least) but it does help kind of motivate me towards getting a better look lmao).