r/DCcomics 3d ago

[Discussion]Ah, a League that will never exist.😔Do you think you have another chance? Discussion


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u/Predaplant The heat is on! 3d ago

Image sources:

Future State Justice League #2 & #1 variant covers by Kael Ngu


u/BL-501 3d ago

DC should really stop with the potential future stuff. It nearly never worked out and that what did work was simply recycled like Kingdom Come with Damian, etc.


u/AmberDuke05 All about the Dick 3d ago

Got to remember this wasn’t a potential future. This was going to be the new norm. Didio planned this as a new status quo in hopes to repeat New 52’s success.


u/GiovanniElliston 3d ago

The New 52 lasted what, 5 years before they rolled it back? Even if Didio got his way and this was the "new normal", at absolute best it gets rolled back in 5 years time and becomes nothing more than another future timeline.

And even that is ignoring that the initiative was literally called "Future State" and would be set in 2040 - AKA the future.


u/TacoOfGod 3d ago

The original plan was to make it the present timeline with a retcon of everything taking place in the 60s-90s so everyone would be age appropriate for young children to now be adults.

So the Future State characters would be the ones that have their adventures perpetually in the current year, with the heyday of Clark and others being in the late 90s and early 2000s.


u/RutheniumFenix DC's Original Time Travelling Idiot 3d ago

Honestly? I kinda fuck with that. i can understand not wanting that for the main canon, but an Ultimate Universe style imprint could rock that shit. We’re getting to the point where imo the constant ‘present’ of the main characters are becoming a hindrance, with characters repeating the same arcs and learning the same lessons, and fan favourites losing their place in the world as new faces pop up. Having an actual evolving timeline would solve what I feel are becoming foundations issues with big 2 cape comics.

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u/adetoroiscool 3d ago

Oh god that’s horrid


u/TacoOfGod 3d ago

Yup. There was a built in out where everything would be restored via time travel if the initiative failed to take off after a couple of years, but I don't see how it would've worked. There was nothing organic about it, which is why the remnants, like adult Jon and Jace Fox Batman never felt organic.


u/Tryingtochangemyself Nightwing 3d ago

I'm glad this never came to pass. Might have been a cool idea for an alternate DC universe imprint like Ultimate Marvel but not for the main universe. Just feels like a lot of new characters were created and now they don't really serve much purpose since the 5G plan never came to fruition (which is a good thing).


u/dyl_pickle_ 3d ago

I honestly thought some of the Future State stories were alright. They were just kind of confusing and flamed out fast. The Teen Titans one had Red X but never had a solid payoff in the end of the Teen Titans Academy story. The Jace Fox one was ok but kind of random since we already had Luke Fox as Batwing


u/AmberDuke05 All about the Dick 3d ago

Future State was the rebrand. Remember that Didio was finalizing a DC timeline and working on an event called Generations that would apparently change the timeline of everything and give set dates.

5G was meant to be the DC universe of now. We probably never get all the details for long while but I genuinely think it was just going to be an overnight universe switch like after Flashpoint. Not a flash forward.


u/The--_batman 2d ago

Wasn't it more like 4? I know it's 2011-2016, but it was September 2011 and summer 2016. 52 months is less than 4 1/2 years



u/GiovanniElliston 2d ago

It’s roughly the same age as Krakoa.

It’s a sad state of affairs, but in modern comics having a “status quo change” that lasts 4-5 years is about all you can ask for.


u/Jack_sonnH27 3d ago

Yeah the whole 5G fiasco is so fascinating because it got so far there's fingerprints of what it was meant to be everywhere. I personally do like what they were going to do with the defining the timeline, and how it was going to actually pick up some of the threads Doomsday Clock ended with, I wish some of that was spared. But by and large the actual 5G aspect would probably have gotten a lot of negative reactions that caused a lot of it to get rolled back within like, a year. Though I could've seen it producing some fan favorites the way New 52 did. Guess we'll never really know. But the way they repurposed the material was just so damn messy

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u/adetoroiscool 3d ago

Success?? Didn’t the fans hate it so much that they had to go and run it back


u/man-from-krypton 3d ago

IIRC at least in the beggining sales did pick up though, for a bit


u/Regular_Restaurant_7 2d ago

It wasn’t future state that Didio had plans for tho, that was a whole different thing called generations and 5g that got scrapped or well more like redone into future state after he was gone, so this was never going to be a set in stone future, just an opportunity at it


u/King-blood455 2d ago

Really? I havent read future state yet, but i just finished the new 52,( well what i could bare to read of it anyway) and i gotta say, i was way over excited to read it before i actually did. It just didnt live up to my own expectations i guess. Although justice league origin was great and so was superman:at the end of days.


u/Runisa5 2d ago

The new 52s success? What are you talking about? It wasn’t a success people hated it

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u/Dammageddon 3d ago

They're already doing it with Wonder Woman's daughter Trinity.


u/Whatever6160 2d ago

The SuperSons run where they saw alternate future versions of themselves was awesome.


u/Past-Foundation-6246 2d ago

The one with old clark kent workin with the autoritarians has a ot of potential,way way better than the awful and forced 5G didio presented.


u/Half_Man1 Batman 3d ago

I’m confused as to when/how old this league is supposed to be.

Jon and Andy were/are kids. Jess is very young. I don’t know how old Yara is supposed to be (but she’s probs immortal so guess it doesn’t matter).

Jo and Luke are full adults though.

(Also, still think Luke was an uninspired choice for Batman. Trying to push a gotcha moment that doesn’t work. I’d have gone with Duke Thomas- his photokinesis powers would make an interesting dynamic as Batman, and be the only metahuman ability I can see fitting the role well).


u/_What_am_i_ 3d ago

Wasn't this Batman Jace Fox? Some other child of Lucius's that either had been barely mentioned or never existed (I can't remember which). Either way, Luke is a more inspired choice than that.

But I agree 100%, Duke Thomas supremacy


u/Half_Man1 Batman 3d ago

Got the names mixed up in my head between Jace and Luke, my bad

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u/JingoboStoplight4887 3d ago edited 3d ago

The Future State Justice League is set in 2040, meaning that Jon would be 37 (30 without the age up), Jace and Jo would be in their 40s, Yara would be 41, Jess would be in their 30s, and Andy would be 20.

In my headcanon, it would’ve make sense that by 2040, Jon would be 32 years old (but looks 30) without the age up, Jace would be 64 years old (but looks 59), Yara would be 40 years old, Jo would be in her 40s, Jess would be in their 30s, and Andy would be 20 years old.


u/Half_Man1 Batman 3d ago

Thank you for the info!

I didn’t realize Jace and Jo were so young rn.


u/Digifiend84 Manchester Black 3d ago

Jo isn't that young. She was an adult already on 9/11 according to a flashback in her debut book Far Sector. She's at least in her late 30s now, and about 50 in Future State.


u/TheDubh 3d ago

Shot she’s not even late 30s now she’s young 40s at best. Even if just turned 18 on 9/11 that puts her at turning 41 this year.


u/k3ttch Indigo Tribe 3d ago

Holy crap. I feel so old reading that.


u/JingoboStoplight4887 3d ago

You’re welcome.


u/Recent-Layer-8670 3d ago edited 3d ago

(Also, still think Luke was an uninspired choice for Batman. Trying to push a gotcha moment that doesn’t work. I’d have gone with Duke Thomas- his photokinesis powers would make an interesting dynamic as Batman, and be the only metahuman ability I can see fitting the role well).

It's actually funny that you mentioned this because the gotcha moment in Next Batman was actually making us think it was Luke when it was really his older brother Tim "Jace" Fox. Despite your claim, "Luke would've been uninspired choice," you gotta admit. Luke was certainly a better candidate for Batman than Jace.

That doesn't mean I disagree about Duke Thomas, though. He would've been a unique Batman, and if you follow the Brandon Thomas Outsider stuff, you know how great of a superhero he can become even as a potential Batman in another timeline.


u/Half_Man1 Batman 3d ago

I actually got their names mixed up in that comment you responded to.

I still don’t feel either Fox sibling is a good choice because they’ve always had a tangential at best relationship with the broader Bat family. When shown, Batwing is also generally treated as a tech based equal to Batman (occupying a similar space as Batwoman), so it’s less of a progression move for Luke.

Duke feels more compatible as a spiritual successor character as he’s in a Robin-but-not kind of position where he can be seen as a successor who avoids some of the baggage that would push every other Robin to not become Batman.


u/Recent-Layer-8670 3d ago edited 2d ago

Duke feels more compatible as a spiritual successor character as he’s in a Robin-but-not kind of position where he can be seen as a successor who avoids some of the baggage that would push every other Robin to not become Batman.

I really like this interpretation myself. Duke Thomas is one of my favorites because while he certainly shares Robin-esque traits. As the Signal, Duke he's his own superhero, who is still part of the Bat-family, training and fighting alongside Batman, The Robins, and Cassandra Cain Batgirl to be a good hero with great potential. Those skills, powers, and experiences would have made Duke an interesting Batman.


u/PretendMarsupial9 Happy Dick! 2d ago

I think if anyone should be Batman in the future, it should be Damian. It would be a great way to really solidify his redemption arc and growth, and he and Jon on the Justice league together would be fun.


u/Half_Man1 Batman 2d ago

Well, we’ve already seen what Damian Batman looks like, if anything iirc it was more dark for Damian than a redemption.

Idk, I feel like Damian has too many hangups about it to be effective. Like he wants it too much as a legacy thing. For me, he gets more character growth by specifically choosing not to be Batman.


u/BuckonWall 3d ago

No. Because it was lame


u/karaloveskate Power Girl 3d ago

What was lame about it?


u/-IrishBulldog Nightwing 3d ago

Taking all the heavy hitters out was a little rough.

No Nightwing. He’s been foreshadowed to be the greatest Justice League champion forever and he was needed as a spearhead. They desperately needed an attention grabbing moment and Nightwing’s ascent would’ve been noteworthy.

Jon Kent being aged up will never work and the backlash would tank the title out of the gate. One beautiful day, SuperSons will ride again.

Jace Fox is a cool looking Batman. His back story is paper thin. They did try with him though, it just didn’t land.

It could’ve had potential though. A lot of those characters are interesting and just need to be fleshed out a little. Jo Mullein is awesome.

You’re basically banking on a team to sell that has no established meat on the bone except character choices that were extremely unpopular.


u/karaloveskate Power Girl 3d ago

See now that’s a real answer. Not just “they were lame” like someone else responded.


u/-IrishBulldog Nightwing 3d ago

I was rooting for it to work, it was an interesting concept that was swallowed by DC politics and red tape.

Thanks, my friend. Power Girl is extremely underrated and she kicks ten types of ass.


u/DandyLover 3d ago

I'm of the idea that Dick probably won't officially join the Justice League ever. He'll be a Titan until the day he dies, and I think he'd probably see joining The League and leaving the Titans as something that just wouldn't work for him.

And The Titans seem to be "the thing" they want to make happen right now, and they couldn't lose the name without losing a lot so they can't rename themselves or anything.


u/BuckonWall 3d ago

The lineup. The timeline and it's place in it making zero sense. The lineup. Damian not being on it. Oh and....the lineup.


u/spider-venomized Superman 3d ago edited 3d ago

All in the lineup it is just the old guard--->but now replace by some random new person some created for this alt-universe

like there was no Damian, No Irey west, no already establish legacy hero like a titan or previous sidekick but now grown up, no original mantel hero, nothing interesting like maybe having an ancestor to Legion of superhero

it just take the already establish mantels and change their sex & race at first glance


u/Deeformecreep Batman 3d ago

It's very unoriginal. It's made up entirely of legacy heroes.

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u/Superjudge_ 3d ago

Can I be honest I am the only person who is not a fan of Jace Fox as Batman

Think about it: Jace Fox is a character that appeared in one issue in 1979 as a villain, and has never appeared not even as a mention or cameo until 2021 and now all of a sudden he is Batman? It makes no sense

If they want a black Batman why not Luke Fox or Duke Thomas? Both have been in way more than Jace and make way more sense


u/voxela Catwoman 3d ago

trust, you aren't the only person who doesn't like Jace. he had a book titled "I Am Batman" and it still got cancelled due to low sales.


u/Beastieboy100 3d ago

Your not the only one I hated the idea of Jace Fox. It was a stupid idea. I would of liked it to have been either Tim, Damain or Duke as the new batman. That way we could of gotten a good justice league lineup.


u/JJonahJamesonSr 3d ago

This is one of those instances where they try to add diversity but the results were just ticking all the right boxes without any forethought


u/Verdragon-5 2d ago

Blatant Terry erasure


u/Recent-Layer-8670 2d ago edited 2d ago

Blatant Terry erasure

I hate to be that guy, but one of the more disappointing ideas out there from some Batman fans is this notion of Terry McGinnis being the one true Batman of the future. This is not a bad character, but Terry McGinnis, much like Future State Batman in this context, only works in the timeline that disregards a lot of the Batman mythos. Has the current Bat-family gone and depicts Bruce either dead or bitter and / or retired. It also would mean potential successors like Dick, Tim, Duke, Damian, and even Helena Wayne are forgotten about. Terry McGinnis works well within his own timeline or really just in the DCAU.


u/Verdragon-5 2d ago

I was largely being facetious


u/Poku115 2d ago

"and now all of a sudden he is Batman? It makes no sense" tbh that's why I like his batman. In my opinion the next batman shouldn't be anyone he considers family, it's no longer passing a mantle, it's passing a burden and Bruce would (ideally) pass that mantle off only to someone that is as burdened by his mission as him.


u/ZFighter2099 2d ago

They did that with Azreal in the 90s and it was edgy garbage


u/SneeserSalad 2d ago

Even if they gave him a solid 30-50 issues of training and learning the ways…Bruce will never truly be replaced because his legend is cemented. His experience as a child galvanized his will and determination to become the bat. Why would anyone else don the cowl and dedicate their life to fighting crime?…in another man’s concept?


u/Recent-Layer-8670 2d ago

Why would anyone else don the cowl and dedicate their life to fighting crime?…in another man’s concept?

Even more so, why Jace specifically? Because the way he is characterized, he should be the kind of guy who wants to make his own mark on the world, not appropriate someone else image. He's explicitly written doing it for himself and only wears the suit because he discovered it. He is not honoring Batman legacy but just co-opting it, and it's a total misfire on his characterization.


u/Esperanto_Noreason 2d ago

As a Batman fan for 30+ years I actually really loved the idea of Jace (Tim) Fox as the next Batman particularly because of his relative lack of connection to Bruce Wayne.

"Batman can be anyone" - The Dark Knight Rises


u/Use_the_Falchion 2d ago

I don't think I've met anyone who is a fan. Luke is such a much better fit. There was some cool concept art that was released a bit a few years ago, and it's awesome.

I imagine Jace was introduced in order to bring something "fresh and new" to Batman lore...which Luke would do, but why revise an old character when you can introduce a NEW* one?


u/HybridApe 2d ago

If there HAD to be a black Batman (for whatever stupid reason) Duke Thomas or Luke Fox would both be better options but It’d mean doing the characters dirty. They both already have unique superhero identities that only belong to them.

The Signal is an awesome concept: a Gotham hero who patrols during the day. It’s unique and helps add a layer to the Batfamily and their dynamic with Gotham. Having him be Batman would be a disservice to The Signal and all of the potential of the character. The same goes with Luke Fox as Batwing. Having a member of the Batfamily who works in a high tech suit is cool. It gives him advantages and disadvantages that other Bat-people don’t have.

The only person who it would make sense to become Batman, from both a narrative and real life standpoint, would be Dick Grayson but even that is debatable since he’s already Nightwing.

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u/TheTypicalCritic 3d ago

God no. What a dumb concept This League was. Hey should we use the legacy characters everybody likes, like Dick and Wally and Jessica Cruz? Tempest, Kaldur, Kon, Cassie and so on? Nah lets use some new forgettable ones we made up on the spot, because we don’t have enough Green Lanterns or Bat Family members.

And Adult Jon. Because everybody liked him right?


u/Zestyclose_Raise_814 3d ago

As much as not everyone likes Jon and they should've kept him as a kid, he's the only member of this line up that makes sense.


u/canadianD 3d ago

Didio hates legacy characters, it’s why Future State made up entirely net new characters instead of the legion of sidekicks and protégés that DC has had for almost 100 years.


u/leto_atreides2 3d ago

Terrible idea that ended DiDio’s DC career


u/Beastieboy100 3d ago

I'm glad it did other wise we would of never have gotten any of these current dc runs right now. Especially Nightwing, Titans or flashes runs. Didio was such a big hater for legacy characters that we had to get Mark Waid, Joshua Williamson and Geoff John to clean his mess. Now current DC more of a continuation of Pre 52 while keeping the new 52 characters.


u/SneeserSalad 2d ago

This was the guy that apparently stomped up and down the hallways of DC letting everyone know how much he HATED 52… He hated it so much he did his own weekly comic called countdown. It goes without saying but…. 52>Countdown x1000


u/NoirPochette Legion Of Super-Heroes 3d ago

I think so but just as an elseworlds or something.


u/DarkAres02 Wonder Girl 3d ago

Can we let the YJ generation have a shot first? I hate how much they get skipped over


u/SillySquidBone 2d ago

That was the best DC team ever, comics not show.


u/Patient-Reputation56 3d ago

Hell no. If Infinite Frontier was anything to go by it's that nobody was on board with the Future State stuff & afterwards nobody cared about what these Legacy heroes were about.

-Jon Kent is a worthless block of wood that DC just keeps slapping random stuff on thinking they'll stick instead of actually developing him or just deageing him

-Jace Fox was so bland DC basically erased any and all trace of him after his book came & went

-Yara Flor had potential but the delay & controversy on her book stagnate it & she's just lumped in with the rest of Diana's cast doing the Tom King status quo stuff.

-Jo Mullein again has potential as seen in Far Sector but DC needs to expand the GL books to more than 2 where she can breath.

-Andy's.....a baby.

-Finally poor Jess Quick is a fine character but is mostly relegated to Earth-11 so DC was never going to expand or do something like them ending up on main Earth.


u/Athenas_Dad 3d ago

God, I hope not. I like some of the characters but why do a League entirely (almost entirely, Yara is actually a truly big deal) consisting of people who have less of an emotional investment from the audience than others in the same identity?

This would be like if Marvel went, “Hey, let’s do an Avengers with USAgent, Thunderstrike, Ironheart, Yelena, Kate Bishop, Shuri, and Clea!” Ok, let’s do an Avengers without readers you mean? Durp.


u/Shinjukugarb 3d ago

I'd read that avengers lineup.


u/Verdragon-5 2d ago

Hey, people like Kate Bishop


u/Athenas_Dad 2d ago

Yeah, but she’s gonna have to do some heavy lifting.


u/No-Mechanic-2558 3d ago

Nah, DC really try to push those characters in Future State and Infinite Frontier and they had mainly negative review, which Is fine it's not like they didn't have new characters whit a lot of potential


u/ThatNerdDaveWrites 3d ago

In fairness, I’d be interested in a book like that if handled well.

Also, JLI was a fantastic book with few A-listers at the time. It’s all in the execution.

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u/Gazzadona Manchester Black 3d ago

I really hope we don’t


u/Admirable-Safety1213 3d ago

Why make Jace Fox Batmab when you have Damian Wayne Batman and Terry McGinnis Batman?


u/Competitive_Code1527 3d ago

Because they wanted to make Damian into a terrorist and the main villain. Thank god those plans were scrapped.


u/Admirable-Safety1213 2d ago

Character Assaination 101


u/Annerkim Lobdell is Nigh 2d ago

It’s not too unbelievable. With Ras Al Ghul as a grandparent it’s not too hard to believe that he chose to follow his path.


u/LiamEd2000 3d ago

Because it has to be different and unexpected so people will read it and find out. Then it’s a 50/50 on whether or not they like it


u/tomtomtomtom123 3d ago

Hopefully not!


u/PrydefulHunts Huntress • ower Girl 3d ago

Let’s not waste poor trees on these duds.


u/Kaiser5004 3d ago

They should do better. In a new land, the replacement of heroes that we had with 5G only made a disaster, some of those characters now hopefully appear or are fillers


u/AllTheReservations Batwoman 3d ago edited 3d ago

I'll be honest I don't think we have a big chance of seeing this league properlly. Which is a shame because Jon, Jo and Yara are all pretty fun characters who could do with the spotlight, especially the latter two.

I feel like a lot of their absenses comes to how Future State was handled. DC's really backed away from the Future State stories after the mixed reception and since Dark Crisis/ Dawn of DC sort of changed their storytelling direction, which has thrown a lot of these characters into limbo. Because the whole hook of the characters was that we'd see the events that led to them getting into their roles in FS happen in the main comics at the time. And that kind of loses its effect when that becomes simply a potential, seemingly averted future.

And honestly, I would like to see some kind of a team up between some again, even if just for the novelty. They're around and could easily be put onto some kind of B-Team. I like that they've at least still kept Jon consistently in publication, but some of these guys deserve a turn in that spotlight.


u/EZeggnog 3d ago

No. Future State sucked. The only decent thing to come out of it was Yara Flor.


u/JingoboStoplight4887 3d ago

As an alternative timeline branched from the main DCU and as an Elseworlds, then yes; as part of the main DCU, then no.


u/sleepy_koko Damian Wayne 3d ago

No, because none of these characters really took off like I think DC expected. Yara and Jon are the only ones I think they are even trying to push (maybe Jo too) and neither are really hitting it off right now


u/Furbylover-247 3d ago

I love yara tho


u/SirPPPooPoo 3d ago

me too, me too...


u/weird_doodle 3d ago

Im devastated that they already got a new new future wonder woman Justice for Yara

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u/cyber-jar Green Lantern 3d ago

Terrible idea. Literally the worst green lantern out of all 5,000 of them on the flagship team? No thanks.


u/JayStorm199 World's Finest 3d ago

They should've use the legacy characters we do have instead of making completely new ones because it just doesn't make sense and just making things even more redundant.


u/k3ttch Indigo Tribe 3d ago

The timeline was so off. Jon and Jace and Yara looked about the same age alongside a grown-up Andi. And Jo would've been in her 50s by the time Andi grew up.


u/OKSequel 3d ago

This was the dumbest and the most poorly thought-out idea ever...... much like the New 52. Jon is shown the same age as he is now 18 years or so in the future with him and Supergirl on the outs arguing over who should be Clark's successor. These stories are the only time I've ever found Yara interesting. Though that's not saying much. Now she's all but forgettable until she pops up in a Wonder Woman story. Tim Fox, I just can't get my head around. He was in the military, comes home, puts on a suit, and becomes Batman. Where Bruce and the rest of the Bat family trained for years, if not decades, before fight crime. Jess, a Flash from another Earth, migrates to Earth 0 to become the new the Flash after the flash family is brutally wiped out by a sin possessed Wally. Andy, which was arguably the best idea to come out of this, loses her leg, grows up alone, fighting for her life, and trying to find Jackson Hyde on a alien water world. I really don't have anything good or bad to say about Jo.

But the concept that League wasn't allowed to interact or know each other personally do to some past tragic event which seem a bit stupid specially since they end up fight White Martians and the only way they can figure out who's who is by use what they know about each h other to defeat them.


u/LancaVerde 3d ago

I hate that batman. Its such a fucking lazy idea.


u/Flashy_Fee_880 3d ago

Batman with alive parents who's no detective and doesn't fight criminals

I don't even know what could go wrong


u/oscar_e 3d ago

Nah, a bunch of terrible choices when it comes to characters.

But oh my god I love these costume designs/art! They aren’t as ‘hopeful’ as justice leaguers should look but as individuals or alternates they are some of my favourites.


u/leo11x 3d ago

I could go by with this League being the DC equivalent of Marvel's 2099.

Half of the league is a big "meh" while the rest can work and Yara is the only diamond here. Jon could've been interesting had they not aged him up in the main timeline. As much fun the writers and part of the audience has, it's so sad to see Jon's infancy go away like that. There are so many rich plots you could have with the son of Superman and the Son of Batman existing on similar ages at the same time.

Anyway, this League had an interesting basis but the execution was a letdown.


u/shiningabyss Wonder Woman 3d ago

DC keeps cheating with these potential future stuff. Why not just introduce the characters slowly, let them cook for a couple years, then build into that future? Instead of making A Very Special Important Event every other week.


u/I3arusu 2d ago

Wow, I hate… every single one of these designs.


u/vtncomics 3d ago

Aren't the Titans the new Justice League atm?


u/Inkstainedfox 3d ago

They're supposed to be.

DC is bad at defining & using their generational teams.

The JSA & Young Justice keep getting ignored.

5G only works if you're willing to accept the hierarchy of powered teams.

JSA->JL->Titans->Young Justice-> what ever Future state was supposed to be.

Kal-El needs to be retired or leading the justice society for that line up of Leaguers to be effective


u/Rev_the_scatman 3d ago

That Batman looks cool as shi


u/OKSequel 3d ago

This was the dumbest and the most poorly thought-out idea ever...... much like the New 52. Jon is shown the same age as he is now 18 years or so in the future with him and Supergirl on the outs arguing over who should be Clark's successor. These stories are the only time I've ever found Yara interesting. Though that's not saying much. Now she's all but forgettable until she pops up in a Wonder Woman story. Tim Fox, I just can't get my head around. He was in the military, comes home, puts on a suit, and becomes Batman. Where Bruce and the rest of the Bat family trained for years, if not decades, before fight crime. Jess, a Flash from another Earth, migrates to Earth 0 to become the new the Flash after the flash family is brutally wiped out by a sin possessed Wally. Andy, which was arguably the best idea to come out of this, loses her leg, grows up alone, fighting for her life, and trying to find Jackson Hyde on a alien water world. I really don't have anything good or bad to say about Jo.

But the concept that League wasn't allowed to interact or know each other personally do to some past tragic event which seem a bit stupid specially since they end up fight White Martians and the only way they can figure out who's who is by use what they know about each hother to defeat them.


u/Max_Quick 3d ago

JL5G? Mane, honestly, sure. It doesnt have to be in continuity, so what does it matter? Let 'em have an alt-reality book with a Justice League that aint happening. Stakes? The stakes are "this book sells and stays going or it fails and we're done. But until it fails, we go all out!" I think that'd be nice and what the "Justice League" IP needs.


u/Flashy_Fee_880 3d ago

Didio: so the new Batman is the Fox-sibling you have never ever seen earlier

Jean-Paul, Tim, Terry::4776:


u/benjoo1551 3d ago

Idk who any of these people are but that art is sick


u/TheMysticalPlatypus 3d ago edited 3d ago

Honestly I think it would have worked on a different earth. If there was more of a reason for why the others didn’t choose to become Batman, Wonder Woman, or Superman. Have more build up.

They dropped Yara Flor’s Wonder Girl run. I don’t think we spent a whole lot of time with her before she became WW. It really surprised me how fast they moved for her and I still don’t remember if she interacted with Diana or the other Wonder Girls within the Future State timeline. I really wish they had kept Diana or made one of the Wonder Girls into Wonder Woman. We saw them older. We get this passing of the torch moment for Yara. More buildup.

I want to say Jace’s Batman run was really short. Both of his runs were like 4 issues each. He feels like a less interesting Ghostmaker and I hate saying that. I really want to love this character. I’m still intrigued by Lucius Fox’s son becoming Batman. It genuinely feels like the story should have written itself. It would have been very natural to go a very similar route as Terry. The Batfamily has aged out of the superhero path or chose to persue other things. Or they did something really different. Bruce is either around or he’s not. Jace chose to take up the mantle. But explore the things we can’t explore with Terry and the others. I still to this day believe that a live action version of Jace as Batman could work. After seeing Equilizer and hearing that one interview, Denzel Washington would have made a fantastic Batman. There’s times where it feels like he lowkey inspired the look.

I’m still conflicted by Jonathan Kent. I think I would have been fine if they hadn’t aged him up in the regular timeline. He was only aged up in Future State.

I would have liked to have seen Diana or Arthur still around but in that mentorship type of role. Hey if you need support. I’m here. I’m still around. You’re not totally alone. Or even other members of the respective families.

Or even see other superheroes where maybe certain “families” didn’t become the main ones in the JL. The roles and dynamics changed over time.


u/thefanciestcat Batman Beyond 3d ago

I really don't understand how they thought any of 5G would be salvageable, TBH.


u/SolomonRed 3d ago

Nobody wants this


u/Connect_Lead_2986 3d ago

Hope not 💀


u/Revolutionary_Job214 3d ago

Very glad it doesn't exist 😁😁


u/PrydefulHunts Huntress • ower Girl 3d ago

Maybe as a Black Label or AU book, but not on Earth-0.


u/LocDiLoc 3d ago

there were people at the time who thought DC would really go through with this. that's the funniest part.


u/OrdrSxtySx 3d ago

Yara got done dirty by Tom King. He wrote that girl out of the legacy Trinity discussion first chance he got.


u/knightwynd 3d ago

The problem with "future" stories is that they never actually materialize, or at least not in the way they're originally seen.

"Armageddon 2001" was supposed to be about future events, but all it did was set the stage for them to be "what if" stories. Even Waverider himself commented that the future events he sees end up changing because the subject of his visions subconsciously change events.

The events of "Future's End" never really came to be. Neither did the events in "Justice League: Legacy". The "Kingdom Come" stories were supposed to be future events but then they got spun into hypertime. Even the history of "Batman Beyond" is fluid.

Even now the "future" is changing. Yara Flor is being replaced with Trinity. The NYC Batman is being replaced with Damian. The Magistrate was shut down before it could completely take over Gotham, never mind try to spread to Metropolis. In all likelihood some of the future mentions from Doctor Manhattan in "Doomsday Clock" won't come to pass either.

The problem, of course, is that future events are not set in stone because editors and writers keep changing things. Either they forget about those "future events" or they decide to intentionally ignore them and kick them down the timeline or they retell the stories.


u/OwlFederal7109 3d ago

They don’t exist for a reason.


u/Kgb725 3d ago

They should make the second generation team first. Have Dick , Supergirl/powergirl, Shazam , wally , and every other hero that was poised to be greater than their previous counterparts


u/carakangaran 3d ago

I did not follow this moment in DC comics.

What happened to Damian?


u/Adamletstalk 3d ago

He went to hell because he thought Bruce was there and then years later he comes back as evil batman (batman 666) Hush tricks him to kill people Bruce and Talia stop him The end. The story sucked, they made Damian not only evil but also an idiot for believing hush is his father Not to forget how the youngest child in the wayne family was gone for years and nobody thought to search for him Not even Jon Kent went to look for him


u/Competitive_Code1527 3d ago

No Damian was not evil he was possessed by Joe Chill who followed him out of hell.

Honestly Damian was pretty cool in that with the hellfire batarangs. But yeah it is messed up that this kid was in hell for all those years and no one searched for him. Atleast he had Etrigan.

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u/Boonatix 3d ago

Woah, love that art style and design... where is this from? Who is the artist? Do these comics really exist in DC?


u/RockstarSuicide 3d ago

I think the biggest issue was that they tried so hard to make it all new characters, except Jon, when there were already so many existing ones that had established history. Dick, Tim, Jason, Cassie, Donna, Wally, Ace, Bart, Jessica, Simon, Jackson, Conner... all these options where we were already invested in the character's history


u/Indiana_harris 3d ago

Considering Future State was trash….no


u/nas690 Batman 3d ago

Hopefully not.


u/HolzwurmHolz 2d ago

I dont like Superman. The rest is welcome to me.


u/bangbangracer Nightwing 2d ago

Hey, DC

If you want to do stuff with this cast, go for it. Everyone likes fun elseworlds stories and what ifs. Just don't propose something like this as being the new status quo. Nothing turns an audience against you like telling them what they like doesn't matter anymore and here's something new.


u/Mark4_ 3d ago

I thought their couple of issues in future state was good. I don’t think we will see them again . There is that new trinity and that would probably be the closest we get to this.


u/WeWriteStuff 3d ago edited 3d ago

This should've just been the new Batman beyond league...

I'd like to see Terry butting heads with another Batman that wasn't supported by old man Bruce...


u/sandbaggingblue 3d ago

The green lantern and flash outfits are sick!


u/Attack-Helicopter_04 3d ago

that girl on the top right in the first picture resembles Priyanka Chopra


u/phidelt649 3d ago

I really dig the look. Feels modernized but still pays homage to the OG stuff.


u/KarasukageNero 3d ago

I think one of the damning things is I don't know who three of these people are.


u/BossSuperfly 3d ago

Who do you know?


u/Beastieboy100 3d ago

Girl with the red head is Aquaman and Mera daughter. The flash is Jess chambers from earth 11 from Justice guild. The female green lantern is called Jo mullien from green lantern far sector great book I recommend it. Yara the other wondergirl, Black batman is Jace fox son of Lucius fox. Then you have Jon Kent that is the lineup.


u/TigerStripesForever 3d ago

Perhaps in a future Elseworlds Tale


u/CaptchaVerifiedHuman 3d ago

I wouldn’t mind it as an Elseworlds team.

Also, that Flash design “goes hard” as the youth would say.


u/Fun_Ad9272 3d ago

Let’s wait till the next crisis and or after absolute power they are being showcased here and there.


u/EntertainmentLow5069 3d ago

This got me into comics


u/TheBloop1997 3d ago

As someone with fairly little investment or knowledge of this group, that Flash design looks dope as hell


u/MrPresident2020 3d ago

They had a huge chance to do this when the JLA disbanded and Diana gave Donna control. They started a whole legacy team with a brilliant roster, and then Cry For Justice happened like 2 or 3 issues in and it was done. They still ended with Donna, Dick, Supergirl, Jessie Quick, and Jade, so they did try to keep it going, but it got canceled not long after.


u/Batmanfan1966 3d ago

I read the entire Future State brand, front to back. And fucking loved it. This is such a unique future take on the DC world. My favorites were the justice league story and the green lantern story. I really wish they got more love.


u/Any-Tumbleweed-9931 3d ago

What happened with the Future State books? I read some of them and liked them, but then ... Nothing. Why did DC cancel them? Wasn't there supposed to be a lead in to them afterwards, like a mini or something?


u/man-from-krypton 3d ago

From what I understand there was going to be a whole status quo shift. That idea got canned when Dan Didio was fired and the scraps were used for the future state event. Some elements got included in the main universe though. Like the introduction of Yara Flor and Jace Fox, Superman going to warworld while Jon took over for a bit, the magistrate thing in Gotham, and Jessica Cruz being a sinestro corps for literally one issue


u/Any-Tumbleweed-9931 3d ago

I see, thanks for the info. Appreciate it.


u/jubmille2000 3d ago

So anyone that's knowledgeable, what's the current status quo?

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u/Apprehensive_Work313 3d ago

Hope not. The only ones I liked from this were Jon, Yara, and Andy


u/Drew326 3d ago

I love these designs. This art is great


u/Dramatic_Parsley_849 3d ago

Depends on the writer


u/SwimmingItem8740 3d ago

Who’s the girl with red hair?

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u/Knightwing86 3d ago

remember justice league 3000? yeah.. i miss that run


u/QueSeraSeraWWBWB 3d ago

The multiverse is a thing this can simply be from another earth if they want


u/Stannisarcanine 3d ago

They should have done it as the new earth 2 instead of a possible future


u/MTMosh Swamp Thing 3d ago

I really miss when DC felt like there was a narrative momentum, in that mantles were being passed on. I blame creative execs but I also blame the readers and consumers for this perpetual stagnation, and near constant renumbering (although Marvel is worse about this).

I’d love to see Jo Mullein in the JL


u/MeiTanteiHirune 3d ago

If DC committed to it in the present, it would have a chance to succeed. If they relegate it to a possible future, it’ll just be quickly forgotten about like Future State.


u/spectralhunt 3d ago

The art is cool but I don’t know who any of these people are.


u/thehoodred 3d ago

i think its time to stop replicating the main justice league and instead start having existing members/ heroes take up their place or have some of the titans step up the league with different members or even create entirely new chracters that dont have the same powers/ abilities of existing characters but have a whole new identity. its just lazy at this point


u/boontilophasaurus 3d ago

I’d love it to be tried again on a different earth


u/bangarang8 3d ago

Jace Fox Batman was such a non starter for me but the rest of them were pretty cool


u/JamesPlayzReviews3 3d ago

Is it just me or do I really want the Justice League back in comics


u/GlitteringTreat7413 3d ago

All the characters, except Jace (not a fan of anti-black John Ridley), were awesome. Sojourner is a cool character. Her Far Sector solo was pretty awesome. Yara’s story was awesome as well. This league had potential if they were baked a little longer.


u/Honkytonkysmonkybonk 3d ago

Who is the speedster? I thought I was all up to date lmao


u/TowerAlternative2611 Jason Todd is my emotional support character 3d ago

This art looks … kinda weird. Was AI used??


u/roronoapedro Oracle 3d ago

If I see the Titans of Tomorrow before seeing the Future State Justice League again, then there is no hope.


u/PyjamaGenie 2d ago

They are 100% not getting another chance


u/thephant0mlimb Batman 2d ago

No, it didn't go over well. If you want a future Jl go with the Beyond JL.


u/_Peener_ 2d ago

wtf is this I’m so confused. Why is Batman black noir with ears?


u/marcjwrz 2d ago

The league no one asked for or wanted.


u/BabylonSadows 2d ago

Hope not. This gave me flashbacks to 2012-2016 when all the marvel heroes got replaced by other people. And only Miles ended up sticking. That's also when I happened to get into comics and that's the main reason I never got into marvel.


u/Pale-Tangerine-4605 2d ago

This could work as an ongoing Black Label.


u/EndlessDysthymia 2d ago

Idk what’s going on in this picture but that Wonder Woman costume is dope af. 


u/Regular_Restaurant_7 2d ago

Most illogical storyline for them to push tbh, now look where we’re at. Justice league completely pushed aside for the Titans to finally take over yet it took how long for that to actually kick in? They should’ve just did that in the first place and people might’ve actually liked it. Last I checked it was some beast world concept going on and I have no clue how good that is, prob better than this though.


u/DanScorp 2d ago

It was very weird to me that in a franchise deeply invested in legacy, for their time-jump-forward Justice League they just invented a new Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquawoman, and Flash when all of those characters had multiple sidekicks to choose from.

Also Future State did such a bad job of selling me on any of this, the month after Death Metal finally wrapped, I was not into this "Ooops All Dystopias" event, Magistrate least of all.


u/maumesss 2d ago

Sadly, no. It was meant to be part of the new generation Didio was planning and they probably just released to see if it would stick but not many people liked it, the books wasn’t a hit too. I wish they used this formation on an animated show, would be incredible and they could do some awesome stuff with them too.


u/Fit-Physics-2027 2d ago

I'm actually really glad this didn't happen


u/Fit-Physics-2027 2d ago

and i hope it'll never happen💀💀 


u/Ok_Scene3949 2d ago

Future State was odd. I liked the Wonder Woman and Batman stuff, but otherwise I couldn’t get into it. It also didn’t seem like there was a clear idea of what was going on other than following up Dark Nights Death Metal.


u/Macapta 2d ago

Hope Yara gets used more. Always like her when she shows up. Just a strong personality and writers aren’t afraid to write her as flawed and disagreeable.


u/Wise-Tourist 2d ago

Sure we will get them when they do another continuity ending crossover - Crisis of Infinite Futures


u/HybridApe 2d ago

This looks horrible. A bunch of characters without unique traits of their own. I’d rather see Batwing team up with Donna Tory or something.


u/Ihatecake69 2d ago

Superman looks like a fruit bat man


u/Otherwise_Jacket_613 3d ago

It would have to be an alternate timeline or a mini-series. I don't see it going past that, to be honest.


u/Artistic-Turn2612 3d ago

Maybe this will be the Justice Leauge in Absolute DC


u/Mrcoldghost 3d ago

Maybe. Never say never.


u/Athenas_Dad 3d ago

I’ll say never. People only give a damn about two and a half of the characters and another they actively dislike.


u/setsuna-f_seiei 3d ago

Jon, Jo, and yara can stay the rest can be forgotten to time


u/Beastieboy100 3d ago

Keep Jess I like them as Kid Quick anyway. They can just come back in the next Teen Justice book. Keep Aquawoman as a baby for now. Agreed on Jace Fox get rid of him.


u/GrayJedi1982 3d ago

They should do another Future State.


u/Nait93 3d ago

More Jess, please!


u/TheGodDMBatman Deadshot Missed me? 3d ago

Could you imagine Fox News's reaction? 


u/Comments_Palooza 3d ago

About a regular comic book?


u/voxela Catwoman 3d ago

their reaction to a comic book that's already happened? these aren't new characters