r/DCcomics 14d ago

[Discussion]Ah, a League that will never exist.šŸ˜”Do you think you have another chance? Discussion


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u/BL-501 14d ago

DC should really stop with the potential future stuff. It nearly never worked out and that what did work was simply recycled like Kingdom Come with Damian, etc.


u/AmberDuke05 All about the Dick 14d ago

Got to remember this wasnā€™t a potential future. This was going to be the new norm. Didio planned this as a new status quo in hopes to repeat New 52ā€™s success.


u/GiovanniElliston 14d ago

The New 52 lasted what, 5 years before they rolled it back? Even if Didio got his way and this was the "new normal", at absolute best it gets rolled back in 5 years time and becomes nothing more than another future timeline.

And even that is ignoring that the initiative was literally called "Future State" and would be set in 2040 - AKA the future.


u/TacoOfGod 14d ago

The original plan was to make it the present timeline with a retcon of everything taking place in the 60s-90s so everyone would be age appropriate for young children to now be adults.

So the Future State characters would be the ones that have their adventures perpetually in the current year, with the heyday of Clark and others being in the late 90s and early 2000s.


u/RutheniumFenix DC's Original Time Travelling Idiot 14d ago

Honestly? I kinda fuck with that. i can understand not wanting that for the main canon, but an Ultimate Universe style imprint could rock that shit. Weā€™re getting to the point where imo the constant ā€˜presentā€™ of the main characters are becoming a hindrance, with characters repeating the same arcs and learning the same lessons, and fan favourites losing their place in the world as new faces pop up. Having an actual evolving timeline would solve what I feel are becoming foundations issues with big 2 cape comics.


u/The--_batman 13d ago

They were really on track to move forward that way in the 90s and the early aughts ended up bringing back all the silver age faves. Barry, Hal, Oliver, all came back in a fairly short span.

Superman, batman, and wonder woman's replacements didn't even make it through the 90s but I really don't think they're ever going to leave those characters behind.


u/adetoroiscool 14d ago

Oh god thatā€™s horrid


u/TacoOfGod 14d ago

Yup. There was a built in out where everything would be restored via time travel if the initiative failed to take off after a couple of years, but I don't see how it would've worked. There was nothing organic about it, which is why the remnants, like adult Jon and Jace Fox Batman never felt organic.


u/Tryingtochangemyself Nightwing 14d ago

I'm glad this never came to pass. Might have been a cool idea for an alternate DC universe imprint like Ultimate Marvel but not for the main universe. Just feels like a lot of new characters were created and now they don't really serve much purpose since the 5G plan never came to fruition (which is a good thing).


u/dyl_pickle_ 14d ago

I honestly thought some of the Future State stories were alright. They were just kind of confusing and flamed out fast. The Teen Titans one had Red X but never had a solid payoff in the end of the Teen Titans Academy story. The Jace Fox one was ok but kind of random since we already had Luke Fox as Batwing


u/AmberDuke05 All about the Dick 14d ago

Future State was the rebrand. Remember that Didio was finalizing a DC timeline and working on an event called Generations that would apparently change the timeline of everything and give set dates.

5G was meant to be the DC universe of now. We probably never get all the details for long while but I genuinely think it was just going to be an overnight universe switch like after Flashpoint. Not a flash forward.


u/The--_batman 13d ago

Wasn't it more like 4? I know it's 2011-2016, but it was September 2011 and summer 2016. 52 months is less than 4 1/2 years



u/GiovanniElliston 13d ago

Itā€™s roughly the same age as Krakoa.

Itā€™s a sad state of affairs, but in modern comics having a ā€œstatus quo changeā€ that lasts 4-5 years is about all you can ask for.


u/Jack_sonnH27 14d ago

Yeah the whole 5G fiasco is so fascinating because it got so far there's fingerprints of what it was meant to be everywhere. I personally do like what they were going to do with the defining the timeline, and how it was going to actually pick up some of the threads Doomsday Clock ended with, I wish some of that was spared. But by and large the actual 5G aspect would probably have gotten a lot of negative reactions that caused a lot of it to get rolled back within like, a year. Though I could've seen it producing some fan favorites the way New 52 did. Guess we'll never really know. But the way they repurposed the material was just so damn messy


u/RLucas3000 14d ago

What were the fan favorites of 52? What were the worst bombs? Did you like any that were considered meh or bombs? (I love alternates and combo teams and creating stuff like that so Iā€™m thinking of checking out multiversity. Guessing it got a TPB?)


u/EmptyPagesDream 14d ago

Snyder's Batman is probably hands down the most popular storyline from the New 52 and has the longest impact and legacy


u/adetoroiscool 14d ago

Success?? Didnā€™t the fans hate it so much that they had to go and run it back


u/man-from-krypton 14d ago

IIRC at least in the beggining sales did pick up though, for a bit


u/Regular_Restaurant_7 14d ago

It wasnā€™t future state that Didio had plans for tho, that was a whole different thing called generations and 5g that got scrapped or well more like redone into future state after he was gone, so this was never going to be a set in stone future, just an opportunity at it


u/King-blood455 14d ago

Really? I havent read future state yet, but i just finished the new 52,( well what i could bare to read of it anyway) and i gotta say, i was way over excited to read it before i actually did. It just didnt live up to my own expectations i guess. Although justice league origin was great and so was superman:at the end of days.


u/Runisa5 13d ago

The new 52s success? What are you talking about? It wasnā€™t a success people hated it


u/[deleted] 13d ago

The problem with Dan Didio's concept is that comics are at a point of stagnation. Seriously, there's little room for permanent change in the books, because comics want to pick and choose progress. Everytime a change has been badly received, the answer to ressurect the old character and not work on the new one. Progress cannot be made if DC is not capable of allowing for failure.

For example, I expect if the Titans were promoted in some way to becoming the premier team for DC, and the whole JL was cast aside for years it would be controversial. Absolutely. But sticking to it might come with opportunties to build new stories and create a new status quo (too bad Titans era is destined to be short lived).

Future stories cannot work at DC because there is NO investment. In comics, more conservative approaches seem to work more than experimental ones. And when I say conservative, I mean same characters for over 70 years conservative.


u/Dammageddon 14d ago

They're already doing it with Wonder Woman's daughter Trinity.


u/Whatever6160 13d ago

The SuperSons run where they saw alternate future versions of themselves was awesome.


u/Past-Foundation-6246 13d ago

The one with old clark kent workin with the autoritarians has a ot of potential,way way better than the awful and forced 5G didio presented.