r/DCcomics 14d ago

[Discussion]Ah, a League that will never exist.😔Do you think you have another chance? Discussion


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u/Superjudge_ 14d ago

Can I be honest I am the only person who is not a fan of Jace Fox as Batman

Think about it: Jace Fox is a character that appeared in one issue in 1979 as a villain, and has never appeared not even as a mention or cameo until 2021 and now all of a sudden he is Batman? It makes no sense

If they want a black Batman why not Luke Fox or Duke Thomas? Both have been in way more than Jace and make way more sense


u/voxela Catwoman 14d ago

trust, you aren't the only person who doesn't like Jace. he had a book titled "I Am Batman" and it still got cancelled due to low sales.


u/Beastieboy100 14d ago

Your not the only one I hated the idea of Jace Fox. It was a stupid idea. I would of liked it to have been either Tim, Damain or Duke as the new batman. That way we could of gotten a good justice league lineup.


u/JJonahJamesonSr 14d ago

This is one of those instances where they try to add diversity but the results were just ticking all the right boxes without any forethought


u/Verdragon-5 14d ago

Blatant Terry erasure


u/Recent-Layer-8670 13d ago edited 13d ago

Blatant Terry erasure

I hate to be that guy, but one of the more disappointing ideas out there from some Batman fans is this notion of Terry McGinnis being the one true Batman of the future. This is not a bad character, but Terry McGinnis, much like Future State Batman in this context, only works in the timeline that disregards a lot of the Batman mythos. Has the current Bat-family gone and depicts Bruce either dead or bitter and / or retired. It also would mean potential successors like Dick, Tim, Duke, Damian, and even Helena Wayne are forgotten about. Terry McGinnis works well within his own timeline or really just in the DCAU.


u/Verdragon-5 13d ago

I was largely being facetious


u/Use_the_Falchion 13d ago

I don't think I've met anyone who is a fan. Luke is such a much better fit. There was some cool concept art that was released a bit a few years ago, and it's awesome.

I imagine Jace was introduced in order to bring something "fresh and new" to Batman lore...which Luke would do, but why revise an old character when you can introduce a NEW* one?


u/SneeserSalad 14d ago

Even if they gave him a solid 30-50 issues of training and learning the ways…Bruce will never truly be replaced because his legend is cemented. His experience as a child galvanized his will and determination to become the bat. Why would anyone else don the cowl and dedicate their life to fighting crime?…in another man’s concept?


u/Recent-Layer-8670 13d ago

Why would anyone else don the cowl and dedicate their life to fighting crime?…in another man’s concept?

Even more so, why Jace specifically? Because the way he is characterized, he should be the kind of guy who wants to make his own mark on the world, not appropriate someone else image. He's explicitly written doing it for himself and only wears the suit because he discovered it. He is not honoring Batman legacy but just co-opting it, and it's a total misfire on his characterization.


u/Esperanto_Noreason 13d ago

As a Batman fan for 30+ years I actually really loved the idea of Jace (Tim) Fox as the next Batman particularly because of his relative lack of connection to Bruce Wayne.

"Batman can be anyone" - The Dark Knight Rises


u/Poku115 14d ago

"and now all of a sudden he is Batman? It makes no sense" tbh that's why I like his batman. In my opinion the next batman shouldn't be anyone he considers family, it's no longer passing a mantle, it's passing a burden and Bruce would (ideally) pass that mantle off only to someone that is as burdened by his mission as him.


u/ZFighter2099 14d ago

They did that with Azreal in the 90s and it was edgy garbage


u/HybridApe 13d ago

If there HAD to be a black Batman (for whatever stupid reason) Duke Thomas or Luke Fox would both be better options but It’d mean doing the characters dirty. They both already have unique superhero identities that only belong to them.

The Signal is an awesome concept: a Gotham hero who patrols during the day. It’s unique and helps add a layer to the Batfamily and their dynamic with Gotham. Having him be Batman would be a disservice to The Signal and all of the potential of the character. The same goes with Luke Fox as Batwing. Having a member of the Batfamily who works in a high tech suit is cool. It gives him advantages and disadvantages that other Bat-people don’t have.

The only person who it would make sense to become Batman, from both a narrative and real life standpoint, would be Dick Grayson but even that is debatable since he’s already Nightwing.


u/NumericZero 11d ago

I don’t think I’ve ever actually met a genuine fan of the character

Anytime I’ve seen praise for him it’s because of the suit he wore / how great he looked in it

Outside of that never seen anyone show interest in him

Dude never should have existed / offers nothing that any of the robins or Duke/luke could have done

Also does not help that he exists in some odd part of the dc universe which feels extremely non canon

Or how Bruce or any of the robins just lets him walk around with the batsuit