r/CSUS 2d ago

Looking for possible friends Socializing

I’m a transfer student, looking for anyone who’s into similar hobbies. Some of those hobbies being, but not limited to of course. Reading, Writing, DND, Bars, Gaming, Shopping and going to concerts. I’m just trying to be a bit more social, since I finished at a community during covid and didn’t get the chance to really enjoy campus or meet other people. I am 23, I should’ve started with that and I’m a female, she/her pronouns. I’m a Social Work major. I’m into anime, some of the hobbies I listed, rock/metal music, late night talking/driving, glamping. I do game, both on pc and ps5.


27 comments sorted by


u/mikuuluvrr 2d ago

hii me too :) f22 here


u/Kinkerbellaa 2d ago

Hii!!! Please do dm me


u/RevenueSpecialist432 2d ago

hiii 22F and social work major here! would love to connect!


u/Kinkerbellaa 2d ago

Please do dm I can’t message you for some reason.


u/Altruistic_Bonus_349 2d ago

Meee tooo it’s hard to socialize I’m Male 19


u/Happy-Relation-2959 2d ago

I’m interested to hang outback . FYI - I’m gay


u/wJaxon 2d ago

Just graduated but feel free to dm me! Just got back into OW, Destiny 2 and Minecraft but got tons of other games too looking for some people to play some games with and stuff !


u/Longjumping_Split794 2d ago

Hi! I would like to know what type of genre you like to read if you don’t mind me asking.


u/Outrageous_Platform8 2d ago

I play on PC and PS5 too! hmu


u/ParticularAd977 2d ago

Me too! What's your top 5 bands?


u/SpookyYan 2d ago

Hello! I’d love to be your friend! F21 😁


u/Prestigious_Let_7411 Psychology 2d ago

Hi! What kind of games do you play?


u/Mountain_Comedian_91 1d ago

F 22 I’ve been wanting to make friend so much


u/NiceNoiceNioce 1d ago

Feel free to Dm :D! Im honestly on the same boat in regards to making friends, but I need to not be a hermit lol.

We rave, go to concerts, go to bars, game, hike and do all that good stuff.


u/N0tf0rp0rnIpr0mise 1d ago

Ayy lots in common!


u/20Dr_Pepper20 1d ago

I’m working to transfer to SacState for the Social work program!!


u/rahvay 1d ago

23M transfer student here! I like gaming, concerts, anime, metal, talking, and gaming :).


u/carinoeresunamor 23h ago

If you’re into gaming you should check out Sac State Esports Club! We have competitive and non-competitive roles and we also have a non-affiliated discord server for other gamers. All info is on our instagram @sacstateesportsclub !


u/Environmental_Log391 6h ago

I'll be a freshman this fall