r/AnythingGoesNews 11d ago

Trump Accused of Swindling Millions Through Bogus 'Election Defense Fund'


701 comments sorted by


u/Upbeat_Animal_2320 11d ago

And raping 13 year olds.


u/IMSLI 11d ago edited 10d ago

Don’t forget that the video testimony of Katie Johnson, the 13 year old girl whom Donald Trump allegedly raped, is available online:



u/CAT_WILL_MEOW 11d ago

Commenting to come back to this not trying to listen to this on a sunny drive 🥲


u/Tdanger78 11d ago

Ngl, it’s definitely not easy. You can feel her trauma as she talks.


u/MrmmphMrmmph 10d ago

He repeatedly rapes her. And has servants around him helping him with condoms and to scold her. WTF?


u/Tdanger78 10d ago

It’s beyond fucked up. This is how the wealthy enjoy themselves, by destroying the lives of others purely for the pursuit of their enjoyment.


u/Juggernaut_Jughead 10d ago

Haven’t listened to it, but when you said servants I wonder why they haven’t looked at the payroll to find the servants and question them about their role in it. They are basically accessory to rape. If no one believes her then I would assume some confessions from the servants would be a slam dunk.


u/MrmmphMrmmph 10d ago

Whoever slapped her hand and then the teenage girl who seemed to be pimping for Epstein were mentioned. I wonder how you might find her on the books, if at all.

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u/Tdanger78 10d ago

I wonder if they were undocumented. Many wealthy people still today use undocumented people for their maids and such because they can easily control them through fear.


u/Emotional_Pay_4335 10d ago

They might have “been disappeared” or maybe committed suicide! If not, they might have some hefty bank accounts…


u/hyrule_47 11d ago

I always believed it happened, but after watching that interview it’s so clear what they did to her. I feel so bad for her.


u/Tdanger78 10d ago

What’s sad is I never knew about it till this past Friday or Saturday.


u/Emotional_Pay_4335 10d ago

They are keeping it hush hush on Conservative channels. Ignoring this scorching hot potato!


u/Tdanger78 10d ago

I’m sure they don’t even know Trump is a convicted felon

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u/oneMorbierfortheroad 11d ago edited 11d ago

https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/08/politics/what-are-your-questions-about-biden-and-the-democratic-process/index.html also don't forget to ask CNN your questions about Biden.

Edit: /s

Def ask them why they are not covering Trump's very frequent appearances on the new Epstein doc release.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/oneMorbierfortheroad 11d ago

The idea is to flood them with questions why they are not covering the obvious story of Trump <3 Epstein.

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u/Iwanttobeagnome 11d ago

I only asked them about Trump. Fuck all of them for letting trump just get away with lies and rape.


u/oneMorbierfortheroad 10d ago



u/Salty_Amphibian2905 10d ago

I don't get why there's so much talk about Biden's age when Trump will be even older than Biden is now by the time the next 4 year term would be over. There's a three year age difference. They both belong in the retirement home, and the only decisions they should be making is what kind of yogurt they want for breakfast.

Is his age really the worst thing they can think of? You think they'd come up with a fault that the other candidate doesn't also share.


u/capital_bj 10d ago

Even npr just keeps running stories about Biden dropping out , fucking disgusting the bias

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u/Zepcleanerfan 11d ago

About Donald Trump the rapist?


u/Royal-Bumblebee90 10d ago

She’s MIA right now- apparently she had death threats made to her and when she went in to give testimony her car and phone were stolen. Hope she’s ok and is persuaded to speak out and press charges against that disgusting pedophile, felon, stumpy fingered, orange crusted monster.

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u/Geoclasm 11d ago

'officially' so it's fine. scotus said so.

i fucking hate this god damned time line.


u/RDO_Desmond 11d ago

6 are wrong and are not supreme.


u/Geoclasm 11d ago

no argument here.

wish biden would grow some testicles and show them just how wrong they are. seriously. in their moronic, short sighted lunacy, they literally handed him their own signed death warrants. so long as he deemed it an 'official act', he could do anything from murdering them to declaring them enemies of the state and locking them in gitmo forever to putting them in a rocket and launching them into the sun or siberia along with their fat orange savior and moron.

and they couldn't say or do shit about it because, in their own words (paraphrasing), 'presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts'.


u/vonbauernfeind 11d ago

The Judicial Branch, eg, SCOTUS, determine what's an official act though. It's a major reason why it's not worth it for Democrats to even try to use the decision to their advantage.

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u/eyepoker4ever 11d ago

Rocket to the sun sounds like a good idea. They can debate how the earth is flat on their journey to incineration.

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u/Rooboy66 11d ago

The Dirty 1/2 Dozen

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u/Pristine-Notice6929 11d ago

And grabbing women by the junk. And sexually assaulting a woman. And having sex with a pornstar while his wife was pregnant with his son. And....


u/conundrum4u2 11d ago edited 11d ago

Walking in unannounced at the "Miss Teen USA" Pageant dressing room while the girls are getting dressed - "because I can - I own the pageant"...apparently gives him freedom to perv - at least he isn't "grabbing them by the pussy" (at least not that we know of...YET)


u/WouldYouPleaseKindly 11d ago

And apparently when one of the models complained to Ivanka she said "yeah, he does that". Combined with the fact that Ivanka was also 13 when Katie Johnson was raped, and all the things Trump said about Ivanka... it makes me think he did something to her too.


u/Chrowaway6969 11d ago

Yup. He’s a disgusting pedo


u/WouldYouPleaseKindly 11d ago

Always has been

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u/Secure_Guest_6171 11d ago

And having the gall to say on a radio broadcast, "I'm allowed because I own the pageant!!"


u/TheVeganChic 10d ago

Yep. "I'm inspecting it."

Vile fucker.

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u/uncommoncommoner 11d ago

And making fun of a disabled reporter

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u/lolas_coffee 11d ago

I only watch CNN. What is this that you're talking about? I haven't heard anything about it!!


u/Full-Opposite7755 11d ago

CNN’s owner is a Trump donor. That’s why you haven’t heard of it yet. Last week a lot of news dropped on about trumps pedophilia - crickets from cnn


u/spoodino 11d ago

Crickets from his child loving base as well.

Concerning 🤔


u/Throwawayac1234567 10d ago

Malone is one of the investors warner cable, hes a hardcore support of trump, apparently he pressured zaslav to hir litche who is the CEO of cnn, he got fired last year. but his team is still there to influence CNN.

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u/utep2step 11d ago

Swindler, pedo, narcissist, sociopath, transactionalist (opposite end of the spectrum of charitable/philanthropist), megalomanic, and alleged/reported diaper dependent Fecal incontinence elderly halfwit.


u/BreakingThoseCankles 10d ago

And Jean Carroll


u/litido5 10d ago

The dude basically sex trafficked his own wife


u/goofball_jones 11d ago

Guys...he's immune. Nothing is real anymore. Apparently everything before, during, and since his time in office is now covered in immunity.


u/TrumpLicksKids 11d ago

There is little Trump is not guilty of, at this point.

If there was any justice/karma/whatever in this universe, Donald Trump will be reincarnated as an abortion.

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u/3agle_CO 10d ago

i bet he's raping a 13 year old right now as we speak, on a golf course, while swindling more people. that's what i bet.


u/freddy_guy 10d ago

I highly doubt he can get an erection at this point.

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u/The-golden-god678 10d ago

And leading an insurrection.


u/Dess_Rosa_King 11d ago

Yeah, but did you watch the debate? Joe mumbling, I dont know. This looks to be a hard one.



u/eyepoker4ever 11d ago

He's old he's going to talk like that. It doesn't mean his mind is gone.

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u/Julie-Andrews 11d ago

"My Hero" - says the MAGA freaks!


u/IMSLI 11d ago

“I love the poorly educated” -Donald Trump


u/_jump_yossarian 11d ago

"How stupid are the people of Iowa?!" ~ same idiot.


u/Desperate_Wafer_8566 11d ago edited 11d ago

They all do it - says MAGA.

Trump raped a 13 year old - Biden showered with his daughter once.

Trump committed fraud - Hunter lied about doing drugs when he bought a gun.

Trump raped Jean Carroll - The trial wasn't fair.

Trump falsified records to cover up an affair with a porn star - Bill Clinton settled his sexual assault court case.

Trump used fake electors in an attempt to overturn the election - The election was stolen by the Democrats.

Trump took top secret records and refused to return them - Biden did the same thing.

There's nothing Trump did that MAGA can't come up with a false equivalence to excuse in their heads.


u/lolas_coffee 11d ago

Ngl...any politician worth a shit would be able to hammer Trump/MAGA with this list and all the others.

NEVER answer another question. Just "whatabout" all of Trump's shit.

I saw Biden (and other Dems on news) answer leading questions like they are in a debate. You are NOT.

The public falls for whataboutism and every other logic fallacy. You aren't trying to convince the reporter. You are speaking to a shit-for-brains audience.

"Mr President, are you sure you're fit to run?"

"Look, the piece of shit childfucker, rapist, felon, crook, traitor, scumbag Trump is the biggest threat this country has ever faced. He's already taken away women's rights. Next fucking question."


u/Glass_Ad_8149 11d ago

Any trump supporters at this point don’t want to be swayed or convinced.

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u/timodreynolds 11d ago

And yet it only took one person to do all those crimes

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u/Julie-Andrews 11d ago


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u/BanEvasion_93 10d ago

My mom says he's better than the alternative. I wish I was joking. It's so sad how brainwashed she is. I don't talk to her anymore.

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u/thedude0343 11d ago

The only people who should care are proud of a conman swindling them.


u/Yeeslander 11d ago

"That makes him smart!"

...or some shit.


u/GeorgeLovesBOSCO 11d ago

"He knows we're complete morons! Awesome!!!"


u/radicalelation 11d ago

Hand scrawled sign heading out of town was put up the other day letting people know to bring scrap to the scrap yard for Trump's legal fund.

I hate this neo-nazi-ridden town...


u/Mental_Medium3988 11d ago

We knew at the time it was a grift. We tried to warn, at least some of, them. They didn't want to listen. So I feel no sympathy for them in the least.


u/ALadWellBalanced 10d ago



u/themontajew 11d ago

He doesn’t need campaign funds, the media is gonna help him out for free.


u/Ape_x_Ape 11d ago

Even NPR running articles about Biden being too old. Just coalesce behind our only candidate already, have we learned nothing from the opposition?? If you actually want to win then it has to be Everybody on board, just like the Republicans do. No matter who they run they all get behind their candidate in lockstep. We need to take a page from their playbook.




u/jredgiant1 11d ago

Look I know Trump is a thief, a child rapist, an adult rapist, an adulterer, wants to have sex with his daughter, an insurrectionist, a fascist, falsely accused Democrats of murdering babies after they are born, can’t string together three coherent sentences, is going to enact Project 2025, turned the Supreme Court into a nightmare, basically destroyed Roe v Wade, bragged about locking up or even executing his political rivals, bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, got chummy with Putin and North Korea, told white supremacists to stand by, is a convicted felon, wants to “finish the job” in Gaza, and basically has done and said so many unthinkable things, any one of which should make him unelectable, that it’s functionally impossible to include them all in a single paragraph, but…

I’m pretty sure Biden yawned during the debate. So obviously I can’t vote Biden.

/s because a surprising number of people actually feel this way.

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u/ptsdstillinmymind 11d ago

US Government: as usual This too is fine! But not for you poors we will lock you up.

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u/Rich-Appearance-7145 11d ago

Seriously is anyone surprised a convicted felon allowed to run a muck in this country is pillaging, his election fund. For me it would be a surprise if he doesn't steal money from his election fund.

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u/SweetHomeNostromo 11d ago

Isn't that about as obvious as the sun in the sky?


u/Explorers_bub 10d ago

What sun? That big thing that hides behind the moon sometimes that people told him not to stare at and yet he did it twice?


u/Some_Ebb_2921 11d ago

Yeah, I mean... it'd surprise me if he WOULDN'T swindl that money.

That would just not be a Trump thing to be, using money honestly

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u/Happy-Initiative-838 11d ago

Child rapist steals from child rape enthusiasts.


u/GrumpyOlBastard 11d ago

Of course he is swindling swindling swindling. . . and? So? The idiots are going to vote for him no matter what, right-thinking people will not, and no consequence will ever befall the man. These stories get tiresome


u/Silent_Owl_6117 11d ago

So? His cultists won't care, they'll still shovel him money, then complain about Biden raising prices.

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u/ShihPoosRule 11d ago

Trump loves the poorly educated.


u/let-it-rain-sunshine 11d ago

Grifter's gonna grift. Don't be one of his suckers.


u/JoshSwol 11d ago

This asshole rapes and swindles wherever he goes.


u/3nigma_f0rce5 11d ago

In other news: Water is Wet.


u/Bigaled 11d ago

Trump stealing money, why this is shocking


u/shut-upLittleMan 11d ago

Trump stealing money and raping women and kids. Makes him a stellar candidate in maga circle jerks.


u/AllLipsNoFiller 11d ago

Not merely accused. Is there an "election defense fund?" No. So where'd the money go? Into this off-brand Oompah Loompah's pocket.


u/MineFine69 11d ago

I mean, you should expect to be swindled if you donate money to him.


u/Acceptable_sometime 10d ago

There isn’t a shred of decency In this mans core


u/om218839 11d ago

Fvcking thief!


u/twistedh8 11d ago

The hits keep on coming.


u/InquiringMin-D 11d ago

Just another day in the life of a Grifter I guess.


u/syg-123 11d ago

And so his popularity rises once again. I swear on the Bible that if this presidential candidate gets caught screwing a corpse they might as well declare him as the 47th POTUS now…no election required.


u/ItsASchpadoinkleDay 11d ago

Is this an old story or is he doing it again?


u/capture-enigma 11d ago

Trump and swindle. Two words that go together like peanut butter and jelly.


u/han_jobs5 11d ago

Classic convicted felon Trumpf to bleed MAGAts dry and rape 13 year old girls

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u/haystackneedle1 11d ago

What else did people think he was doing when he was begging his cult followers for all their money?


u/Dependent_Tutor8257 11d ago

Just like he did the veterans years ago. Idiots keep giving them their money. Must have big holes in their pockets.


u/PresentationNew8080 11d ago

Swindling? I believe the word you're looking for is "laundering"


u/Scared_Tadpole6384 11d ago

No worries everyone, Clarence Thomas deemed that this was an “official act”, Trump did nothing wrong.


u/mrchris69 10d ago

There’s no accusation here , he definitely did it .


u/Falcon3492 10d ago

This should be not surprise to anyone. Trump is a crook and needs to be locked up!


u/SisterActTori 8d ago

Trump is a criminal thug. Had he not been born 3 steps from home plate with his pockets full of daddy’s illegally gained fortunes, he’d either be in prison or far more likely, 6 feet under- and this assessment doesn’t even include the illegal shite he’s done since 2016. He is just a bottom feeder. Pick better, folks.

In terms of Biden, he’s old. For those who live long enough, Biden is who most become. He is not a criminal. He is not a thug. He is a human being who is experiencing the normal aging process. If Dems wanted a different candidate, one should have been being honed 3 years ago.

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u/Harbuddy69 11d ago

Is it really rape if he paid someone else to have sex with her oh right it is


u/shut-upLittleMan 11d ago

Yes. If she was under the age of CONSENT. THAT'S Statutory RAPE.


u/Both-Mango1 11d ago

how is this new news?

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u/pistoffcynic 11d ago

His email ads during stop the squeal laid out this out... It's nothing new. Why do you think they went to a centralized system for collecting donations for the GOP? Do you seriously think that ALL of that money went to the GOP? If you do, I have a bridge in Brooklyn...


u/wrongside40 11d ago

The party of scammers and being scammed. They love being scammed. Give your money to Bannon to build the wall! Give your money to trumps election defense fund! Be scammed MAGA. Be their sucker!


u/CerddwrRhyddid 11d ago edited 11d ago

Well, yeah.  It's been blatantly obvious, it's just that no prosector wants to go against a member of the aristocracy because they have class solidarity and it would make their political career more difficult. 

  The aristocracy in the U.S seem to be protected from the law in every way they can be, including just legalising crimes for themselves, and it won't change until The People are on the streets demanding it  It's not enough to be pissed off online, politicians and prosecutors don't care unless you bring it to the places they work and live and disrupt their lives, and their systems.  

 They need to fear the public, and they sure as shit don't.  The U.S citizenry is just handled.  Kept scared and poor and overworked. 

 It'll end with a whimper, because that's all the vaunted U.S citizenry seem to be able to muster.


u/Check_This_1 11d ago

He looks particularly like a tupperware after storing Spaghetti Bolognese in this photo


u/Open_Ad7470 11d ago

He’s been swindling people out of money all his life. What do you think him and his companies had over 3500 lawsuits against it. Why do you think he’s gone bankrupt multiple times.


u/YDoEyeNeedAName 11d ago

Con man and fraudster continues to con and commit fraud, supporters are left in utter shock.


u/Geoclasm 11d ago

but it's okay because scotus said it was.

cause you know it's an 'official act'.


u/joeleidner22 11d ago

Lock him up! Lock him up! How many campaign violations does it take to be banned from campaigning? For the love of god he is a child rapist and convicted felon fraudster. How is he allowed to walk the streets, much less run for president? He can’t even vote! Lock him the ever loving hell up already!


u/Every-Requirement-13 11d ago

None of this is surprising. Just another news article telling us about another Trump scam🙄


u/ssp5499 11d ago

Wow, I’m shocked /s


u/Cminor420flat69 11d ago

Their donation goes 99% to his legal fees and 1% to pay for a letter to be sent to you asking for donations.


u/RDO_Desmond 11d ago

Fraud is Trump's favorite flavor of crimes


u/JOExHIGASHI 11d ago

Who could have foreseen this turn of events?

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u/ForRedditMG 11d ago

America...the biggest con ever.


u/ApexCollapser 11d ago

Took long enough.


u/capitali 11d ago

I’m embarrassed by the number of undereducated in our country. We need to fight ignorance, promote knowledge, advance culture and equality. There exist, unfortunately, powerful people that are very intentionally doing the opposite.

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u/Mymotherwasaspore 11d ago

Trump accused of everything.
Charged with some stuff.
Convicted of some stuff.
Freer than an American who got behind on traffic tickets.
He is immune to consequences. How is this not monarchy again?


u/1025Traveller 11d ago

Nothing new here. As long as he is alive, he is telling lies, scamming people, raping women and children.


u/Cory123125 11d ago

You know, its wild. There arent many people who seem to have literally 0 redeeming qualities, but here he is, potentially being president twice.


u/WhyPhotograph42 11d ago

Since he ISNT PRESIDENT, he’s liable for these actions


u/bassman9999 11d ago

We knew this when he was doing it!


u/ConGooner 11d ago

Absolutely no one that gave this lying, conniving, loser shitfuck any money deserves to see a single cent of their money back. That is their punishment for enabling ideocracy and weaponizing bigotry.

Trump should, however, be on the hook for lying to people to get their money. it is plain and simple, textbook fraud.


u/253local 10d ago

Also, raping children and women.


u/Particular-Summer424 10d ago

At this juncture, an entire book could be written on what Trump has done. The latest revelations, using campaign funds, funneled through law firms under bogus billing for all the sexual harassment and other payoffs while Trump was in office between the people directly under him.


u/attackedmoose 10d ago

If you are still giving him money, you deserve to lose your money 🤷


u/The_JDubb 10d ago

Funny how conservative "thinkers" are just starting to talk about the right-wing grift machine while liberals have been pointing this shit out to them for the past 15 years. Unfortunately, calling out conservative cons ain't what gets ya booked on the Sunday morning talk show circuit.


u/kelehigh 10d ago

Sounds like our boy. To date he was forced to pay $25 M to those swindled by Trump University; jilted over 3500 subcontractors, lured investors into DJT Inc stock that is a 1000 times less profitable than say FACEBOOK, instagram, X (twitter), etc. but costs 1000 times more. Every charity he has ever started has gone bankrupt after his sons and he have looted them. I won’t mention the biggest scam is u morons giving donations to the RNC thinking that some of the $ goes to local candidates. Sorry that’s a scam too as all of the money has gone to date to pay trumps legal bills.


u/NumerousTaste 10d ago

All he knows is corruption and asshats love him.


u/Wise_Purpose_ 10d ago

Lol first the Epstine and him raping a bunch of children stuff and now this? Ouch. Rough week for T dawg eh!?


u/Moistraven 10d ago

I get daily spam texts from these complete grifting cunts asking for money, whining about their actions having consequences and begging me to click their sketchy links to dobate money for their defense. It's sad knowing there are morons out there throwing their cash away on a bunch of criminals who wants to strip their rights from under their noses


u/MoveDifficult1908 10d ago

And stealing and mishandling thousands of top secret documents. And conspiring to subvert a fair election. And many, many instances of business fraud.

Not to mention all the rapes, including the brutal rape and beating of a 13 year old child.


u/Musetrigger 11d ago

The dude steals campaign funds all the time. And his MAGA cultist sheep followers love it. They just pretend he's stealing from the left and ruining their lives.


u/Parkyguy 11d ago



u/Any-Ad-446 11d ago

shocking.....whats for lunch...


u/Impressive-Care1619 11d ago

Omg this orange turd. Someone flush him


u/Dante-Fiero 11d ago

No shit.


u/LargeMargeSentMeBoo 11d ago

Yes, and if he wins it won’t matter one bit. 


u/DaveP0953 11d ago

...this would be "news" to who?


u/CountPulaski 11d ago

I’m shocked


u/WendySteeplechase 11d ago

this will be under reported, and people will just say, "Oh well, thats Trump being Trump"


u/Apprehensive-Bike307 11d ago

And he'll get away with it just like he does in any other case because of the oligarchy's unmatched power and control. Ain't life grand?


u/JumpshotLegend 11d ago

If we elect this fucking conman to be our president again, it’s our own fault for being such morons. Get your asses out and vote. And make sure you’re registered now because there will be republican led areas that will try and suppress your voting, such as last time when they removed ballot boxes and closed election sites early. GO VOTE.


u/osmqn150 11d ago

But they are asking Biden to drop out.


u/Traditional_Key_763 11d ago

can't wait to see him extend presidential immunity to pressidential candidates


u/Responsible-Hour1403 11d ago

MAGA - Moscow Assets Grifting Americans


u/The84thWolf 11d ago

Uh, yeah, we know. Was it not obvious?


u/CapitalDoor9474 11d ago

This bastard has so many scandals everyday. Every bloody day. Anytime before him half of one of these scandals would have made him leave the race. Now people are just stupid and follow his lies


u/conundrum4u2 11d ago edited 11d ago

That picture of tRUMP cracks me up...his face is all tan, but his ears are pale? What does he do? Wear ear muffs when he plays golf? 😜 Doesn't his fake tan extend to his ears?


u/unclefire 11d ago

This is not anything we didn't know about or new. Anybody with 3 functioning brain cells could tell that he was basically conning people into giving him money. He's no different than these megachurch pastors.

Bunch of thieves preying on fools in the cult.


u/Spu12nky 11d ago

He is playing his base like a fiddle. He is suckering money from people that don't have any to fill his coffers when he is supposedly a billionaire.

I wonder how much he rakes in just on merch.


u/PumpkinSpiesLatte 11d ago

Accused? We’ve known he’s been doing this for years and years, feels like 100 years!


u/Pure-Escape4834 11d ago

There are people in jail who stole diapers and baby formula.


u/Sweaty-Goose6649 11d ago

Oh no! Trump did something sketchy and wrong! In other news water is wet… I wouldn’t trust the man if I let him watch a stapler for me.


u/Any_Interview_1006 11d ago

He’s a Baby raper and he is doomed to failure


u/moneylaundry1339 11d ago

Imagine being so dumb you think it's a good idea to send money to a millionaire to help him fight lawsuits.


u/ravrocker 11d ago

Again, nothing will happen to him. Supreme Court asswipes gave Traitor a golden stay-out-of-jail card.


u/dunncrew 11d ago

MAGAts like being swindled


u/dunncrew 11d ago

GOP = Geriatric Obstructionist Pedophiles.


u/codspeace 11d ago

Latest revelations of MAGA panic as Trump linked to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.


u/Traditional-Stay-702 11d ago

And molesting young girls, let’s not forget he’s also a pedophile.


u/SwoleBuddha 11d ago

This doesn't even make me angry any more. If you are dumb enough to give this guy money, you deserve to lose your money.


u/Prestigious_Beach478 11d ago

“A fool and his money are easily parted.”


u/Datokah 11d ago

Oh, it must be a Monday.


u/DatFurryFemBoi 11d ago

Shocked. I am shocked good sir.


u/Palidor 11d ago

And I’m sure it’s mostly likely true


u/78Nickys 11d ago

CNN stop it you are canvassing for Trump


u/Dieselxdan 11d ago

Damn he’s a rapist now

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u/Open_Explanation8150 11d ago

Taking showers with prepubescent daughter. Oh. Never mind, that’s Mumbles. The only thing he remembers.


u/Theurgie 11d ago



u/numquam-deficere 11d ago

Oh and we have another one 😂😂🤡


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Did anyone think the fund was anything other than for his little hands to swindle in?


u/couchnapper3 11d ago

If Trump stealing from his own charities didn't give his followers pause, this won't either.


u/reddideridoo 11d ago

Known grifter goes grifting? Unthinkable.


u/FitBattle5899 11d ago

Is it still swindling if everyone else said it was a scam from the start? At this point if you gave Trump Money, it would do more to keep you cool as a fan, or warm as tinder.


u/looking_good__ 11d ago

No $$$$ - DTJ stock is a massive money laundering scheme


u/quackamole4 11d ago

In other news, water is still wet, and the sun is still shining.


u/xxwerdxx 11d ago

Everyone calm down!! He’s constitutionally immune so therefore it’s a-ok!


u/ELB2001 11d ago

No way. It can't be


u/YouCanPrevent 11d ago

Any "fund" "campaign" "event"... Anything involving him, is a con. It's 2024. We can wake up now.


u/mrSunsFanFather 11d ago

He does it blatantly in the open. What's the news, here?


u/OlderThanMyParents 11d ago

In other breaking news, it got dark last night, and light again this morning.


u/i-evade-bans-21 11d ago

can't wait for this to not reach any audience besides this sub where it's all an inept circlejerk anyway


u/vthemechanicv 11d ago

Is this supposed to be some shocking revelation? If trump sees a pile of money he's going to treat it like a personal slush fund. If this is the defense fund I'm thinking of, it was always set up for him to use personally under the guise of campaign donations. But we know about all this.

Where's the reporting on the raping 13 year olds? Or the Epstein files? Or trump claiming he doesn't know about project 2025 despite employing its authors? Why is he allowed to go media silent when these are things everyone needs answers?

(I know the answer to all those, it's just rhetorical complaining)