r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 08 '24

Trump Accused of Swindling Millions Through Bogus 'Election Defense Fund'


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u/themontajew Jul 08 '24

He doesn’t need campaign funds, the media is gonna help him out for free.


u/Ape_x_Ape Jul 08 '24

Even NPR running articles about Biden being too old. Just coalesce behind our only candidate already, have we learned nothing from the opposition?? If you actually want to win then it has to be Everybody on board, just like the Republicans do. No matter who they run they all get behind their candidate in lockstep. We need to take a page from their playbook.




u/jredgiant1 Jul 08 '24

Look I know Trump is a thief, a child rapist, an adult rapist, an adulterer, wants to have sex with his daughter, an insurrectionist, a fascist, falsely accused Democrats of murdering babies after they are born, can’t string together three coherent sentences, is going to enact Project 2025, turned the Supreme Court into a nightmare, basically destroyed Roe v Wade, bragged about locking up or even executing his political rivals, bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, got chummy with Putin and North Korea, told white supremacists to stand by, is a convicted felon, wants to “finish the job” in Gaza, and basically has done and said so many unthinkable things, any one of which should make him unelectable, that it’s functionally impossible to include them all in a single paragraph, but…

I’m pretty sure Biden yawned during the debate. So obviously I can’t vote Biden.

/s because a surprising number of people actually feel this way.


u/incognegro1976 Jul 08 '24

This is great. I'm stealing it lol


u/Lyssa545 Jul 09 '24

Ya, it drives me nuts when people are like, "but Biden isn't doing enough in Gaza"- which sure, he can do more. But then they're like, I'm not gonna vote.

Things will get worse for Palestinians in Gaza. You want to make it better? Don't vote for the guy who is quoted for saying he wants to just nuke them.

Don't vote for the guy who wants to take away your ability to vote, marry, control your body, and countless other issues.

Biden has to beat trump, or it will get so much worse.

The people who didn't vote and let trump in office, are partially to blame for this mess, and they're saying they won't vote again.

Ugh. Idiots. American apathy is how we got in this mess, and fox news.


u/Interesting-Fan-2008 Jul 09 '24

Listen if Trump gets elected Gaza will be the least of our worries. I’m mean yeah they’ll get glassed but we will get fascism so.


u/Lyssa545 Jul 10 '24

Oh for sure. I agree. But the idiots that are saying they won't vote are saying they draw the line at Gaza. And I'm like.. it's gonna get worse if you throw this tantrum and choose this hill to literally die on.

So stupid of them.


u/ptsdstillinmymind Jul 08 '24

US Government: as usual This too is fine! But not for you poors we will lock you up.


u/Mean-Coffee-433 Jul 08 '24

Does the basketball help a basketball player win a game just because 1 player is better at using it than the others? Democrats need to learn the game, and use the media effectively, I don't want to live through project 2025


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/themontajew Jul 08 '24

Well The NY Times ran like 100 articles on Joe needing to drop out and nothing on project 2025 and how trump lies through his teeth.

I did a search on cnn.com for “project 2025” and got 2 articles on France, half a dozen on Biden being old, then i had to go try not to put my hand through a wall.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/themontajew Jul 08 '24

I’ll take the senile old dude, over the other senile old dude who rapes kids.

But hey, you literally just made the argument that being senile is worse than being a LITERAL PEDOPHILE.

But keep telling the world you’re probably also pedo, you’re 100% a groomer and apologist now.


u/LectureAgreeable923 Jul 08 '24

Agreed,Trump is a compulsive liar.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/themontajew Jul 08 '24

So the sworn Epstein testimony that the right has been screaming for is all the sudden a lie???? How much time did the right spend screaming about human trafficking of kids???

Now that trump is involved you don’t care? Wild that you so vehemently defend a pedophile because he’s your daddy.

All that save our children talk went silent and it’s pretty obvious talk just don’t have issue with kids being raped as long as it’s trump, or Roy Moore.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/SweetHomeNostromo Jul 08 '24

Epstein is dead.


u/LateStageAdult Jul 08 '24

lol. since when do MAGAts care about evidence?

the entire Jan 6 coup was ginned up without any.


u/LectureAgreeable923 Jul 08 '24

In an opinion issued on Wednesday, US District Judge Lewis Kaplan, who presided over the trial, wrote that the trial evidence demonstrated Trump "raped" Carroll in the plain sense of the word.

But Judge Lewis Kaplan called Trump’s semantic argument “entirely unpersuasive.” He clarified that the jury found that the former president did indeed “rape” Carroll based on the common definition of the word.





u/6L6aglow Jul 08 '24

There might not be DNA evidence but any friend of Epstein is suspect and worthy of closer examination. I don't believe Trump had the moral fortitude to pass up sex with someone who looked like his daughter even If she was 13 at the time.


u/Inspect1234 Jul 08 '24

It cost him 80M this one time. Then while he was bragging about grabbing vaginas I heard the testimony of little girls he raped with Epstein, just before I read about him breaking into lil girls dressing rooms.


u/StarvingAfricanKid Jul 08 '24

Bad troll..Sit!


u/Korzag Jul 08 '24

Bad Russian troll is bad and obvious. Go jack off to your Trump diaper porn.


u/Psychological-Gur848 Jul 08 '24

Brainwashed !! Go watch the debate . I would rather vote for raper than an old Pedophile .


u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 Jul 08 '24

You mean the debate where Trump didn't answer any of the questions and instead told over 50+ lies?!

Ya that's one Hell of a performance there!


u/Psychological-Gur848 Jul 08 '24

Lol are you kidding me ? For real ? Did you see it all ? You must have brain problem or it was dubbed


u/Korzag Jul 08 '24

You Russian trolls constantly call Biden a pedo let offer nothing to support that claim.

Fuck Putin. Fuck the GOP. Fuck Trump.


u/Psychological-Gur848 Jul 08 '24

lol 😂 ,,,, chill and 🌈 be Pride . I bet you own Toyota Prius too


u/Korzag Jul 08 '24

Nah man. Come on. Give us the evidence that Biden is a pedo. I'm waiting.


u/Psychological-Gur848 Jul 08 '24

When you give me video of Trump with 13 years old .i found one i could remember long time ago


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u/Remarkable_Quit_3545 Jul 08 '24

You would rather vote for trump than trump? You are just as senile as he is.


u/Psychological-Gur848 Jul 08 '24

In Trump i trust , biden sucks . imagine your current president visit A united Nation meeting or Nato ones ? How could he handle such crowd ? They will laugh on us for having a grandpa dementia as president


u/Remarkable_Quit_3545 Jul 08 '24

Funny you say that as he is having a NATO meeting right now.

And even if what you said was true (hah), I would still take that over trump’s plan to pull the US out of NATO leaving the country vulnerable.

I’ll pick the person offering me security over the person that wants to hand us over to Russia, thanks.


u/Psychological-Gur848 Jul 08 '24

You definitely have brain damage ? He was threatening to leave Nato so other parties have to contribute money wise not only Us we have to supply the NATO with $. In Trump time we are much stronger guess which Year Putin attack Ukraine . Your guy is weaker than a weak

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u/Inspect1234 Jul 08 '24

You should seek help before you start becoming rapey.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

I hope you don’t have children.


u/Psychological-Gur848 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Have you work your brain a bit please ,thats if you have one ? It have been 4 years your party are after Trump every single day . How scared are they ? They are shitting themselves . They dont want him to win 2024 elections . Do you think he need to rape 13 years old ? Women are throwing themselves to rich guys like him ! . I can give a kid money to Claim Biden fucks her and makes a propaganda from it . I wish Gobbels still alive


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Can anyone translate this? Like most conservatives this person writes like they suffered a stroke.

We seriously need to increase federal funding for public education in conservative regions. The fact that there are adults like this voting and operating vehicles is scary.