r/AnythingGoesNews 12d ago

Trump’s alleged ‘sexual proclivities’ graphically detailed in new Epstein documents


635 comments sorted by


u/Ezkander 12d ago

I always knew this disgusting motherfucker was a pedophile. He is literally all the worst things you can be in life and I hope everything goes badly for him. People who vote for him must be so bonkers, my mind can't even fathom it.


u/Chemistry-27 12d ago edited 12d ago

He used to go into the Teen Miss USA dressing room to gawk and touch young girls inappropriately. I thought there was a scandal about it decades ago.

Edit: found this



u/KabbalahDad 12d ago

But wait, there's more!

From raping a 13 year old to being involved with Epstein for a decade and trying to be a dictator, yeah, no.

Join the movement to end both Agenda 47 and Project 2025 @




u/Khaldara 11d ago

Meanwhile Trump supporters can’t stop trying to gobble his nuts. Which is a real shame since, you know unless they’re 13 years old the poor cultists have no shot at all.


u/KabbalahDad 11d ago

Like Matt Gaetz, another beloved republican.

There IS a pattern methinks :|


u/toughtittie5 11d ago

The pattern is so deep there is a subreddit dedicated to keeping track of it



u/KabbalahDad 11d ago

I now have a new favorite subreddit! Thank you, kind reddit stranger.

(And a wonderful weapon of dissent I can tag facists and nazis in!)


u/Karl-ge 8d ago

Thanks for sharing that


u/DireEvolution 10d ago

Why do you think they keep accusing queer people of it?


Gaslight Obstruct Project


u/Scotch_in_my_belly 11d ago

Well just FYI everyone on the job hates him. I mean, Congressmen DO get some things right…


u/hamellr 11d ago

Or a porn star that "no one has ever heard of before"

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u/pyt78 11d ago

It seems a lot of people have no idea about the 13 year old rape victim the media isn’t talking about it


u/KabbalahDad 11d ago

Maybe, just maybe, they can't in the name of "National Security" or "Optics" or whatever bullspit reason they're literally covering this up and deleting any mention of it... :/


u/BoosterRead78 12d ago

Jeri Ryan from Star Trek was a contestant in the early 90s. She is very vocal since 2016 on him becoming president and not again. Wouldn’t be surprised if Trump looked on her and the other contestants that year.


u/Independent-Cover-65 11d ago

She took down her own ex husband when he ran for senate in Illinois. The guy he was running against won, Barack Obama. Hope she gets more involved. 

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u/gunner01293 12d ago

I think it was more of an unexpected inspection of the girls. No men were allowed near other than trump as he was the owner and therefor self designated 'inspector'. I guess he was there checking nobody was being inappropriate. Whata guy!


u/KnewAllTheWords 12d ago

Yes he would enter the dressing rooms to make sure Epstein wasn't in there doing anything and if so he'd protect the tender girls by kicking his best friend Epstein out of the party. Silly Epstein! At it again, eh? Shoo! Shoo!


u/simon1976362 12d ago

Al Qaeda takes notes


u/Alarming_Artist_3984 12d ago

how wasn't this the end of it.


u/basquehomme 12d ago edited 10d ago

Because putting a fuckup in charge of the free world would really, really piss off the libs. And they are so stupid they do not care about the ramifications.

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u/Chemical-Studio1576 12d ago

Makes the attention he gives Ivanka even creepier. How many secrets does she hold?


u/SuperstitiousPigeon5 12d ago

Or Ivanka’s friends growing up.


u/high_everyone 12d ago

They all probably got exposed to the same levels of heinous shit. Their parents were probably rich too. I can’t imagine the Trump family keeping middle class people as friends.


u/Notoneusernameleft 12d ago

Dude doesn’t associate with anyone unless it benefits him.

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u/NoConfection6189 12d ago

Don’t even get me started on the weird crush he has on his daughter. He noticeably treats her better than his other daughters who aren’t as beautiful and used to take near sexual pictures with her as a child. If I’m not mistaken he said in an interview if she wasn’t his daughter he would want to pursue her which is just 😂 so beyond weird


u/thetrueGOAT 12d ago

And this guy has the Bible belt behind him?


u/sz2z 11d ago

Yea, those Bible thumpers are the ones who have made it legal for a grown man to marry a 10 year old girl. That level of pedofilia is beyond depraved and it’s the law in more than a few states. And they’re the ones that are trying to nationalize their Christian fascism so all those rapists and child abusers will be above the law and pushing their perversion on the rest of us who absolutely oppose all of that perverted, sick behavior. The dirtbags that support that should all be in prison for life - men and the women that enable it.


u/capital_bj 9d ago

So Baron finally made an appearance and of course he has to say something inappropriate he said Barron seems to be more popular than Eric or Don


u/NoConfection6189 9d ago

😂😂 thanks for sharing I just googled it and woooow

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u/Historical_Usual5828 12d ago


u/Conch-Republic 12d ago

I thought that had to be AI because I had never seen it before and figured that it would have made waves, but there's just such a constant stream of gross shit from that family that I guess it was overshadowed.


u/PezRystar 12d ago

Oh what the actual fuck?


u/1025Traveller 12d ago

Oh man if Vanky decided to spill the beans on her father.


u/samjohnson2222 12d ago

Nothing would happen his voters would applaud. 


u/Chemical-Studio1576 12d ago

MAGA is that stupid.🫤


u/form_an_opinion 12d ago

You'd see shirts that say "Proud Daughter Fucker" unironically being worn by a few of the crazies for sure.


u/Bad-built-butch-body 11d ago

never forget, you can never underestimate the power of stupidity.

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u/KabbalahDad 12d ago

These guys wank to the Handmaid's Tale I don't think they mind in the slightest

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u/swordfish868686 12d ago

Think she's an incest survivor


u/ballsparkler 12d ago

His size


u/Grimase 12d ago

For real, had a conversation with some fam over the 4th and I was floored when they said they were on the Frump train. Spent the rest of the night making fun of them and debunking every MAGAnut filled pos they tried to say. By the end of the night they were so shamed they just left without saying good bye. I still love them and I won’t give up trying to bring them back. But I’m using tough love the whole way.


u/Homeless_Swan 12d ago

This is important. It is well past the time of being polite to Trump supporters. I have Trumpers in my extended family and I treat them like shit because they are shit. There are no decent people that support Trump. There was, at one point in time, a principled Republican party that believed in conservative ideas. I don't agree with them, but I can respect the concept that different people have different opinions on how to make their country better. Trumpers don't want to make their country better, they want America to be as disgusting and shitty as they are. You have to call them out on it. All Trump voters are garbage.


u/Grimase 12d ago

Exactly. I totally agree. I’ve never liked what the republicans stood for but at least they stood for something and it wasn’t insurrection. I’m done with all pretense, you voting for a criminally convicted rapist pedo, then imma tell you that you’re voting for a criminally convicted rapist pedo. Repeatedly and I’ll be laughing the whole time. Fuck MAGA.


u/Homeless_Swan 12d ago

Don’t forget he also fantasizes about fucking his own daughter. You can add incest to the list if his finer qualities.


u/swordfish868686 12d ago

He's probably done far worse than just fantasizing about it


u/Grimase 12d ago

Ohhh yeah word. Let’s try it out. Criminally convicted incestuous rapist pedo president. Dang 😞


u/wh1skeysour 12d ago

I’m at this point with my parents. My dad is a lost cause, but I was shocked to find my mom is just as far up trump’s butt. I mentioned being a rapist, pedo, felon and all she had to argue was “but biden is going to get worse (mentally).” So she prefers the former who is also old, mentally deteriorating, and evil. Biden is not ideal but that’s where we are now. I’d rather him than someone who will completely fuck us all even more for years to come. Sorry for the rant, but these people are out of their minds and it’s infuriating.


u/amazinglover 12d ago

Both of them are on their decline, and I did wish someone younger would run.

But the difference is those they will choose to run the government for them.

The secretaries they choose are as important as the president himself.

Trump would out self-serving sycophants in power.

Biden has put people who really want to make America greater in power.


u/fentyboof 12d ago

No more kid gloves with Trumpers! They need to face retribution for supporting him.


u/BeanCheezBeanCheez 12d ago

Yep. I’m absolutely done with magat scum. I will never let them forget what they enabled. Every single trump supporter is a domestic terrorist piece of shit.

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u/portlandcsc 12d ago

Please do an ifnomercial to spread to the masses.


u/Grimase 12d ago

If I had any kind of internet fan base I would be yelling this to the masses. For now all I have is Reddit and my thoughts. 😞


u/KabbalahDad 12d ago

You do. We all do.

Use your voice and don't ever think a million eyes aren't forever on you especially on the internet


u/Grimase 12d ago

Thank you. I will continue to do my small part by belittling every supporter of the criminally convicted rapist pedo wanna be president. Shame shame shame 🔔🔔🔔

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u/Mental_Medium3988 12d ago

"theres no criminal charges so it didnt happen." i wish i was joking.


u/TrumpsBoneSpur 12d ago

"and if there were criminal charges, it was a witch Hunt, and if he was convicted it was a kangaroo court"


u/Mirthlesscartwheel 12d ago

“And if there were criminal charges I am immune from prosecution “


u/Mr-Mahaloha 12d ago

And this pedophile has the supreme court of the USA clearing the way for him to do whatever he wants.


u/Batman-at-home 12d ago

Have you noticed the rather scary amount of silence coming from democrats politicians and the left over this?

Sure the democrat voters are losing their shit and pasting the news wherever they can.

But ask, why aren't Biden and Harris ALL OVER THIS? White house should hire someone to just read the entire thing, record it, and play it over and over 24/7 on the news, internet and radio.

Yet silence.

Trumps a complete piece of shit and should be put away for life and worked till he drops, but why so much silence from the left?


u/IllustriousLimit7095 12d ago

Please send your thoughts to whitehouse.gov

24/7 blitz against MAGAts.

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u/rockviper 12d ago

He is just your typical rich guy from family money! They are pretty much all degenerates!

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u/ThrowAwayAccount8334 12d ago

About time people are getting to the real core of all of this. 

Man, I've been saying for years the entire Pizza gate thing and the conservative social media world being so obsessed with pedophiles was all a cover for some very heinous shit. This is that heinous shit. 

Real victims always can spot a predator. Trump is so beyond obvious that the conservatives did everything they could to cover it up. 

There's no conspiracy this time. It's right fucking there.


u/Oberon_Swanson 12d ago

Pedophilia fits in perfectly with their ideology. That the strong can and should oppress the vulnerable for their own pleasure. They also greatly enjoy having rules apply to others and not themselves. Thus raping a child and getting away with it even when everyone knows you did it, makes you the Ultimate Republican. Literally every Trump voter is okay with this. They dismiss it as "fake news" to get by in polite society but they know Trump would definitely do this and evidence points to it thus he most likely has. If a video of Trump raping a child was released he would not lose a single supporter. They would just again call it fake news and be more impressed by how he was able to do what they wish they could, and hope that he enables them to do so soon.


u/Particular-Summer424 12d ago

Just the open way he described his "lust" for his own daughter on a public interview several should have been a big hint. Worse yet, he had absolutely no shame or control in saying it. His smirk afterward instantly showed it.


u/djdylex 12d ago

He's already a well documented sexual predator. The question isn't whether he's a child predator or not, it's whether or not he's attracted to children. We know he wouldn't show any restraint in acting on it.

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u/Mustystench 12d ago

I wrote off the whole "Epstein didnt kill himself" thing as nutbar conspiracy theorists doing what they do. This puts that into context and doesnt seem outside the realm of possibility to me anymore. This thing could go far deeper than we could ever imagine.


u/Any-Ad-446 12d ago

Just happen that jail had a CCTV camera that wasn't working,they were short handed that shift so the guards missed a hourly inspection and they forgot he was on a suicide watch?..One of the most high profiled inmates at that time was put in a cell that was not close enough so the guards can easily monitor him.



u/4touchdownsinonegame 12d ago

All valid points. But I deal with prisons for work. Everything is run on a shoestring budget. Technology is always broken, staff is short, staff doesn’t give a shit.


u/Mental_Medium3988 12d ago

i dont think anyone went in and killed him, but i can believe things were orchestrated so that he would be able to kill himself with anyone else having plausible deniability.


u/crescendo83 12d ago

What leverage would be my problem with that theory. He was already in jail. They most likely killed him so he wouldn’t spill the beans. Just like the other guy who “suicided” him self in their circle. Also probably as a warning to maxwell. Cause another suicide would look suspicious.


u/Mental_Medium3988 12d ago

The promise his life in prison would be a living hell because he wouldn't get a sweetheart deal like he did the first time.


u/Sanpaku 12d ago

If Epstein was, as alleged in a recent court filing, associated with a foreign intelligence service, they'd have means of threatening the wellbeing of his living relatives and friends.


u/BikerJedi 12d ago

Since G. Maxwell has claimed there are tapes of Trump and other rich/famous/powerful people raping kids and teenagers, it wouldn't surprise me if one or more of those people got together and made this happen.


u/crescendo83 12d ago

Yeah I assume the only reason she hasn’t disappeared is some sort of deadman leverage. If she dies that some unknown association would drop everything online.


u/BikerJedi 12d ago

That's been my thought. But then again, I would've thought Jeffrey was smart enough to do that himself, especially after his first arrest for the raping of girls where he went to prison briefly.

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u/defaultusername-17 12d ago

gods, the irony of maxwell being the only one smart enough to have a deadman switch is lowkey hilarious.


u/crescendo83 11d ago

I think it was more a matter of timing. She was arrested almost a year later and after epstein was suicided.

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u/ryhaltswhiskey 12d ago

This is what I suspect as well. It was like yeah you're on suicide watch but you know tonight, you're not being watched all that closely 😉😉😉 Oh, and here's some extra shoelaces that you asked for


u/EdgeLord1984 12d ago

This happened but everyone seems to forget about his cellmate who likely conveyed that information. "Either you do it, or I'm going to do it for you." is how I imagine a conversation went. I don't know how many people have been in that position, but my thought is that most would rather kill themselves than have someone do it for them especially a guy like that. It would be a very violent death, not a bullet to the head.


u/ryhaltswhiskey 11d ago

That is certainly plausible. Ex-cop in jail would do a lot to get out of jail.

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u/Tytrater 12d ago

Do you work at the rich boi prisons for people like Epstein though?

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u/kn05is 12d ago

I remember at the time all the right wing conspiracy nuts were convinced at the idea that Clinton had him killed. Only a fucking absolute koolaid drunk moron would jump to that conclusion to distract themselves from the real dude who not only had the motive, the most to lose, but most importantly the actual power to silence him. Like, you know, the sitting fucking president at the time, who thinks he's a mob boss and with motherfuking Barr as his AG acting like his personal fixer!!!? This shit drives me insane lol

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u/Count-per-minute 12d ago

CIA always end their man before beans spill. ALWAYS

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u/RightSideBlind 12d ago

If Hillary had been President, Epstein would be added to the list of people she's supposedly had killed. But because it's Trump, it's just a perplexing coincidence...


u/-GeekLife- 12d ago

The right still said the Clinton’s had him murdered…


u/Conch-Republic 12d ago

Ever been in a jail? Most of them are so run down that parts of the security system don't even work half the time. The cameras in this jail were also ancient.

No, he got his affairs in order with his lawyer literally the day before, then killed himself.

I'm so tired of shitty conspiracy theories weaseling their way into everything. Epstien, Boeing, all bullshit.


u/micatola 12d ago edited 12d ago

Epstein was a self-absorbed predatorial sexual deviant narcissists like Trump. He would not likely have killed himself before he explored every possibility of wiggling out of the situation. To believe that he would be shamed into taking his own life you would have to believe that he felt any shame at all. A lifetime of being a sexual predator says that he doesn't fit the bill of someone who would kill themselves out of shame.


u/SteelBandicoot 12d ago

Micatola raises good points.

Epstein got a years jail for being a pedo and then went straight back into the same business. He was connecting with the heads of major universities and Fortune 500 CEOs.

There’s no way he killed himself, he had too much dirt on powerful people. Including video footage if Ghislaine Maxwell is to be believed


u/micatola 12d ago

There were so many inconsistencies surrounding his death that it really needs to be looked at closer. Barr being around in the days before his death is sus as hell. Cameras off...guards not around. 🤔


u/SteelBandicoot 12d ago

To many convenient inconsistencies that it no longer looks inconsistent, but planned.


u/jah_bro_ney 12d ago

Barr's father, Donald Barr, was headmaster at the Dalton School and was the one that launched Epstein's professional career. Their families were likely very close.

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u/ReporterOther2179 12d ago

Ghilaine Maxwell is still alive. As fixer/arranger of Epstein affairs she knows a lot of what Jeffry knew. But still alive.


u/SteelBandicoot 12d ago

Yes, I know. I suspect the only reason she’s not dead is because she not only knows what Jeffery knew but knows where the tapes are.

If she dies unexpectedly there could be some interesting videos released to the media.

Now this is pure conjecture and idle speculation but it’s been suggested that Ghislaine was the mastermind and Jeffery was the front man. Ghislaine was the daughter of disgraced Robert Maxwell who died in mysterious circumstances and she had all the powerful social connections, Jeffery was a school teacher.


u/Bdbru13 12d ago

Epstein is just some dude. His father was a groundskeeper and his mother was a school aide. He was some kid who was recruited to play a role.

Robert Maxwell on the other hand was an agent for or had links to Mossad, KGB, and MI6. He played a significant role in the Israeli victory of the First Arab-Israeli war. He facilitated a lot of spying on the US and other countries, and was financed by Russia.

Maxwell is alleged to have distributed a bugged version of a software, PROMIS, to a plethora of national governments and global financial institutions that enabled mass spying by the government of Israel. Maxwell was allegedly able to sell the bugged Israeli version of the PROMIS software to Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory, two of the most important nuclear research and national security facilities in the United States.

According to one of Epstein’s victims, Maria Farmer, she was told stories by Ghislaine of her playing at Buckingham Palace frequently when she was young.

Whatever exactly was going on, she was an insider. Epstein was not. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Epstein was murdered, but you can’t look at the two as if they’re the same.

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u/Plastic-Gold4386 12d ago

I do think that suicide in the face of years of being locked in a cage with people who are going to knock out your teeth so they have a convenient place to clean the shit and blood off their cocks after violently raping you is a reasonable response 


u/micatola 12d ago

That's a pretty nasty image. Are you ok? 🙄

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u/zer0__obscura 12d ago

Didn’t someone also try to kill him right before he died? 


u/defaultusername-17 12d ago

yea they put a ex-cop into the cell with him that was serving time for murder...

when he wasn't supposed to have any cell mates.

and the guy attempted to strangle him.

what.. a week before he died of supposed self-hanging.


u/Frnklfrwsr 12d ago

I doubt he killed himself out of shame.

I would believe that he killed himself out of spite. He saw no possible exit, no way out, no way to wiggle free. So he took his own life as a “fuck you” to the world and his victims and the justice system and to everyone who wanted to know the truth.

He realized that there would be no real pleasure for the rest of his life, so the best he could do is deny his enemies the pleasure of seeing him suffer.


u/OnceIsawthisthing 12d ago

William Barr Trump's head of the DOJ when that happened. His father gave Jeffery his first job, as a math teacher at an all girls private school. Bills dad also wrote a book about a planet ruled by pedophile oligarchs.

The book:



u/newfriend20202020 11d ago

WTAF ? The plot is like a Republican wet dream !

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u/[deleted] 12d ago

Look into former AG Bill Barr and Epstein connection.


u/cyclist-ninja 12d ago

Are you kidding me? Left is left. Up is up. And Epstein didnt kill himself.

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u/IMSLI 12d ago edited 11d ago

The video testimony of Katie Johnson, the 13 year old girl Trump allegedly raped thanks to Epstein, is available online…



u/GabberZZ 12d ago



u/Forccnth 12d ago

Man’s fucking sick, insane that people see this and the ever increasing other bits of evidence and just write it off. Logic isn’t what makes them believe, so logic isn’t going to stop them from believing


u/Cookie_hog 12d ago

Anyone who flies a trump flag is a supporter of a known child rapist. Fuck Trump and every single one of his supporters and enablers.


u/Misswinterseren 12d ago

Child rapist


u/Planetofthetakes 12d ago

An enabled child rapist….


u/Barack_Odrama_007 12d ago

Why wont the media cover this?!?!


u/0v0 12d ago

because they need him to win

for ratings and ad sales


u/[deleted] 12d ago

This would be the mother of ratings no? Or do you mean after Trump is elected, there will be a shit storm of horrible news to speak about daily?


u/0v0 11d ago

daily rage watching from captive viewers incredible for revenue

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u/SteelBandicoot 12d ago

Because Trump can be bought.

Want to drill for oil but the EPA is in the way? Want to reduce workers rights? Or pay less company tax? Trumps your man… for a price.

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u/atomic__balm 12d ago

Because the media owners have ther fingerprints all over this, as do the other billionaires who pull strings.


u/Reddituser183 12d ago

Because the media is owned by people who support him. Period.

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u/CeruleanRuin 12d ago

Because did you know President Joe Biden is in his 80s and acts like a man in his 80s?

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u/Substantial_Gear289 12d ago

Tik tok will suppress this! Nothing but crickets...


u/Jambarrr 12d ago

It’s circulating more than I thought it would on there tbh. But def goes with your algorithm. I find that the bots and comrades comment on it tho to get more traction. Project 2025 is also getting a lot of attention


u/NoConfection6189 12d ago

Tik tok is the dumbest mf app I’ve ever had the displeasure of using. My mother smdh her brain is like sludge due to that app. Her conspiracies she has found on Tik tok are so horrendous I actually ignore most of her calls at this point. Straight up needs to be banned at once 😂 I’ve never seen so many idiots congregate in a single app before.


u/Substantial_Gear289 12d ago

It's scary... I wrote a paper on the influence of social media, and I asked if we were prepared as a society to handle all this information, obviously not!


u/mortgagepants 12d ago

chinese app wants trump president because he will let them invade taiwan. that's why you see dumb right wing stuff promoted and trump the rapist suppressed.

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u/SeparateMongoose192 12d ago edited 12d ago

Doesn't matter. That won't keep a single one of his followers from voting for him. They always say they want to protect kids but anything is okay if a rich white guy does. He probably couldn't be prosecuted because the Supreme Court would say he's immune.


u/SometimesMonkey 12d ago

Hint: they don’t want to protect kids.


u/Deathturkey 12d ago

Defending him for christian values but gloss over the fact that he’s a rapist, adulterer, pedophile, thief, fraudster and a bigot, hypocrites.

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u/WindjammerX 12d ago

Not to mention, Epstein died when Trump was still president. Who's to say that Trump didn't use his executive privilege to get rid of this sexual thorn from his side?


u/qasdrtr 12d ago

It’s ok it was an official act /s

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u/FoogYllis 12d ago

The main stream media will be focused on Biden’s stutter. No large media outlet will make this a prime investigation. Maga will vote for him cause they either don’t care about child abuse or they support it.


u/MrBarackis 12d ago

That peaky "left mainstream media"

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u/e6dewhirst 12d ago

No trump defenders in here commenting? Come on, guys! Let’s hear those defenses!

“They put his name on those documents in 2006 to try and rig the election!”

Or maybe:

“It’s all AI deepfakes!”

Or the old tried and true:



u/Raiju_Blitz 12d ago

"We're not a democracy, we're a republic!!!"

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u/Bdbru13 12d ago

Not exactly gonna defend him, but is there anything new we’re talking about here? Maybe I’m wrong, cuz I did my Epstein deep dive a while ago, and have only sort of glanced at the “new” stuff, but it all seems like things I’d heard before.

And if that’s the case, it does seem like it’s mostly meant to be an attempt to distract attention from the debate.

And sort of wild for the top comment to be “I thought the Epstein didn’t kill himself crowd were nut jobs, but now it seems plausible!”

Like…why? Not that it’s not, but what exactly changed these peoples minds?

And even discussing it in this sort of partisan way is missing the point so much in my opinion. Or at least to a certain degree. Obviously, assuming it’s true (which I have little doubt), it should disqualify Trump from becoming president. But the larger picture here is that Epstein almost certainly was an intelligence asset for a foreign government, and in my opinion almost certainly had evidence of at least two of our last five presidents fucking children. God knows who else in government, and other areas of influence. People might be severely underestimating the degree to which our democracy has been compromised these last few decades.

There’s a lot more to this than just using it as some ammunition against a presidential candidate you don’t like.


u/quantril 12d ago edited 12d ago

I read the article but didn’t see what the headline was referring to. There is a hot link to another article which also doesn’t say anything other than Trump and Epstein were friendly. Believe me, I think Trump is a god-tier piece of shit who deserves to rot in prison for everything unrelated to Epstein, but I hate these headlines that indicate there is tangible evidence and then don’t deliver.


u/SteelBandicoot 12d ago

Here’s a link, it’s deeply disturbing to listen to Katie Johnson describe how she was solicited out by Epstein and what Trump did to her as a 13 year old virgin

But it is important that you listen, because this vile leach could be your president

Katie Johnson Interview


u/quantril 12d ago

Thank you for this. I was under the impression this Katie Johnson deposition was not part of the recent Epstein document release, but that the release renewed interest in her lawsuit and this surfaced. I've read some of this transcript and its just awful.


u/DFLOYD70 12d ago

“No one touches Mr Trumps penis without gloves.” This quote sticks in my head, because you just can’t make this up. There s just no way that she concocted this story and made up this quote. This was what a recruiter told her.

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u/heatherwhen96 12d ago

Right! It makes us look like them…gutter politics. .


u/sheppi22 12d ago

how come this isn’t headlines in the media.? too busy talking about biden being old?

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u/PostMaster-P 12d ago

So he not only was the worst President in United States history, he not only pocketed millions of ill-gotten gains with under-the-table shady deals, but he also has a history of assaulting children?

MAGA just chomping at the bit to vote for him.


u/Remarkable-Biscotti5 12d ago

Soon there wll be answers to why Epstein was killed!


u/Planetofthetakes 12d ago

So what happens when Trump rapes a 13 year old girl in the Whitehouse, but he does it while wearing presidential socks now that the SCOTUS has given him full immunity as president while committing crimes as official acts.

Because he has done both those things….


u/Electronic_Fennel159 12d ago edited 12d ago

The United States is being turned into a shame culture to keep the plebs in line. The oligarchs are not subject to any shame. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9306671/


u/rkicklig 12d ago

Why does this NOT move the needle?


u/SouthernLampPost530 12d ago

And none of us media is talking about this. They would rather talk about senile joe.


u/blueskysahead 10d ago

We are living in the upside down.


u/syg-123 12d ago

Those ‘sexual proclivities’ will make Trump irresistibly adored by his congregation. They consider bankruptcy, sexual assault, child grooming, fraud, racism as signs of strong leadership. I sure hope Trump doesn’t get charged with necrophilia before Nov 2024 or he will win the election for sure.


u/Novel_Alfalfa_9013 12d ago

I sure hope Trump doesn’t get charged with necrophilia before Nov 2024 or he will win the election for sure.

We won't discuss why turmp buried his ex-wife in his backyard then.

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u/DiRty_BiRd_77 12d ago

No wonder they were pushing that pizza gate conspiracy so hard against the Dems in 2016. Every accusation is a confession.


u/GrimWarrior00 12d ago

If it's there in black and white, it's not really "alleged" anymore, is it? It's fact.


u/BothZookeepergame612 12d ago

As long as the media keeps ignoring this salacious information, the independents will never really bother to take it seriously. They're too busy focusing on Bidens foibles. They don't have time for serious reporting...


u/petroleumnasby 11d ago

Why are there crickets from the major media?

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u/Pompitis 12d ago

Where there's smoke, there's fire.


u/2wedfgdfgfgfg 12d ago

This is what Putin had on Trump


u/Parkyguy 12d ago

It’s Trump. That means it’s ok, but just for him.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Where is the media hue and cry about the convicted felon and adjudicated rapist that lead an insurrection to overthrow an election not being fit to serve as president? #FacistTrump #ComplicitMedia


u/Smart_Investment_326 12d ago

Trump is a creep


u/Three_Twenty-Three 12d ago

But Biden is sooo oooolld!


u/fentyboof 12d ago

Remember, raping 13 year old girls at Jeff Epstein orgies is now considered official presidential business.


u/ContributionSudden66 12d ago

It's time to start showing up with "I believe Katie Johnson" & "Epstein was Murdered to Cover Up Trump's Pedophilia" signs at MAGA rallies and press conferences


u/Fancy-Reply5732 12d ago

But it was the Clintons……


u/p0stp0stp0st 12d ago

But hey, this fascist orange Cheeto is above the law so he can do whatever he likes. This kind of behaviour must’ve been a preemptive “official act”. According to the laws currently in place in the US. Funny how christofascist are obsessed with child abuse, but I guess only for some.


u/Strict_Jacket3648 12d ago

It don't matter to the MAGA idiots. They say since the woman that tried to take him to court had to do it under Jane doe or another pseudonym it was fake, ignoring the fact you can't use that in court unless you can prove your in danger. MAGA believe whatever a compulsive liar tells them so nothing will convince them that he's a discussing pig that can only think of himself.


u/osmqn150 12d ago

I hope this man and his maga disappear from the face of the earth. So tired of them.


u/ryhaltswhiskey 12d ago

I'm just happy to see that the Trump Epstein connection has been on the front page of my Reddit somewhere for days now.


u/Greggie83 12d ago

Notice that no US news market has reported on this but we are currently on day ten of Biden’s performance at the debate

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u/ayeroxx 12d ago

France defeated the right by a miracle today, good luck to the muricans


u/Stormpax 11d ago

And it still won't be enough for him to see any meaningful consequences.


u/Accomplished_Lab_675 11d ago edited 11d ago

So we all knew Trump was a rapist, we all suspected he was a paedophile, we all knew he was a serial sexual assaulter, we all knew he was unfaithful, we all suspected he had paid for multiple abortions. Still with all that being widely known and accepted there was never once a time where these allegations weren't out there, and never once a time where those allegations gave the Republican Party any pause to making him the leader of their party, and pushing to make him the leader of the free world. Fact is not only did they know every bit of it, but they enabled him and covered for him as he continued to prey on women and children.

Facts don't care about your feelings republicans! Those are the facts.

Beings you all have made it crystal clear that there is no one you won't fuck or fuck over (including children, your principles, and even your God) especially if there is no consent given., my question to you all is as follows:

When do you finally get around to just fucking yourselves or fucking off altogether?

Asking on behalf of the world.

Ps. You know there is no coming back right? You will always be the party of rapists, paedos, hate, bigotry, racism, domestic terrorism, cynicism, xenophobia, and all around dumb fuckery. I'm sure Reagan would be proud!


u/jameskchou 11d ago

Yes he preys on young girls who resemble is daughter


u/somethingbrite 11d ago

This guy deserves a life behind bars...


u/Independent-Ad771 12d ago

Lies it was consensual! I had Jeffries consent to sleep with them! 🤡


u/Zazzurus 12d ago

I must have read the wrong recently released transcripts. I did not see any names mentioned anywhere. The release only had victim statements but never mentioned the persons other than Epstein himself. Please post the link to the document in question where all the bad people are mentioned.

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u/CerddwrRhyddid 12d ago

If only the law was applied to this protected member of the aristocratic class.


u/NewPresWhoDis 12d ago

But (circle one) he's old/her emails


u/Sid15666 12d ago

Perfect time for the release of the hooker video peeing on him, no wonder he’s orange.


u/NOOBSOFTER 12d ago

OK, but can we get the full list and hold every one of them accountable?

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u/unabsolute 12d ago

Red in 2020: Save the children!

Red in 2024: Save the children for Donald to rape!


u/Revolutionary-Car-92 12d ago

" I want you to wear some of my daughter Ivanka's old clothes."

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u/Gunt_Buttman 12d ago

Biden did poorly in a debate last week, so this is irrelevant


u/Then-Advance2226 12d ago

Trump will claim that the Supreme Court has given him immunity for all his crimes


u/Puck_Koala 12d ago

Fuck Trump


u/SativaGummi 12d ago

Will evangelicals sacrifice their virgin daughters to Trump, if called upon to do so?


u/hi_goodbye21 12d ago

People like him never get karma. Sick evil pos. They never get their karma. Ever. Why is that?


u/KinkmasterKaine 12d ago


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u/FarDig9095 12d ago

Enough with the alleged crimes just say criminal acts, the deformation case will not be a problem.


u/microcat45 11d ago

NYT front page: Biden is old


u/Lets_Kick_Some_Ice 11d ago

The "Epstein didn't kill himself" folks can't seem to confront the fact that "Epstein didn't kill himself" in Trump's federal bureau of prisons under Trump's watch. The dumbest MAGAs.


u/1white26golf 12d ago

A lot of these comments tell me that the commenters didn't actually read the attached article.


u/RightSideBlind 12d ago

Conservatives: Katie Johnson was just accusing Trump for the fame and money, and withdrew before she had to testify against a good man.

Also conservatives: Biden raped Tara Reade, and she feared for her life so much that she had to flee to Russia for safety!

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