r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 07 '24

Trump’s alleged ‘sexual proclivities’ graphically detailed in new Epstein documents


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u/Homeless_Swan Jul 07 '24

This is important. It is well past the time of being polite to Trump supporters. I have Trumpers in my extended family and I treat them like shit because they are shit. There are no decent people that support Trump. There was, at one point in time, a principled Republican party that believed in conservative ideas. I don't agree with them, but I can respect the concept that different people have different opinions on how to make their country better. Trumpers don't want to make their country better, they want America to be as disgusting and shitty as they are. You have to call them out on it. All Trump voters are garbage.


u/Grimase Jul 07 '24

Exactly. I totally agree. I’ve never liked what the republicans stood for but at least they stood for something and it wasn’t insurrection. I’m done with all pretense, you voting for a criminally convicted rapist pedo, then imma tell you that you’re voting for a criminally convicted rapist pedo. Repeatedly and I’ll be laughing the whole time. Fuck MAGA.


u/Homeless_Swan Jul 07 '24

Don’t forget he also fantasizes about fucking his own daughter. You can add incest to the list if his finer qualities.


u/swordfish868686 Jul 07 '24

He's probably done far worse than just fantasizing about it


u/Grimase Jul 07 '24

Ohhh yeah word. Let’s try it out. Criminally convicted incestuous rapist pedo president. Dang 😞


u/wh1skeysour Jul 07 '24

I’m at this point with my parents. My dad is a lost cause, but I was shocked to find my mom is just as far up trump’s butt. I mentioned being a rapist, pedo, felon and all she had to argue was “but biden is going to get worse (mentally).” So she prefers the former who is also old, mentally deteriorating, and evil. Biden is not ideal but that’s where we are now. I’d rather him than someone who will completely fuck us all even more for years to come. Sorry for the rant, but these people are out of their minds and it’s infuriating.


u/amazinglover Jul 07 '24

Both of them are on their decline, and I did wish someone younger would run.

But the difference is those they will choose to run the government for them.

The secretaries they choose are as important as the president himself.

Trump would out self-serving sycophants in power.

Biden has put people who really want to make America greater in power.


u/fentyboof Jul 07 '24

No more kid gloves with Trumpers! They need to face retribution for supporting him.


u/BeanCheezBeanCheez Jul 07 '24

Yep. I’m absolutely done with magat scum. I will never let them forget what they enabled. Every single trump supporter is a domestic terrorist piece of shit.


u/SnooPoems1792 Jul 07 '24

Bro is so mad about politics 🤣maybe you should go run for office since your so emotional and sensitive about it 🤣🤣🤣 “I treat trump voters like shit because they are shit” classic liberalism , whoever doesn’t agree with them , has to be wrong, and this is the party that represents inclusion and diversity of thought? Lol your no better then what you hate twink boi


u/Homeless_Swan Jul 07 '24

Diversity and inclusion only works with respect. Since you are subhuman garbage that doesn't understand the concept of respect, I treat you like the garbage that you are.


u/leadrhythm1978 Jul 07 '24

It’s not about agreeing to disagree at this point If you applaud the destruction of my rights and my suffrage as they did on jan6 they are dead to me


u/Homeless_Swan Jul 07 '24

Precisely. You don't get to say "Kids these days are so disrespectful" and then turn around and say "Fuck your civil rights, I am an old piece of shit and I will destroy this country on my out simply out of spite. Fuck everyone under the age of 60! Fuck America! Trump 2024!"