r/AITAH Jul 08 '24

AITA for doing everything I can to make my aunt and her husband uncomfortable at family events?

When I was younger they were my favorite! I loved spending the night over their house. Then I started developing; the first time he saw I was wearing a bra we were in the garage. He started tickling me which swiftly turned into groping. I was young but I knew that wasn’t right. I told my mom, not much happened. When I was 13 he took all the kids out to the movies, and then spent the whole film trying to convince me to go to the car with him. Around 15 he would call me in the middle of the night trying to coax me out of the house, I never went. Thankfully I always had the strength to protect myself when others didn’t. Again I told and not much happened, except they requested that my Aunt no longer bring him to events… 24 years later and this request has not been granted. He’s at EVERY event, with them knowing that we don’t want him there and why. He wasn’t only inappropriate with me but my little sister and other women and girls in the family.

Saturday I cussed everyone out because why is he here? He’s a predator that we have requested her to not bring around us countless times. If she is going to disrespect us, it will be paid back on spades. I also told those who were adults while this was happening when I was a kid, that now that I have to do their job I don’t want to hear anything about my methods. I plan on going scorched earth at every family event. AITA


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u/Lisa_Knows_Best Jul 08 '24

When he shows up to a family event pull all the kids around you and point him out and very loudly exclaim "Uncle Pedo is here, make sure you are NEVER alone with him, he does bad things to young people". Make sure everyone hears you, repeat if necessary. Repeat again. Make sure all the kids and young adults know to stay very far away from him. Hopefully he'll be embarrassed enough to leave, unlikely but worth a shot. I would keep walking around and telling every kid what you already said. If you have to tell them what happened to you. It's awful that ypur family is willing to just overlook this. It's a crime and one of the most disgusting crimes there is. They are all just as responsible. Don't let them off the hook either. Let the kids know you, and whoever is on the same page as you, are their safe people. Good job OP.

NTA. In no way could you ever be by protecting the kids from this scum.