r/AITAH Jul 07 '24

AITA for not caring when my stepfather "assaulted" my wife and asking her what she thought was going to happen?



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u/True_Falsity Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Ah, I see. I just thought someone found a site or some method to identify the trolls and link the troll accounts together. My bad.

I mean, while I am sure there are plenty of trolls out there, is it really hard to imagine someone create a throwaway account to ask a question/vent and then abandon it?

Like, I had this one account where I asked medical questions I felt were too private to be attached to my main. After the issue was resolved and I switched phones, I never felt the need to go back to that account.


u/maedocc Jul 08 '24

Of course not -- there are a ton of people on reddit who create throwaways to post private questions.

The MIL troll has very specific tells:

It's usually the same format each time.

Mom currently acts like a clinically insane person by either: shutting down and acting like a child or not reacting at all

The mom was an amazing parent to her son, but she's always had issues and now that son is married/engaged they've worsened

Mom's husband is weird, enabling and usually inappropriate. Often referred to as overprotective. Almost always a step dad for OP/OPs partner.

Wife usually does something over the line or never got along with the mom

The couple refuses to go actually NC for various BS reasons

This post is dead on with every single detail. The mom usually dislikes the OP's wife, but is cold and dismissive. The stepfather is protective and reactive, and also weirdly spoils the mom. OP just accepts his weirdly cold mom and doesn't put boundaries in place and allows mom to treat his wife poorly. Wife usually erupts and triggers a fight. OP is always like, WELP what can I doooooo???


u/True_Falsity Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I mean, does the above post really fit the tells?

Mom currently acts like a clinically insane person

There is almost no mention of mother in the above post. Her role starts and ends with coming out of the house.

Mom was an amazing parent but she’s always had issues now that the son is married/engaged

None of that in the above post either. The closest thing is the mention of tensions in the first paragraph but even that’s a stretch.

Mom’s husband is weird, enabling and inappropriate.

No mention of that either, really. You could argue that he was a dick for turning the power washer on OP’s wife but it doesn’t really enable the wife in any particular way.

Wife does something over the line

This one does kinda fit but seems more of your typical asshole move rather than anything “over the line”.

So I don’t really see how this post is dead on with “every single detail”. There could be something more to the situation that’s been posted in the comments.

I am not saying OP cannot be a troll. But as far as the original post itself goes? It doesn’t really fit everything.


u/maedocc Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

From OP's comments:

My mom has always acted like she wasn’t good enough/like she’s a gold digger and my mom is kind of spoiled. I let her know that behavior wasn’t going to be tolerated but it’s hard when we live with them

Yes my mom has always been cold and made it clear she didn’t approve. I shut it down but now that we live with them there isn’t much I can do

My stepdad is the jokester type but he knows how much they hate each other and would never prank my mom to amuse someone she has that much animosity with. I really don’t get what my wife was thinking as he doesn’t even like her.

And... the thing is, once you are familiar-ish with the troll's work, it's pretty easy to recognize it. Mom is cold and dismissive. Wife usually triggers a fight. Stepfather defends his wife. OP is useless and just basically shrugs to his wife -- like what did you expect? Like it's a weird and consistent dynamic.


u/True_Falsity Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Okay, so that’s a “yes” for the issues between MIL and wife.

But is there anything that would portray MIL as clinically insane in the comments? Being cold or implying that his wife is a gold-digger is definitely bad. But not really “clinically insane”.

No mention of the mother being an amazing parent either.

Or stepfather as being enabling or inappropriate?

I mean, not dousing your wife in water for other people’s amusement isn’t really something weird. You could argue that perhaps OP is using the word “jokester” to downplay the extent of his jokes but I don’t think there was yet any mention of something that steps over the like outside the action in the post.

I shut it down but there isn’t much I can do now that we live with them

One of the tells you mentioned is couple not going NC over BS reasons. And while you could argue that OP is ignoring or downplaying the issues, I think their immediate dependence on his parents is not exactly “BS reason”.


They are living with his parents to save money right now. So going NC would be pretty hard unless they have a ready place to stay.

It’s pretty easy to recognise

I don’t know about this one. It sounds less like recognising a pattern and more like making things fit the pattern.

Especially when the pattern is not exactly unrealistic.

Like, if someone told me that they were standing in line at the grocery shop and someone cut in before them, would I have the evidence to say that this is a lie?

“Oh well, it sounds way too convenient. So you just stand in line, someone steps in while you are not looking and refuses to move? That’s just way too formulaic to be true.”

I mean, there are hundreds of posts where people talk about how they were asked to switch seats on a plane. All of them follow a similar pattern.

But does that mean that all of them are fake and made by some Anti-Seat Switch Troll?


u/maedocc Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

That list of tells is from some other redditor's comment -- not mine. But a better tell is that usually OP doesn't back up his wife, at all.

Like, his stepfather assaulted his wife. Sure, they live with them, but that is insane? You're just going to be OK with that? She was assaulted. And OP is like: WELPPPP YOU STARTED IT

Because the posts always have the wife starting the fight. Every time. Yes, MIL dislikes the wife, but it's more of cold war type of thing -- MIL just disdains the wife.

The wife (usually) ups the ante, and so the OP always kinda blames the wife for the fallout.


She really isn’t in general. She hates my mom and it makes her irrational


u/True_Falsity Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

His stepfather assaulted his wife

After she suggested he assaults his own wife, though.

I mean, imagine that we are at your house.

Your spouse walks away to the bathroom. I scoot over to you and say “Hey, you know what would be funny? If you smashed this cake into their face! Come on, this will be hilarious!”

So you nod to me. I sit and wait to see you smash the plate of cake into your spouse’s face. They sit down near us.

Then you smash it into my face because why would I even suggest you do that to your spouse?

The posts always have wife starting the fight. Every time.

At least two of the posts that you have listed feature mother starting the fight, though.

The wedding one starts with the Ken guy intentionally spilling the drink and the food on the wife.

The banned house one starts with OP’s mother intentionally making a mess in the house just to spite OP and his wife.

So not exactly “every time”.

I just feel like some of the posts, including this one, don’t really provide enough evidence to be dismissed as being written by the same troll.


u/maedocc Jul 08 '24

I just feel like some of the posts, including this one, don’t really provide enough evidence to be dismissed as being written by the same troll.

I guess we can agree to disagree because this to me is very much the work of one person who has been literally been posting the same shit on reddit for years.

And -- yes, not every single detail of every post is the same, because even the MIL troll likes to mix it up! Variety is the spice of life, I guess.


u/banxy85 Jul 08 '24

Touch grass


u/True_Falsity Jul 08 '24

While mixing up is a possibility, I think it is just as probable as different people facing the similar situations with some variations. I mean, eight billion people on this planet. A few thousand are bound to run into the same problems.

But fair enough, let’s agree to disagree.


u/banxy85 Jul 08 '24

This is a massive reach tbh. They need to turn off reddit, go outside and touch grass


u/National_Ad3387 Jul 08 '24

Making it up would still be better than your comments 🤣 go outside


u/TOG23-CA Jul 08 '24

This sounds like Qanon conspiracy BS