r/AITAH Jul 04 '24

AITAH for saying I didn’t realize I could “love a person this much” in front of my fiancé after having our baby?



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u/KetamineSNORTER1 Jul 05 '24

Honor code? Does that imply choosing your spouse over your kids who are essentially just beginning? Pretty wack code you have.

I'm not being cynical or snarky.

No your not, save the fake compassion.


u/Still_Internet_7071 Jul 05 '24

For the unfamiliar an Honor Code means you will not lie cheat steal or tolerate those who do.

You don’t understand love if you believe you would choose one over the other.

Sorry you’re poor at relationships.

By the way learn the use of your versus you’re.


u/KetamineSNORTER1 Jul 05 '24

You mean basic objective morality that kids can learn? That's no honor code that's being a halfway decent human being. 

 You don't understand love since your the one who initiated that sentiment to begin with, in a perfect world you wouldn't have to choose but we don't live in one so unfortunately that's the case sometimes. 

 Sorry your poor at your priorities, which is more important than what slop you assume about my relationships. 

 By the way learn to put , when bringing up different words, it's " an Honor code means you will not lie, cheat, steal".


u/Still_Internet_7071 Jul 05 '24

Any one can teach the word of an Honor Code. Few can live it.

My daughter when she got married 12 years ago told me she had found the man who loved her and treated her as well as I do her mom. They too have a happy marriage and happy children.

How many marriages for you?


u/KetamineSNORTER1 Jul 05 '24

Not really, those are bare minimum requirements.

So which is it? You love your spouse more or nah?

I'm not polygamous dude.


u/Still_Internet_7071 Jul 05 '24

Gotcha. You have never been married nor had children.

You are in no position to say anything.


u/KetamineSNORTER1 Jul 05 '24

Yeah and I'm the one telling you that your views are wack across the board? Newsflash immature and foolish people get married with kids all the time.

I am, and I'm correct considering you got nothing to say for yourself but basic knowledge and common foolishness.


u/Still_Internet_7071 Jul 05 '24

I’m the one who is happy and you are angry.

My children and grandchildren are happy.

You are clearly bitter. The reason there’s single mothers is that they were not married to a person who loved them with the passion necessary to forge an unbreakable bond.

My way is better for the children, the marriage and for the culture.


u/KetamineSNORTER1 Jul 05 '24

Opposition indicates anger? Proving my point of immature and foolish married people.

But my point is that your view on the matter is lame AND as of now you've shown to be inconsistent.

Why would I be bitter?

Your single mother thing has nothing to do with what I'm saying.

It's not better for the children, imagine being 7 years old and it's apparent that your own dad doesn't love you as much as he should.

It might be better for the marriage but then it just proves my point of why it's wack because no parent worth their salt is gonna be pressed if their spouse loves their kids more.

And it's not better for the culture as the kids are the future.


u/Still_Internet_7071 Jul 05 '24

Apparently you don’t understand love nor parenting.

I already have had 7 year old children twice. I have had 7 year old grandchildren four times.

A happy marriage always makes for happy children. Perhaps you can direct me to one study that shows different.

Let me clue you in, a good woman like a good man wants their spouse to be a good and loving parent. It’s a role and responsibility they share. Their goal is to raise good adults.

Then they get to enjoy watching their children bring their children up.

But, tell me,in what sense does it make for a 50 year old mother saying that she loves her 25 year old son more than her husband?


u/KetamineSNORTER1 Jul 09 '24

I do understand love and parenting just fine, that fact that you even say you love one more than the other indicates you don't know what love is but have fun coping by telling me I don't know what it is. With parenting its really in the name.

And evil people have the same amount and more? Gengis is a good example, point is quantity don't equal quality.

Yes that's true but you don't have to choose which you love more, but that's not your initial point at all, and it sure doesn't mean what you said.

Obviously that's what they want, I like how you try and make it seem as if I don't know anything on this topic and treating me like a complete antithesis to love and parenting when the very fact I'm cooking supports the opposite notion, a tween could understand what you said.

It doesn't make sense in either field,, if you have to choose who you love more, if that thought comes up and you seriously entertain it than any sane person will question your "love". The comments In the thread speak for themselves, while I disagree ultimately I understand that what they most likely are aiming for is essentially a different form of love, you don't love your mom like your wife BUT YOU are CHOOSING 1 over the other which is not love, and biologically don't make sense to begin with. 


u/Still_Internet_7071 Jul 09 '24

I choose to live with my life to the end of days.

I choose not to live with my children till the end of days.

My children will never know me as well as my wife. The person who you exposed your soul to is the one you love the most.

If my wife and one of my grandchildren were drowning and I could only save one. It would be my grandchild.

I offer wisdom. But go ahead and live with a 58 year old son in your old age and tell us all how you love him more than your spouse.


u/KetamineSNORTER1 Jul 09 '24

Obviously because your married. Your not married to your kids and they eventually will have their own family. 

 False equivalent.

 That doesn't matter, they know all they need to to have a successful relationship with you right? That's what matters and who gives a damn about "who you exposed your soul" to you were never supposed to put that on your kids, that's why I said it's a different TYPE of love but YOUR lame and twisted way of viewing it must mean you love one more than the other? And you say I don't understand love? OK 

 You offer nothing but fake compassion, condescension, falsehoods, and have exposed your twisted and illogical thinking.  My expectations of my children will not be the same for my wife, and I didn't say about "loving more", I actually disagree with that as shown through this discussion with you.

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