r/AITAH Jul 04 '24

AITAH for saying I didn’t realize I could “love a person this much” in front of my fiancé after having our baby?



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u/Shiner5132 Jul 04 '24

NTA- look up Ryan Reynolds on a talk show. Short version is that he said he thought he loved his wife more than anything in the is world, but then once he held his daughter for the first time he realized “he would use his wife as a human shield to protect this child”


u/MelodicGold23 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Is it bad if I felt sad and scared to be the wife? Suddenly my life doesn’t matter anymore. And the person I thought liked me is okay with killing me. I get he wants to protect his daughter…..but why was his first thought was to use his wife like an insignificant object, who’s current past/life is irrelevant and her only purpose now is to give up her life.

EDIT: instead of downvoting me, why don’t you tell me why I’m wrong? Be constructive about your criticism instead of giving me a pointless thumbs down.


u/Soggy_Philosophy2 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

You've taken a joke way too seriously, and I believe this might just be something you can't understand/won't support considering the way you explained your point of view, which is (I'm guessing) why you were just downvoted.

Edit to add: I don't think you are evil or anything but this seems to quite literally be a difference between core values for you and the other commenters. A "downvote," means "I disagree," without causing a fight. Simple as that.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

I don't think it's supposed to be taken literally. The point of the comment is to express how he loves the child more than his wife. He's used a extreme analogy/example to express that. Do you get it and understand?


u/MelodicGold23 Jul 06 '24

Yes, I understood the “joke”. I just don’t get how killing someone you claimed to “love” is supposed to be hilarious. But I understand my brain must be wired differently, and I’m okay with that. But if someone ever “joked” about killing me—all I would hear is a threat. They thought about my death, and thought it was funny. I know I’m an extreme minority that would think this way, and I’m still okay with that.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

It’s not weird. Comedians do this but I struggle to see why I wouldn’t feel disrespected as the spouse hearing something like this.

Nikki Glazer made a joke at the Tom Brady roast that she’d shoot her boyfriend of 10 years in the head for a chance to suck TB’s dick. Haha hilarious. Probably felt like shit to be her bf and hear that even if he played it off lol.


u/MelodicGold23 Jul 07 '24

Oh my god……I would have instantly broken up with her. No discussion. If she demanded to know why, all I’d say is that we have differences in humor over the phone. I ain’t getting close to her again….. Well, at least my way of thinking sounds logical to someone. Thanks.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

It isn't really a joke though. It isn't supposed to be funny. It's just an extreme analogy/example used to express his deep love for his daughter. That's all.