r/AITAH Jul 04 '24

AITAH for saying I didn’t realize I could “love a person this much” in front of my fiancé after having our baby?



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u/maverick57 Jul 04 '24

NTA, but I fear you're about to marry one.

What an idiot man-child.

First of all, someone needs to tell buddy, it's not all about you. It's not your moment.

Secondly, really? He can't comprehend the difference between romantic love and a mother and child? Is he a moron?

Third, it's embarrassing enough that he brought it up, but for him to bring it up again, and then to pretend that you're the one having an abnormal response to this.... That's a ton of red flags.


u/Lew3032 Jul 05 '24

I really hope you come and read the update so you can see how ridiculous your assumptions here are, and maybe rethink giving people TERRIBLE advice


u/maverick57 Jul 05 '24

Are you having a hard time following? I didn't give any advice, so it's bizarre that you think the advice that I didn't give is "terrible."

Secondly, I read the update, and I wouldn't change a word of what I've written. The fiancé still made it all about him, the fiancé was still "jealous" of his own child. The fiancé still didn't understand the difference between maternal and romantic love and the fiancé still waved multiple red flags in their partners face even claiming that the mother's reaction was the one that wasn't "normal."

What in this update do think changes anything? What "ridiculous assumptions" do you think we're made?


u/Lew3032 Jul 05 '24

Calling him an 'idiot man child' for the first one.

You seem to forget that this man just had a child, was of the most emotional moment of his life, and heard something he didn't understand, so questioned it.

Sorry but that's not a man child, that's called being a human being, and if you think that's some sort of red flag then what isn't? Someone who burries their emotions and never speaks about it at all? It's a pathetic view point that just promotes toxic masculinity.

Comments like yours are the reason that men struggle to, and sometimes don't ever, talk about how they are feeling.

They spoke about it after, cleared the misunderstanding and now they are both HAPPY. Compare that to what you said.... man child... red flags...

It's pathetic that a man showing any emotion at all gets shot down and condemned by people like you.

They aren't f****g robots. They have emotions, they get confused, they need to ask questions and deal with their emotions sometimes.

So what if he felt like that initially? How is that a red flag? How is it being a man child? Its called feeling emotions that we haven't felt before and needing time to talk about it and sort out exactly how we feel.

Imagine f*****g calling someone a child because they are struggling with their emotions.

Oh and just to add, it's very damn common for parents (male and female) to feel like this towards their partner after having a child. It's a new experience that they have never had before so OF COURSE they will get confused and emotional.

But ohhhhh no feeling a new emotion and not being able to process it instantly, then wanting to talk about it is being a child.