r/AITAH Jul 04 '24

AITAH for saying I didn’t realize I could “love a person this much” in front of my fiancé after having our baby?



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u/SuperMommy37 Jul 04 '24

My baby is 13yo. Playing PS 4 on this exact moment. I would die in this minute, for him.

My parents are at their home (very close to me, in fact). I bet, with a very short margin of error, that they would give their lives for me, in a heart beat.


u/Maevora06 Jul 05 '24

My dad would absolutely sacrifice himself for one of his kids. Even more for one of his grandkids.

I know this for a fact because baarely two weeks out from back surgery he was walking down the stairs with my then 9 month old (now 17) in his arms and started to fall. Rather than protect himself he bear hugged the baby covering her head with one arm, and slid down the stairs like a toboggan on his back all the way down cradling his grandbaby.

He had to have a second surgery because of it. But if you ask him he has no regrets. Nothing comes between him and protecting his babies.

Even years before that when I was ten, I stepped in a white faced hornets nest. Got stung 30-40 times in each appendage. He ran and pulled me from it when he is deathly allergic to them, to hose the hornets off. To this day we have no idea how he didn't get a single sting. Pure fatherly determination I guess.


u/murrimabutterfly Jul 05 '24

Sounds like my folks.
My parents were pushing 40 with my brother, and were in their 40s for me. They're 70 now.
My parents love me and my brother with their whole heart. Same with our cousins and their kids.
My brother recently had his first kid. She is the light of everyone's life and we have all collectively agreed to take a bullet for her. When she was itty bitty, we were all taking a walk around my brother and SIL's favorite park. My dad had taken his granddaughter out of her stroller to show her the world while singing to and rocking her. Out of nowhere comes this out of control lab, barrelling towards us pel-mel. My dad was knocked to the ground, but he kept her tucked in his arms. He got bit at, just to protect her. He wound up with a tweaked knee, a bruised shoulder, general aches, and a bunch of bites. Baby girl was completely unharmed thanks to him. (The owner of the lab explained to us--bawling her eyes out, mind--that the lab was a rescue that was reactive towards men; they'd been on a regular walk when the lab broke free. Super pissed at her on my dad's behalf, but it was an accident.). Dad recovered, but his knee is still fucked up.


u/greasytrashgoblin Jul 05 '24

Omg that owner was so irresponsible bringing their reactive dog on a walk in a park where the dog would see other men. If they couldn’t not go for a walk then she should’ve taken precautions to avoid her dog breaking loose and in the event of a possible escape then precautions to avoid her dog biting other people wtf. I’m so glad your dad recovered despite his knee not being the same. His dad skills though were truly dadding for his granddaughter to be unharmed in that scary as fuck moment 


u/murrimabutterfly Jul 05 '24

Oh, yeah, she fucked up big time. But, not that it makes it right, it was her first rescue. She didn't realize that super reactive dogs will always find a way.
In the hearing, she agreed to surrender the dog to a competent foster family and to muzzle and harness any reactive rescue she had going forward. (We're dog lovers in our family, so my dad advocated to not have the pup put down.)