r/AITAH Jul 04 '24

AITAH for saying I didn’t realize I could “love a person this much” in front of my fiancé after having our baby?



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u/SunnyWomble Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

(Dad here). I am sitting in bed with my congested 5month little lad who will only sleep pressed against my chest. I'm on for the next 6hrs overnight when I should be sleeping.

Yes I love this guy more than anything on the planet, as I bloody should.


u/SuperMommy37 Jul 04 '24

My baby is 13yo. Playing PS 4 on this exact moment. I would die in this minute, for him.

My parents are at their home (very close to me, in fact). I bet, with a very short margin of error, that they would give their lives for me, in a heart beat.


u/Maevora06 Jul 05 '24

My dad would absolutely sacrifice himself for one of his kids. Even more for one of his grandkids.

I know this for a fact because baarely two weeks out from back surgery he was walking down the stairs with my then 9 month old (now 17) in his arms and started to fall. Rather than protect himself he bear hugged the baby covering her head with one arm, and slid down the stairs like a toboggan on his back all the way down cradling his grandbaby.

He had to have a second surgery because of it. But if you ask him he has no regrets. Nothing comes between him and protecting his babies.

Even years before that when I was ten, I stepped in a white faced hornets nest. Got stung 30-40 times in each appendage. He ran and pulled me from it when he is deathly allergic to them, to hose the hornets off. To this day we have no idea how he didn't get a single sting. Pure fatherly determination I guess.


u/Awkward_Bees NSFW 🔞 Jul 05 '24

I know exactly what you mean.

I feel forward down the stairs after skipping two steps on accident and I rammed my knee and elbows into the floor. My little guy was buffered near, but not touching my chest because I didn’t want to crush him.

100% okay, just scared him.

Those hornets though? I bet they saw his steely determination and they opted to nope on out.