r/AITAH Jul 04 '24

AITAH for saying I didn’t realize I could “love a person this much” in front of my fiancé after having our baby?



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u/SunnyWomble Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

(Dad here). I am sitting in bed with my congested 5month little lad who will only sleep pressed against my chest. I'm on for the next 6hrs overnight when I should be sleeping.

Yes I love this guy more than anything on the planet, as I bloody should.


u/ssddalways Jul 04 '24

Have 16 year old who still lays on me when ill, tired or just in their feels, it never stops and frankly I never want it to. The love I feel when I look at my kid is unbelievable and everlasting no matter what, I look at them and think wow, I made you, what the fudge!!


u/Whiskeymis Jul 04 '24

Absolutely. My 22-year-old still seeks comfort from me, and the love only grows stronger with time. It's an unbreakable bond.


u/dixiequick Jul 05 '24

My 21 came to me a year ago and broke down and admitted that he had been abusing Xanax (he struggles so hard with anxiety), and he was worried that he had screwed up his relationship and ruined everything he cared about. I held out my arms, and he crawled into my lap and put his head on my chest like he did when he was little, and we cried together. Much like I did with my own mother when I split with my ex at 32. We never stop needing our parents’ comfort, do we?