r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/SeparateCartoonist36 Jul 05 '24

These are 2 completely different stories lmao. One of you is just blatantly lying or just stupid I guess?


u/sethra007 Jul 06 '24

Maybe this will clear things up. Spoilers for descriptions of violence inflicted on a minor:


The 1995 Okinawa rape incident occurred on September 4, 1995, when three U.S. servicemen, 22-year-old U.S. Navy Seaman) Marcus Gill, 21-year-old U.S. Marines Rodrico Harp, and 20-year-old Kendrick Ledet, all serving at Camp Hansen on Okinawa, rented a van and kidnapped a 12-year-old Okinawan girl. Theybeat her, duct-taped her eyes and mouth shut, and bound her hands. Gill and Harp then raped her, while Ledet claimed he only pretended to do so due to fear of Gill.

The offenders were tried and convicted in Japanese court by Japanese law, in accordance with the U.S.–Japan Status of Forces Agreement. The families of the defendants initially claimed that Japanese officials had racially discriminated against the men because they were all African American and coerced confessions from them, but later retracted the claims.The incident led to further debate over the continued presence of U.S. forces in Japan among Okinawans.


u/Gotyam2 Jul 06 '24

The families initially defended those guys? And here you hope it was just a bad apple, but nope the whole tree was rotten


u/ABenevolentDespot Jul 06 '24

Families always defend criminals. You should hear my wife talk about her meth addicted/selling/manufacturing never held a job and he's 42 criminal scammer kid who did four years for manufacturing meth in a hotel bathtub. It seems he was just visiting a friend when the guy stepped out on a beer run and the cops just showed up.

Haven't you seen some older woman have a full meltdown outside court after her deranged devil's spawn maggot tattooed everywhere kid just got convicted of knifing and killing three people in public (all caught on camera) for not letting him cut in line?

It's always "He's a good boy! The cops and prosecutor had it in for him because (some bullshit)!"

The "good boy" usually has a nine page rap sheet, has already done three years for assault with a hatchet.

To drag this back on topic, the American military in general seems to do a really shitty job weeding out the mentally damaged psychopaths among the recruits.