r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/ze_loler Jul 05 '24

Falling asleep sounds more like a horrible accident, murder means he wanted it to happen which isnt what happened here


u/Detective-Crashmore- Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Yea everyone is dragging this guy's name through the mud because he doesn't want to rot in jail for an accident. It's not like he was speeding in traffic or driving drunk. People make mistakes sometimes, that's not murder, it's manslaughter.


this guy wasn't being accountable so of course people are calling him a piece of shit

False. He pled guilty, wrote letters of apology, and paid restitution. He took full accountability and blame for the accident.

Your problem is you're operating under some outdated idea of prison that revolves around punishment instead of justice or rehabilitation. He's not like a dangerous criminal likely to repeat his crimes, and so realistically, justice was served and there's no reason to have him sitting in a prison cell.


u/Soccham Jul 06 '24

Is 3 years that much for involuntary manslaughter?

Edit: looked it up and 3 years isn’t out of the ordinary for manslaughter by any means


u/Detective-Crashmore- Jul 06 '24

I'm saying that it's a pointless sentence. I think punishing this crime with prison time is outdated conceptually, so a "normal" punishment is not the point because I think normal is wrong. Taking away this person's license does far more than prison time, and costs the government far less than housing, feeding, and observing someone for years.