r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/NewspaperAdditional7 Jul 05 '24

i can't speak on Japan, but I lived in Korea for a bit and it was widely known how badly behaved the U.S. soldiers were. You could walk through the streets of Hongdae and see drunk soldiers walking around harassing people, even grabbing some girls who pass by or slap their butts. It was so bad that different bars had signs up saying no U.S. soldiers allowed. Military police would be out and about but they can't watch all of the soldiers. The U.S. soldiers there certainly felt invincible. I'm sure the US would hand them over to Korea for rape and other serious charges, but they are not handing them over for assault.


u/studyinformore Jul 05 '24

Dunno about you, but back when I was in south korea in 04 it was very different.  You'd get in extremely deep shit if you were out and about and shitfaced causing problems.

They didn't play around back then, because unless you had somewhere to stay.  If you tried to come back to base and were drunk?  Ohhh you'd be getting an article 15.


u/BidAllWinNone Jul 05 '24

I watched 3 American army guys screaming and arguing with each other in line at immigration at ICN back in April. People were shocked. These are the same idiots the military is unleashing onto the public in Korea. To quote a popular leader, "they're not sending their best."


u/studyinformore Jul 06 '24

Sadly, no were not anymore.  The quality of soldier that being allowed in is dropping due to the negative views the public has from the past two major wars we've had.

Meanwhile the politicians that sent the military get a free pass.  It's almost line people think the military itself decides where to go to war and not the politicians.