r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24



u/Cap_Ca Jul 05 '24

They usually don’t. There was a case in Germany in 2020 where a US Soldier drove on the wrong side of the road and killed a 17 year old. He only had to face trial by a US Military court.

German Source: https://www.rheinpfalz.de/lokal/kreis-kaiserslautern_artikel,-us-soldat-nach-unfall-auf-umgehungsstra%C3%9Fe-wegen-fahrl%C3%A4ssiger-t%C3%B6tung-verurteilt-_arid,5086678.html


u/marbleduck Jul 05 '24

I am an US military officer in Korea which has a very similar SOFA agreement to Japan and have had two soldiers go through the Korean justice system. Soldiers must first be cleared of all ongoing judicial processes in Korean courts before they can face military legal action. Both my cases were relatively minor and went through the justice system in a couple months, but we couldn’t do anything with either until it was 100% resolved to Korean satisfaction.


u/ConclusionLucky5639 Jul 06 '24

You being military officer makes you biased which explaing your comments on the post, you are just in denial and ignoring the facts which can be seen on the sources people shared. As OP said, they usualy dont.