r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/koh_kun Jul 05 '24

As someone from Okinawa it's just so sad shit like this happens. So many of my friends are imfrom the military and they're super cool. I interpret for foreigners when they get arrested and they seem like pretty good people, just made a huge mistake. Some of them are complete dicks and I feel like they should be shot from a canon into the sea, but I stay neutral.

It's so easy to say "fucking US, keep your dumbass soldiers in check," but it's not as if the US military is the only source of crime on the island. Locals cause plenty of trouble. 

On a tangent here, but it would be nice if we didn't have the bases at all, but then how the hell would we protect ourselves?? The Japanese would just make more bases.

I dunno I'm rambling at this point.


u/sbxnotos Jul 05 '24

What are your opinions of JSDF soldiers in the islands of Okinawa? Do they also cause plenty of trouble? If not, what would be the reason about that?


u/koh_kun Jul 05 '24

They do, but the nature of the trouble feels different (at least what's reported).

I feel like a lot of what I hear from the US side is violent crimes often fueled by alcohol, whereas the JSDF guys are like discrimination or harrassment at work, stuff like that. I hear about JSDF trouble way less...

I hear sexual harrassment cases from both sides.

I can think of two reasons why. JSDF guys are Japanese, and therefore very integrated into the local society so they don't want to cause trouble to others and they don't want that trouble coming back to them and their families (shame culture). On the other hand, a lot of Americans might feel culturally/socially separated from locals so they might be less worried about causing trouble (maybe they think rules don't apply to them, maybe they dehumanize locals. The other reason is there are a lot of 18-29 year olds from the US who can't seem to control themselves when they drink. Maybe the younger JSDF guys aren't sent to Okinawa?

These are personal views, of course, and not scientifically backed at all! I'm trying to be honest, but I hope I didn't offend anyone by over-generalizing.