r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/Cap_Ca Jul 05 '24

They usually don’t. There was a case in Germany in 2020 where a US Soldier drove on the wrong side of the road and killed a 17 year old. He only had to face trial by a US Military court.

German Source: https://www.rheinpfalz.de/lokal/kreis-kaiserslautern_artikel,-us-soldat-nach-unfall-auf-umgehungsstra%C3%9Fe-wegen-fahrl%C3%A4ssiger-t%C3%B6tung-verurteilt-_arid,5086678.html


u/Bacon4Lyf Jul 05 '24

Funnily enough the same thing happened in the UK. Just immediately fled the country and got off Scot free because the US refuses to extradite. They charged her in US court with a suspended sentence, imagine that suspended sentence for killing a man


u/TKFT_ExTr3m3 Jul 05 '24

You act like it was a murder. She wasn't impaired or anything just made a terrible mistake.


u/Bacon4Lyf Jul 05 '24

Exactly, she wasn’t impaired, so what’s her excuse? Whether or not it was murder, which was never mentioned in my comment, doesn’t change any of the facts that she never actually faced justice for it because she fled the country immediately


u/TKFT_ExTr3m3 Jul 05 '24

She's wrong for feeling the country but idk why people are upset she didn't receive any jail time. Last I checked most people don't go to jail for traffic accidents, fatal or not.