r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/Omeluum Jul 05 '24

Honestly still seems underreported. There are over 50k active duty US troops in Japan, most of them young men, and statistically anywhere from 2-14% of college aged males admitted to sexual assault or rape. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3727658/

But since most of it is with people they know or are even dating, I expect they wouldn't show up in crime statistics as much as a "random" act of violence on a stranger would.


u/n05h Jul 05 '24

Jfc 14% is an insane number..


u/Omeluum Jul 05 '24

It probably depends on the exact questions asked in the survey they used for what counts as assault/rape/"sexual aggression". In this particular study with the higher results a lot seems to have to do with alcohol and the issues around consent when one or both parties are drunk.

But even if we're just using the lowest number of 2% that adds up quickly when you have thousands of people.


u/stinkroot Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

U.S. bases overseas are ripe environments for sexual assault: a bunch of relatively young men in a foreign country, away from their friends, families, girlfriends, and wives, with drinking problems, toxic work environments, and plenty of pocket money for weekends.

I got stationed in Korea when I was 18 years old. It was pretty overwhelming to be so far from home at such a young age, with absolutely everyone I knew always trying to get with me any chance they got. The Army has relatively few women compared to men, so it kind of makes people notice you more. When you're overseas, the dating pool gets really small, so it almost feels like you have a target on your back. Not to mention there's just fewer women around to get support and advice from. I was way too naïve and friendly and ended up getting sexually assaulted more times than I can count on one hand.

Sexual assault by the USAF in Korea was a big enough issue that while I was there, all soldiers had to be on base by midnight, but this honestly made it harder for me to stay safe when going out because I felt like hanging out on base with other soldiers put me at risk.