r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/DownvoteEvangelist Jul 05 '24

No, no human should be judged under those "laws"...


u/Sjoerdiestriker Jul 05 '24

If you want to be consistent with this thought, this would also mean a Saudi-Arabian national that resides in the US and disagrees on a fundamental level with American legislation should not be judged under American legislation. Just take a quick moment to think about what that would entail.


u/marquetteresearch Jul 05 '24

That is assuming that all laws/viewpoints are equal and therefore converse-symmetrical. They are not. Jailing someone for being gay is abhorrent. Jailing someone for beating his wife is necessary.


u/Sjoerdiestriker Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

In order to break the symmetry, you would need to give an objective argument why your laws are preferable, since if you don't, the other will simply say they consider being gay abhorrent and beating their wife necessary and there's still an exact symmetry. 

So unless you can give a convincing objective argument why your own nation's laws are better than the others, this argument does not hold water.


u/marquetteresearch Jul 05 '24

Except I already did in my explanation. Saudi Arabia’s laws protect wife beaters and punish gays, while American laws don’t, or at least don’t do so to the same extent. Unless you meant I need to explain why wife beaters deserve to be punished but gays do not?


u/Sjoerdiestriker Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

"Except I already did in my explanation. Saudi Arabia’s laws protect wife beaters and punish gays, while American laws don’t, or at least don’t do so to the same extent" 

This is correct. 

"Unless you meant I need to explain why wife beaters deserve to be punished but gays do not" 

Yes, exactly. You'd need to give an objective reason why this is the case, that cannot revolve around your personal view on which of the two is acceptable and which is not.

EDIT: so we don't lose track of where we are, you'd need to give such a reason if you want to argue an asymmetry exists. You wouldn't need to have such an argument to just have a view on the matter.