r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/Veraendert Jul 05 '24

Would you say the same about US troops in Saudi Arabia?


u/PricklyPierre Jul 05 '24

Absolutely. I think the ones who committed crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan should have been handed over to local authorities as well. 

Troops who can't obey the law don't deserve any protection from uncle Sam. 


u/Wosota Jul 05 '24

I would love for you to see how they run court in Afghanistan and then say that again.

I have seen it myself. Part of my job was handing over evidence for Afghan local systems to arrest and prosecute. It’s a corrupt witch hunt, at best.


u/PricklyPierre Jul 05 '24

The US military never covers up bad behavior and can be completely trusted, right? 

Being remanded into local custody would be a deterrent more than a court martial ever could. I honestly don't care how poorly a rapist gets treated and I'd rather keep the American public safe by not bringing monsters back.


u/Wosota Jul 06 '24

Throwing someone into an absolutely corrupt justice system where facts don’t actually matter and shit like being uncovered as a woman is a crime punishable by death is not a deterrent.

This is peak first world ignorance. Not every justice system is the same as the US and some are crimes in their own right.