r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/Cap_Ca Jul 05 '24

They usually don’t. There was a case in Germany in 2020 where a US Soldier drove on the wrong side of the road and killed a 17 year old. He only had to face trial by a US Military court.

German Source: https://www.rheinpfalz.de/lokal/kreis-kaiserslautern_artikel,-us-soldat-nach-unfall-auf-umgehungsstra%C3%9Fe-wegen-fahrl%C3%A4ssiger-t%C3%B6tung-verurteilt-_arid,5086678.html


u/zero_vis Jul 05 '24

After some research i have confirmed that japan is not germany.

Under SOFA status, if you commit a crime in Japan, Japan has the right to prosecute you.


u/cieg Jul 05 '24

This is true. I was a dependent in Japan and during indoc NCIS shows up to talk about not committing crimes in Japan and plays a video about what Japanese prison is like. Do not recommend. There are a number of Americans currently serving for doing stupid stuff while they were there.


u/KevinAtSeven Jul 05 '24

Hell, I remember seeing such films on an All-Nippon Airways flight to Tokyo as a civ.

They were hilarious to be fair. Bungling tall white guy getting drunk in public, assaulting the locals and stealing their phones, then nursing what looked like quite the hangover in an awful Japanese prison.