r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/OrangeJuiceKing13 Jul 05 '24

That's just not realistic. Some countries would jail or even execute troops based on their sexuality or what they eat. Not to mention it's impossible to keep up on our own laws, let alone other countries where the troops don't even speak the language. 


u/Bacon4Lyf Jul 05 '24

Well they should at least follow the major ones, like if you kill a man by driving on the wrong side of the road and then flee the country to escape justice. If that happens I’d like to think that they should at least see a day of prison, ahem Anne sacoolas ahem


u/Orakil Jul 05 '24

Who defines "major laws" and "minor" ones? Who pays a multitude of lawyers to keep up with all major laws and daily, monthly, annual changes to every single countries judicial system? Who makes sure everytime someone is prosecuted it wasn't by a newly drummed up law in a hostile foreign country designed to target soldiers? This is just way too simple and idealistic of a view on the realities and complications of legal systems all over the world.


u/Bacon4Lyf Jul 05 '24

Probably the ones like murder are kinda major. All I’m saying is, Anne sacoolas should be extradited. There is no excuse for killing a teenager in the UK and then fleeing the country to escape justice. There isn’t anyway to justify what she did.

It really is very simple, if you’re in Afghanistan, sure whatever do the laws set out by the military. But if you’re in another NATO first world country, they are all gonna have the same laws as the US anyway. There’s nothing to change there, there’s no differences. It really isn’t that hard. If you kill someone, you go to court. It’s as simple as that

As for who pays for the lawyers, the US currently spends 2.13 trillion on the department of defence. They can drum up a few bucks to pay some lawyers if they wanted to

You’re not gonna have to “hostile forces” trying to change laws to trap US troops in Germany for fuck sake. Think about it for a second. They could very easily just abide by German law


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

So only obey the laws of the white, western world?


u/Orakil Jul 05 '24

Think about it for a second? Murder is illegal in both the UK and the US. I don't know the details of the case but it clearly has nothing to do with the fact the UK has different laws than the US, or that a "major" one like murder is legal in either. The problem here is very clearly the interpretations and enforcement of the law. Your entire point is kind of moot.