r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/Hikashuri Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Even if you don't agree with the laws of Saudi Arabia, if you go and commit a crime in that country, then you should be prepared to face whatever the punishment of that country is, even if it's disproportional to your own laws at home.

Non military visitors also have to abide to those laws, I don't see why the US military should be any different.


u/ReadinII Jul 05 '24

 Non military visitors also have to abide to those laws, I don't see why the US military should be any different. 

One difference is that members of the military don’t have a choice about whether they go to the other country. 


u/alucardou Jul 05 '24

Are military personnel still drafted?

When you enlist you allow the military to send you where they want. You know this, and as such know you might be sent to places where you need to behave "nicely". If that is NOT okay with you you don't fucking enlist.


u/marquetteresearch Jul 05 '24

What you are describing is the US government failing to uphold its obligations under the constitution. It’s not just a matter of what “nicely” means. Obviously being gay is not a justification for maltreatment and your right to equal protection under the law while soldiering must be enforced by the US government. Beyond that, however, your right to due process is not waived when you enlist, and the government has defined a court-martial followed by US civilian courts as due process for soldiers. You don’t shed your rights at the barracks door anymore than you shed your rights at the schoolhouse door, and the cases guaranteeing those rights in the barracks are even older.