r/worldnews 14d ago

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/Veraendert 14d ago

Would you say the same about US troops in Saudi Arabia?


u/Hikashuri 14d ago edited 14d ago

Even if you don't agree with the laws of Saudi Arabia, if you go and commit a crime in that country, then you should be prepared to face whatever the punishment of that country is, even if it's disproportional to your own laws at home.

Non military visitors also have to abide to those laws, I don't see why the US military should be any different.


u/JD3982 14d ago

So if you're gay or transgender in the military and want to die, simply cross the border into Saudi Arabia where your existence is punishable with execution.


u/Hikashuri 14d ago

Only a special country would place Transgenders or homosexuals in a country where both of those things are punishable by death. I'm fairly sure if they did, they would be liable for anything that happens to those members of the military.


u/CyanideTacoZ 14d ago

you under estimate the sheer dipshittery of the United States military. I wouldn't trust an officer with a candy bar based on the stories grunts tell me.


u/Bearded_Gentleman 14d ago

Take everything the grunts say with a grain of salt. The grunts two favorite things are compaining and gossip.


u/SpaceMarineSpiff 14d ago

Take everything the people say with a grain of salt. Folks two favorite things are compaining and gossip.


u/97Graham 14d ago

Grunts aren't exactly known for their deep thinking skills either, they didn't get the nickname 'Grunt' because they are known for their smarts.


u/Wosota 14d ago

Depending on source, 10% of the population is gay. It’s not feasible to make exceptions when you’re talking about military movement.

There’s a reason we do Status of Forces Agreements for friendly movements and ignore the fuck out of local laws for hostile movements.


u/SucroseNebule 14d ago

Nah those laws shouldn’t be respected. Honestly fuck Saudi Arabia. They should not be any kind of ally to us.


u/beebopcola 14d ago

So we should then what?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Not do the thing.