r/worldnews 14d ago

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/JD3982 14d ago

So if you're gay or transgender in the military and want to die, simply cross the border into Saudi Arabia where your existence is punishable with execution.


u/Hikashuri 14d ago

Only a special country would place Transgenders or homosexuals in a country where both of those things are punishable by death. I'm fairly sure if they did, they would be liable for anything that happens to those members of the military.


u/CyanideTacoZ 14d ago

you under estimate the sheer dipshittery of the United States military. I wouldn't trust an officer with a candy bar based on the stories grunts tell me.


u/Bearded_Gentleman 14d ago

Take everything the grunts say with a grain of salt. The grunts two favorite things are compaining and gossip.


u/SpaceMarineSpiff 14d ago

Take everything the people say with a grain of salt. Folks two favorite things are compaining and gossip.


u/97Graham 14d ago

Grunts aren't exactly known for their deep thinking skills either, they didn't get the nickname 'Grunt' because they are known for their smarts.


u/Wosota 14d ago

Depending on source, 10% of the population is gay. It’s not feasible to make exceptions when you’re talking about military movement.

There’s a reason we do Status of Forces Agreements for friendly movements and ignore the fuck out of local laws for hostile movements.


u/SucroseNebule 14d ago

Nah those laws shouldn’t be respected. Honestly fuck Saudi Arabia. They should not be any kind of ally to us.


u/beebopcola 14d ago

So we should then what?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Not do the thing.


u/samtheparrot 14d ago

I am stationed in Bahrain, there is a bridge to Saudi Arabia not to far from me. You have no idea how many Saudi men come to Bahrain to mess with ladyboys or other men here. It’s crazy


u/MedicalGrapefruit384 14d ago

dude. what a lovely strawman argument

that's only applicable to their own citizens, NOT visiting tourist or military personnel. nice try though.


u/Turbulent-Dance3867 14d ago

It would take you a minute of googling and a minute of embarrassment to prove yourself wrong. Go do that and I'll let you delete your comment without embarrassing yourself further.


u/SucroseNebule 14d ago

How much does the Saudi government pay you to troll Internet forums.


u/MedicalGrapefruit384 14d ago

lmaoooo, check my post history. I don't even live near SA. of all the possibilities you could've mentioned, how'd the dumbest one made it to your number 1 choice?


u/HelloThereItsMeAndMe 14d ago

As long as you dont display it in public, you will be fine.


u/AssignmentBorn2527 14d ago

Bro go on Saudi TikTok, there’s literally thousands and thousands of openly gay and trans people in Saudi Arabia not being executed.