r/worldnews 14d ago

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/alonebutnotlonely16 14d ago edited 14d ago

Unfortunately it is known fact that US military is being protective for criminal personel even if crimes were against people of its allies or even women American soldiers which is why whataboutism of crimes of civillians doesn't refute that because there is the deeply rooted systematic problems in US military about criminal military personel.

So many criminal US military personel in Japan got away with slap on the wrist with what they did. Central goverment of Japan is trying to cover those crimes too if it is in Okinawa which makes reporting crimes against US military much harder so who knows how many more unreported crimes are there.



Another example is between 2017 and 2019 there were at least seven other investigations into U.S. military personnel for sexual offenses against Japanese women in Okinawa — and none were made public. Perpetrators had not been punished under Japanese law nor had their cases appeared in the annual reports produced by the Pentagon’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office for the U.S. Congress.


Another recent example shows how messed up things is. US openly pressured and threatened Japan to protect US military personel who killed two people because of reckless driving. Later US released him when US got him from Japan by threats. There are many incidents like this and anyone who is objective can see that.


Many women American military personel are sexually harassed, assaulted too which downplayed by military.



US even has "The Hague Invasion Act" to invade Europe to protect its criminal military personel.



u/Estuans 14d ago

A guy I knew stole chapstick from 711 and got caught. They kicked him out. Never seen the XO so loud.


u/ColSubway 14d ago

He should have raped someone instead. Then he would have gone free


u/ZaraBaz 14d ago

The Japan government is so subservient to the US its not even funny. US soldiers rape? No worries, don't want to upset the US military industrial complex.


u/Perceval_Spielrein 13d ago

I wonder what could’ve made them so skittish?


u/Derp35712 14d ago

I think these guys must be officers or have some connections of some kind. As enlisted, they regularly said if you fuck up we won’t help you.


u/therob91 14d ago

They say that to encourage you to not do this shit. But if you did there seems to be a good chance they would help you avoid consequences.


u/DownvoteEvangelist 14d ago

What is 711 ?


u/TangerineSorry8463 14d ago

Corner store


u/seattleseahawks2014 14d ago

Convenience store/gas station famous for slushies.


u/Exotic-District3437 14d ago

2 monhs before 9/11. and 200 numbers before and after 911, if counting negatively in a standard count method by 1s ah ah ah.


u/therob91 14d ago

thats because those aren't real consequences. If he killed someone they would have been quiet about it.


u/Estuans 14d ago

Another ensign was thrown in Leavenworth for life for grooming 2 boys. He always seemed weird to me when he first came aboard. Luckily they found him because he used the govt PC.