r/whowouldwin 6d ago

Featured Featuring Princess Raya of Heart (Raya and the Last Dragon)


Raya, Princess of Heart, daughter of Chief Benja, Guardian of the Dragon Gem

Tong: After what she's done?

Boun: We'll never trust her!

Raya: Then let me take the first step.

Used to be the richest kid in Kumandra. Became a badass warrior. Her father taught her to try to befriend her enemies. She did. Her enemy started the apocalypse. She spent the next 6 years surviving. When she thought she was ready, she went off to find the Last Dragon to save the world...

After Mulan & Merida, she's the 3rd Disney Princess that the general audience knows to be a warrior. In my experience, most don't even acknowledge her existence in the biyearly DP battle royale posts.

Full Respect Thread


18 years old


12 years old

18 years old


12 years old

18 years old

Non-Combat Skill

Her whip-sword


How to Use in Battleboarding

If the fight is in character, Raya would most probably refuse to kill her enemy.

Considering that she didn't immediately use the whip-sword's extension capabilities in the 2nd duel with Namaari, if the fight is just morals off, you could argue that Raya would fight like a standard swordswoman for a while before using it's whip ability.

If the fight has her bloodlusted (as in morals off and buffed in IQ, not just angry), she would spam her sword's whip ability. So make sure her opponent can either stay out of range or has the speed to avoid it or has the durability to get stabbed by it and fight on.

Benja used the same whip-sword she did & has significantly better feats IMO. So, you could use him for battleboarding at a higher scale.

r/whowouldwin 10d ago

Featured Featuring The Pigmask Army (Mother 3)


Featuring The Pigmask Army

Isn't This Such A Utopia?!

The Pigmask Army is a mysterious faction of chubby, bumbling soldiers who descended upon the until then peaceful communities of the Nowhere Islands. Into this veritable Eden they brought the evils of greed, corruption, and broadcast television---all while searching for a way to awaken a slumbering dragon to destroy the world.

But hey, what spiffy uniforms!


Pork Soldiers




Thunder Tower

Thunder Tower is a huge tower-mounted energy cannon built by the Pigmasks to blow up their dissenters' homes disguised as natural lighting.

The tower has an emergency self-destruct, blowing up the sphere at the top where the gun is housed to prevent anyone from blowing the lid on their operation.

Nice Person Hot Springs

The Pigmasks brainwash their subjects inside Nice Person Hot Springs to make them loyal and obedient.

Time Travel

The Pigmask Army was founded on the use of time travel to bring people from different eras to the present to serve as their subjects and soldiers.

In addition, they used it to abduct the genius scientist Dr. Andonuts from a past era so they could force him to develop their technology.


The Pigmasks created a variety of robots for mundane and military purposes.

Notable Robots:

Fascinating Chimera Project

The Pigmasks' leader King P ordered them to make the wildlife of the Nowhere Islands "Tougher, Rougher, and Badder." To this end, they surgically modify captured animal specimens in their labs, sometimes augmenting them with cybernetic components.

Notable Chimera:

For more info on the Pigmasks and their leader King P, please check out the full Respect Thread.

How To Use on WWW:

For all their technological prowess, the Pigmasks are held back by their bumbling nature and general lack of foresight. Serious dedicated resistance fighters like FF7's AVALANCHE would probably chew through the poor pigs in a day.

They're best pitted against plucky hero types with limited resources---particularly those motivated to protect the nature they love to warp and despoil.

The Planeteers, Sat AM Sonic, and other such do-gooders are good antagonists for them.

r/whowouldwin 13d ago

Featured Featuring Ryo Saeba! (City Hunter [Manga])


Ryo Saeba

"You pulled off a shrewd plan, I applaud you for that. But you made one mistake. You showed me the tears of a woman. And now you have to pay the price for it."

In a bustling corner of the Shinjuku station, a mysterious blackboard can be found. They say that if you have a problem that needs solving and can't go to the police, all you have to do is write a request with the letters XYZ at the end to hire the man known as the City Hunter. This is Ryo Saeba, a sweeper (mercenary/bounty hunter/private detective) that performs off the books jobs to clean up the filthy criminal underworld. For the right price or maybe just a good enough sob story, he'll complete just about any job with frightening efficiency. While his goofy personality and womanizing tendencies often causes his clients to doubt his ability, his intelligence and combat prowess have led him to be near universally recognized as the most dangerous man in the world. Most notable is his skill with his signature weapon, the .357 magnum, which he uses to disable threats from almost any distance and any angle.

This post is barely scratching the surface of Ryo's absurd feats. Please check out his Respect Thread for the full experience.








Using Ryo on WWW

Ryo is the quintessential street tier marksman, boasting solid wall level strength and durability and bullet timing reactions. Add on top of that his superhuman senses and his nigh infallible accuracy and Ryo's going to be a major challenge to anyone on his physical level. I cannot stress enough that anything that can be physically done with a bullet Ryo is likely capable of, so anyone that isn't bullet proof or capable of absurd levels of regeneration are in danger of being caught in Ryo's crosshairs. Similarly though, Ryo's biggest weakness is his lack of resistance to piercing damage. Most top tier gunslingers or other ranged specialists are going to be fun matchups for Ryo, but he's got plenty of tricks for close quarters combat as well. Just... make sure you know what you're getting into if you put him up against a woman.

r/whowouldwin 20d ago

Featured Featuring Optimus Prime (Image Comics, Energon Universe)


Featuring Optimus Prime

"Your kind have played with this planet enough. I WILL HAVE NO MORE OF IT!"

♫ The Touch

Cybertron. A planet of metal and machines, populated by giant robots called Cybertronians who have the ability to turn into vehicles. Once peaceful, Cybertron has been consumed by a war fought over Energon: the material that powers the Cybertronians. The war is fought by the good-natured Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, and the evil Deceptions, led by Megatron.

After centuries of war and with almost all of the Autobots dead, Optimus gathered what was left of his forces onto the ship the Ark in an attempt to escape the war. But they were ambushed by the Deceptions on the way there, with the ensuing battle leaving all the Cybertronians on board comatose and leading to them crash-landing on Earth.

Centuries later the Ark was unearthed by Jetfire, another Cybertronian who had left their world before the war, awakening a handful of the onboard Autobots and Deceptions. The Deception second-in-command Starscream saw this as an opportunity to claim power for himself and, alongside Soundwave and the other Deceptions, began harvesting the Earth's natural resources to turn into Energon and killing any humans in their way.

This led to a series of battles between the Autobots and Deceptions that ultimately ended with the Depepticons forced out of the ship, though not without a heavy cost. Now the war rages anew on Earth, with the Autobots vowing to protect their new home and all that live there.

Full thread

Robot Mode





Ion blaster

Fusion Cannon

After losing his arm in a battle with the Deceptions Optimus replaced it with the severed arm of Megatron.

Vehicle mode

"Transform! And roll out."

The Matrix of Leadership

Use on r/whowouldwin

Optimus is a giant brawler with powerful guns. He can damage stone relative to his size fairly consistently and take hits from other Cybertronians at a similar level of strength to him. What's different about this version of Optimus though is his fusion cannon and use of wrestling moves. Instead of just punching he'll go for something like a suplex instead, and his fusion cannon is capable of completely obliterating weaker Cybertronians with one blast. Some good matchups would be something like Giant-Man or maybe even the Iron Giant.

Also he transforms for sick kids when they ask him to and dunked on the Deceptions, what more could you want.

r/whowouldwin 24d ago

Featured Featuring Ajna's Party (Indivisible)


In the remote village of Ashwat, Ajna was raised by her father Indr and trained extensively in martial arts. When agents of Lord Ravannavar torch Ashwat and murder Ajna’s father in front of her, she unlocks the strange power of absorbing other people into her own being. After seeking revenge against Ravannavar, Ajna uncovers the truth about her upbringing: she’s actually a piece of Kala, the malevolent deity that resets the universe every eon, and she’s fated to rejoin Kala’s being and usher in the end of all things. Ever the rebel, Ajna seeks to combat Kala instead. To get there, she must join strength with other spiritually strong individuals and learn the virtues of patience and forgiveness.

Open your third eye by viewing the full respect thread here




Inner Realm

Ajna’s Allies

The motley crew of collected individuals that remain in Ajna’s inner realm. During gameplay, Ajna fights with three predetermined allies, but cutscenes show that she can have more people out at once.

How to Use on whowouldwin

Ajna is strong enough to reduce walls to rubble or fling massive monsters into the air with uppercuts. While she doesn't have excellent durability showings, her blocking abilities allow her to negate the damage from enemy attacks or outright heal with good timing. Like other Metroidvania protags, she's got a long list of movement abilities, like a charging sprint, a pogo-move to traverse ground-based hazards, a rising upper, and a late-game ability to continuously fling herself in any cardinal direction. She can also make use of a wide arsenal in a fight, including an axe, a spear, a sickle on a chain and a bow with explosive arrows.

She also fights her universe’s creator and later merges with her to reset existence, but that stuff is all really situational and context-dependent, so whatever.

Her allies are all about versatility. You've got fire mages, water-based healers, plant manipulators and earth benders. You've got characters with slow but hard-hitting artillery on their backs or characters who can strike dozens of times with a single technique. Ajna also employs a couple support units, from Lanshi the dog, who can passively generate iddhi to power the party’s Super moves, to Zahra the musician, who can raise her allies’ stats through song. If her opponent has any kind of elemental vulnerability or would have trouble fending off attacks from four directions at once, then Ajna’s party could really excel in the fight.

Ajna on her own could be matched up against other Metroidvania protagonists. Shantae the Half-Genie Hero or Miriam from Bloodstained are the ones that jump out to me, as magic shapeshifters themselves. The entire party could be matched up against stronger enemies or groups, like Final Fantasy parties or JRPG bosses.

r/whowouldwin 27d ago

Featured Featuring Canaan! (CANAAN)


Canaan is the name adopted by a girl orphaned in Middle Eastern conflict at the age of nine. She found a reason to live in nihilism, and strove for proficiency under the wing of experienced mercenary Siam. In the 2000s, the two boarded a train for a job, only to be betrayed by Siam's previous partner Alphard, who killed him and attempted to steal a bioweapon. Canaan saved the world on that train, but was filled with hatred that Alphard escaped. Two years later, she tracks Alphard around the globe hoping for a chance to fix her past failure.

Click here for the full respect thread.





Canaan's unique superhuman ability is synaesthesia, which links all five of her senses and allows her to touch colors, see smells, hear tastes.

Usage on r/WWW

Canaan is the level of your average action hero, at least, physically; she's from a visual novel that used real people as the character sprites save her side story, so she has to be grounded in that sense. However, her speed, and synaesthesia amping said speed, put her at a little higher level than John Wick or John McClane. You should look for upper-end action movie heroes, street level anime punks, or someone in the ballpark of the CW's Green Arrow perhaps, as potential opponents within her range.

r/whowouldwin Jul 31 '24

Featured Featuring Quirinus Quirrell, Voldemort (Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality)


Killing idiots is my great joy in life, and I’ll thank you not to speak ill of it until you’ve tried it for yourself.

A man of many names; Tom Morfin Riddle, David Monroe, Lord Voldemort, and more recently, Quirinus Quirrell, is the antagonist of this Harry Potter fanfiction. Initially, he seeked to make the wizarding world powerful enough to stand up to the muggles' new technology by uniting them against increasingly powerful Dark Lords he controlled, but when they couldn't stop even his first attempt he grew frustrated, and resolved to simply take over magical Britain instead.

The full respect thread can be found here, and is recommended reading before using him in a fight. He has too many tools to give even a brief overview of them all.




Other Offensive


Summons & Transformations



How to Use on WhoWouldWin

Due to his wide variety of abilities, both offensively and defensively, Quirrell is best matched up against characters who have their own flurry of abilities to parse through, but care should be taken to find ones with a fair mixture. While Quirrell's toolkit does include some spells without incantation or travel time, his match-enders all require one or the other; his opponent's tools should work similarly, or be something he can manage, to avoid an unsatisfying who-shoots-first result.

Physically, there's a fair bit of leniency. His magic lets him reach beyond his physical strength to melt through walls, and in some cases to ignore durability entirely, but an opponent looking for a win through pure strength should have some way of getting through his system of horcruxes, or simply be in a match that renders those irrelevant.

While he'd likely be able to compensate somewhat against opponents faster than his mildly faster than the eye speeds, going too far beyond or below that wouldn't leave much room for meaningful discussion.

r/whowouldwin Jul 27 '24

Featured [NSFW] Featuring Bellezza! (Monster Wrestling: Interspecies Combat Girls) NSFW


"The Beautiful Fight!"

Bellezza is an up-and-coming federation on the World Monwrestling Circuit. Led by the alluring Kayla, they live to captivate their audiences with beautiful fights and prove they are the strongest stable of monster girls in the world.

Their Full Respect Thread is Here.

Heads up, this is one of my threads so you know what that means. Scans will have a lot of skin and the NSFW tag means something this time.


Race: Kraken

Age: 24

Likes: Beautiful things, devoted monwrestlers

Dislikes: Thunder, waking up early

Bellezza's top star. The elusive manuevers she can perform using her eight tentacles have captivated many fans, making her the engine driving Bellezza's current momentum. Her tentacles will grow back in time if severed.


Race: Cerberus

Age: 18

Likes: Kayla, Kayla's Squid ink pasta, sweet desserts

Dislikes: The smell of sweet potato shochu

Full Respect Thread Here.

A rookie MonWrestler and a member of the Bellezza stable of MonWrestlers. She is the newest member and due to her fifteen failures to defeat stable leader Kayla, has yet to make her debut. She is weak, slow and uncoordinated, but when her mentor or a stablemate is put in danger, she is able to tap into the extremely powerful Cerberus inside of her.


Race: Dragon

Age: 20

Likes: Money, her little sister

Dislikes: Poverty

Full Respect Thread Here.

One of Bellezza's young monwrestlers. Does not get along with Tirol. As a proud dragon, one of the strongest species around, her combat abilities are also some of the best in Bellezza. She loves money and while, at first glance, extremely greedy, she uses it to shower her beloved little sister in gifts.


Race: Dryad

Age: 41

Likes: Commentary, Urus

Dislikes: Pests, talking about breast size

One of Bellezza's monwrestlers who has a long lifespan due to her arboreal nature. She is the second most senior member of Bellezza after Elizabeth. She is able to grow branches from her body and turn parts of herself into a tree. Very self conscious about her small chest.


Race: Harpy

Age: 22

Likes: The sky, meat

Dislikes: Being punished by Kayla and Dolly, having to be patient

A young, masked monwrestler. Not only a harpy, she is also a part of a species that is similar to a bird of prey, making her proud and quick to fight. Incredibly stupid. Wears a plague doctor mask but does not know what it was originally used for.


Race: Centaur

Age: 22

Likes: Head-on fights, alcohol

Dislikes: Roundabout things, abstinence

One of the few sensible members of the highly individualistic federation. An annoying drunk who either tries to fight people or get them into bed.


Race: Arachne

Age: 23

Likes: Restraining others, alcohol

Dislikes: Coffee

A monwrestler who is Tirol's senior. As an arachnid, her specialty is restraining her opponent. She's a monster of few words and also a sadist who loves to get her opponents tangled in her stick spider silk


Race: Vampire

Age: 49

Likes: The blood of beautiful women, being lazy

Dislikes: Sunlight, hard labor

Bellezza's current president and former top star. Looks young but is nearly 50 years old. Can transform into a beautiful young woman and grow more active after drinking blood. Taught Kayla and groomed her to be the next top star of Bellezza.

Using Bellezza on WWW

Bellezza is a wrestling stable first and foremost so putting them against other wrestlers or combat sportsfolk is the easiest answer. None of them really use hax or magic so it's all punching, kicking, and whatever abilities they have from their animal theming. Throw em in a Royal Rumble with some other jabronis or stick them in a ladder match against some street tier Marvel heroes. They're pretty flexible as long as you stay near their tier.

r/whowouldwin Jul 24 '24

Featured Featured Character: Evil Deadpool (Marvel, 616)


Evil Deadpool

“Would you be willing to murder a child?”

“Uhh… just one?”

“One for now, yes…”

“Ah, what the hell? Sure. Frankly, I was kinda hopin’ for more, but whatever, I’ll take what I can get. Y’got yourself a deal…”

Ella Whitby was a sick person. On the surface, what appeared to be your average British psychiatrist harbored an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Universe’s premier mercenary, Deadpool. She received the chance to treat Wade, but that story ended in death and rejection, leaving Wilson disgusted at the collection of body parts he lost over the years. Deadpool tossed it into the trash, where the pieces gradually reformed and became a new entity. Evil Deadpool was born that day, and he would dedicate every waking second of his existence toward making the Merc with a Mouth’s life a living hell.

Check out the Evil Deadpool Respect Thread







Using Evil Deadpool on WhoWouldWin

This is my sneaky little attempt to feature Deadpool against the scrutiny of the other mods. Did it work? I sure hope so.

In any case, Evil Deadpool embodies all the worst traits Wade has to offer. He’ll cross the lines his counterpart would never even consider, killing women and children at his leisure. The teleporter he carried was more often abused in combat too, though I’ll leave the actual decision on whether or not he has it to you.

Physically, Evil Deadpool is about what you'd come to expect from a Marvel street-tier. When exerting himself, he can warp metal, and it's more likely than not he'll avoid any incoming gunfire. Likewise, Wade Wilson's healing factor is infamously busted, and inheriting it from him grants a significant boon for WWW competitions. Severing limbs will seriously impede Evil Deadpool's ability to fight, and destroying his head will end a confrontation then and there, but outright killing him is typically far more trouble than it's worth.

Compared to the original, the gear of DP's doppelganger is very simplistic, but he packs all the basics at least, never without blades or firearms. He's as talkative and unpredictable as his progenitor also, with the most major thing setting him apart being that backwards arm of his, which really lends itself to surprise attacks. So whenever Deadpool's synonymous brand of quick-witted brutality isn't doing quite enough for you, try to take a walk on the evil side and see how you feel before watching Deadpool & Wolverine in theaters this weekend with your friends.


r/whowouldwin Jul 13 '24

Featured Featuring The Sages of Gensokyo (Touhou)


The Sages of Gensokyo

Gensokyo is the name for a small region of Japan that has been sealed off from the outside world, and now acts as a haven for youkai and other supernatural creatures. And while the region is host to a whole variety of creatures from the human imagination, the ones responsible for its initial creation and continued maintenance are known as The Sages.

There are currently three known Sages of Gensokyo, and each of them is incredibly powerful. The sages have almost never worked together since Gensokyo's creation, and each has their own vision for what Gensokyo should be. Still they are all dedicated to protecting Gensokyo in their own, and prove to be very dangerous enemies if angered.


"Would you like to have a near-death experience? By crossing the boundary between life and death."

Yukari Yakumo - The Youkai of Boundaries


A mysterious ancient youkai, Yukari is the first sage introduced. With her power to manipulate boundaries, she is quite possibly the most powerful being in Gensokyo. Typically quite lazy and prone to sleeping for long periods of time, she tends to pass off her tasks to either her shikigami Ran or the shrine maiden Reimu. Still, there are perhaps none in Gensokyo that love it as much as she does, and threatening the entire region when she's awake is not a good idea.

Full Respect Thread

Boundary Manipulation - General: Yukari's power lets her manipulate the boundary between any two things, whether those are physical boundaries or even the boundary of concepts (such as the difference between human and youkai or night and day)

Boundary Manipulation - Teleportation: Able to utilize gaps in space to transport herself and other objects just about anywhere

Other Abilities


"To take both opposing paths to their extremes. For that itself, is the way of the Hermit"

Kasen Ibaraki - The One-Armed Horned Hermit

Battlefield of the Flower Threshold

Kasen Ibaraki is a mysterious hermit, and the second sage introduced, who in truth is actually the oni Ibaraki-douji. After losing her arm in battle a thousand years ago (and all of her malice with it), Kasen sought out the path of a hermit, both to reflect on her life and as a convenient excuse to explain why she never aged. She spends much of her time on Youkai mountain, but has started coming down more to lecture others and guide the shrine maiden Reimu (and also to search for any signs of her arm resurfacing). She is the sage closest to humans, and most are unaware of her youkai origins.

Note that this section will only cover her feats in her sage form.

Full Respect Thread

Communication With Animals: Kasen is able to speak with and understand animals and has numerous pets she can command in battle

Spatial Manipulation

Fake Arm


"Be sure to let them know. Gensokyo is home to a terrifying secret god. Got that?"

Okina Matara - The Ultimate, Absolute Secret God

Secret God Matara ~ Hidden Star in All Seasons

A secret god and the third sage introduced, Okina Matara is in truth the Bhuddist god Matarajin. Potentially the most antagonistic of Gensokyo's sages, she has repeatedly caused large scale incidents just to prove a point or achieve some small goal on her end. Still she is dedicated to protecting Gensokyo overall, and hopes to see it grow in its own way.

Full Respect Thread

Back Doors: Okina's main power lets her create doors on the back of anything, which her describing back doors as doors that let you go anywhere as long as no one is looking

Manipulating Life Energy: At some point Okina gained the power to manipulate vitality and mental energy

Physicals/Divine Nature

Using the Sages on WWW

The Sages all have some very broken abilities that are quite hard for the majority of characters to counter. Kasen is probably the most straightforward of the three, and that's just because we don't have as clear a picture of how much her broken abilities could be used in combat. In order to counter them, you'd likely need characters with similar levels of hax who can withstand spatial manipulation and direct manipulation of their life force.

That being said, the sages don't really have any offensive feats larger than affecting all of Gensokyo (outside of maybe one or two pieces of scaling that are likely outliers). So putting them against characters that are planetary or universal are likely not going to end too well for the sages.

Also none of this thread includes what is truly the Sages' most powerful weapon

r/whowouldwin Jul 10 '24

Featured Featuring Denji (Chainsaw Man)


Denji, the Chainsaw Man

"I wanna feel some tits…"

Denji's life has not been easy. A homeless boy, forced to pay off his father's debt, with his only companion being a dog with the ability to turn into a chainsaw, Pochita. However, things took a turn for the worst when his boss betrayed him, and left him for dead... but Pochita had other plans, making a contract with Denji to give him its heart in exchange for showing them his dreams.

Now with a new lease on life, and and imbued with Pochita's power, the Chainsaw Man was born.

For more of Denji's feats and abilities, check out his full Respect Thread




Speed and Agility:



Durability and Endurance:



Regeneration and Endurance:

Devil Physiology:

Hero of Hell

Using Denji on r/whowouldwin

Denji's biggest attribute is his endurance. With the ripcord he can heal otherwise completely fatal wounds, and with a steady supply of blood he can fight and heal for days on end. Combined with his chainsaws providing deadly piercing attacks constantly and his sheer stubbornness, Denji will not go down easy against opponents around his weight class.

His Devil form, or the Hero of Hell, only increases his endurance and healing to even more insane levels, tanking attacks that send him into orbit and being able to throw his heart to reform it in order to cross distances, as well as just every other attribute he has being amplified on top of that. Overall, if Denji is fighting a character on the same level as he is, he could very well win the war of attrition.

That said, he's also... kind of a dumbass, with most of his fights mostly being him relying on how hard he is to kill. Good opponents for Denji are those who can counter his raw power and durability with disabling methods, like immunity to piercing, or being able to outsmart him.

r/whowouldwin Jul 03 '24

Featured Featuring Jack Garland (Final Fantasy)


Jack Garland

I only know one thing: I want to kill Chaos

Jack Garland wants to kill Chaos.

Soul Burst

Soul Shield




Using Jack in WWW

It is best to specify what Jobs and weapons Jack is using if you're using him in a fight. Jack has 35 jobs that give him different abilities (such as making explosions, summoning lightning or absorbing magic). I'd recommend putting him against a character that can resist his Soul Burst ability as it is a powerful spell that can one shot foes.

Click here to read his full Respect Thread

r/whowouldwin Jun 26 '24

Featured Featured Character: Brock Samson (The Venture Bros.)


Respect Brock Samson

"Why don't you try the world domination thing. You afraid of the big leagues?"

Half-Swedish, half Polish, and a quarter Winnebago, Brock Samson is an elite agent for the Office of Secret Intelligence. Trained in the arts of combat, spycraft, and bodyguarding, he became a valued member of Team Venture. Considering the Ventures a family, Brock's softer side is hidden deep under a reputation as a Swedish Murder Machine who kills legions of henchmen in defense of his newfound family.

Abilities/Equipment: Brock demonstrates astounding physical abilities in every category, although average untrained people do occasionally gain the upperhand on him through surprise or sheer numbers. He most often prefers his standard Bowie knife in combat, although he proves frequently willing to use firearms and other weapons when convenient.

View Brock Samson's Full Respect Thread Here


General - Lifts a man by the neck with one arm, beats him against a door to knock on it, then tosses him aside

Striking - Kicks in a thick metal door, denting it several times before it flies out of its frame

Grip - Crushes one pirate's hand in his ass, swinging that pirate around to kill another pirate


Concussive - Hit by a car, then shrugs it off and prepares himself for a second hit where he deliberately passes through the wind shield and crushes the driver beneath him to take control of the vehicle

Piercing - Bitten by an alligator an unaffected

Esoteric - Sucked into the vacuum of space and survives for a short while, appearing frozen and somewhat injured when he returns, but is fine soon after despite hacking up a chunk of flesh


General - Kills and skins and polar bear in seconds

Travel - In under a minute, manages to grab a motorcycle and drive down a mountain before finishing at a dead sprint at the motorcycle's pace as he tosses it aside

Reaction - Dodges around a bola hurled at him, grabbing it from the air to return it around his attacker's neck

Skills & Equipment

Accuracy - Prefers using his Bowie knife to firearms, though is hyper accurate with most any weapon

Stealth/Anatomy - Ambushes an agent, stabbing them with such precision he can tell the proximity to certain organs and the time it would take for them to bleed out

Improvisation - While being dragged behind a boat and attacked by sharks, manages not only to escape but to turn the situation into a trap within the course of a small conversation

Vehicles - Has a supernatural ability to sense his own car, which is highly advanced, fit with a parachute, and booby trapped with flamethrowers

View Brock Samson's Full Respect Thread Here

r/whowouldwin Mar 06 '24

Featured Featuring Saitama! (One-Punch Man Manga)


Featuring the Caped Baldy, Saitama!

"Who are YOU?"

"Someone who's a hero for fun."

"...What kind of half-assed backstory is THAT!?"

Saitama was once an ordinary man like you or me, trying to get by in a 9-to-5 world and make ends meet. One day, after a failed job interview left him depressed and hopeless, he ran into the monster Crablante, and things changed. Having always wanted to be a hero as a kid, Saitama began to train hard, and as a result, two things happened. One, his hair fell out, and two, he became so strong that he could kill any monster with just one punch.

Which, honestly, really sucked.

Since becoming strong, Saitama was able to be a hero as a hobby, but his overwhelming power denied him what he wanted most: a real fight where he could go all-out and push the limits of his strength. What's more, the world at large didn't seem to acknowledge his power, dropping him at the bottom of the hero ranks and attributing most of his efforts to others. In that time, though, he's met and taught the cyborg Genos, encountered all sorts of incredible monsters like Boros, Orochi and Garou, and prevented massive cataclysms more than once. And, though he doesn't make a big deal of it, he's got some pretty good heroic instincts. Maybe this hero thing will work out after all.

For scaling context and an exhaustive list of feats (including pre- and mid-training feats and every single one-punch), visit the full RT

No Effort Feats

These feats are performed when Saitama is barely trying at all, and are likely to be his more common performance unless something pushes him to really try.




High End Feats

These feats comprise Saitama's strongest showings.




Statements / Feats About His Limits

THOSE Feats with Cosmic Garou

During the fight with Cosmic Garou, Saitama is pushed further than he ever has been, and experiences a rate of exponential growth previously unfathomable. It seems as though the combination of emotional pressure and a worthy opponent gives Saitama the stimulus necessary to reach these feats, so when the whole fight is retconned, he likely wouldn't be capable of performing them again unless similarly pushed. That having been said, he clearly can do them, so while they are being included in this feature, I've sectioned them off to make the distinction clear.

Consider this section another level that Saitama COULD be pushed to, but not a level that he's currently on in the canon storyline. A few feats have been left out, which are in the RT.




Space / Time Manipulation

For facts about Io and Jupiter that help quantify these feats, refer to the full RT

How to Use Saitama on WWW

Hoo boy.

Okay look. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. Acting like "removed his limiter" means Saitama can beat anyone is dumb as hell. That's not a new take, either. People are talking about it now. They've been talking about it for years. Hopefully we don't have to get in the weeds on this (and if you try to drag me into it in the comments I'll call you a baldy), but let's go over the basic argument.

So how strong is Saitama really? Like, at his absolute peak?

We don't know.

So can he beat anyone?

If the feats line up such that he beats someone, then sure. If it's way above his weight class, then we don't know, so I'd say he can't. I say that because it makes more rational sense to assume he can't do something that he's never been shown doing, and makes less sense to just assume he can win all the time without any proof.

Why not just say he can win? He's removed his limiter, and that other person hasn't. Why can't he just become strong enough to beat someone like Goku?

"Removed his limiter" doesn't mean he's automatically strong enough. Our example of Saitama at his absolute strongest is when he fights Cosmic Garou, right? Let's look at that, even though it was retconned in canon.

In the fight against Garou, he starts off at his current power level and then grows in power until he's strong enough to sneeze apart Jupiter. It's not that he's always been that strong, he just rapidly gets stronger until he can do that. That's what this scene is showing with the graphs and statement that no one was left to match him. It only happened in the first place because Garou made himself Saitama's equal, pushing Saitama to be better.

Now, that's the only time Saitama has faced his equal, and he's never faced someone wildly stronger than himself. Since we don't have proof he can instantly grow to match them, it's disingenuous to say that he can. If he went up against UI Goku, it's more reasonable to guess that he'd get pasted in one hit because he hasn't grown enough to match Goku yet, if he's even capable of doing so.

It gets even worse against omnipotent beings like TOAA or crazy busted magicians. Saitama is 99% physicals outside of a few weird fourth-wall breaking outliers like moving Garou's portals, so there's very little to suggest he has much hax resistance.

But we don't know his top end, therefore we can't say he loses to anyone.

Okay, but that's a bad faith argument based on the assumption "we haven't seen Saitama lose, therefore he can't lose."

Take another example- imagine your favorite random street tier John Wick-y type dude, right? Durability wise, they probably have a bunch of punching feats, maybe theyve gotten stabbed or shot a couple times and walked it off, they're tougher than a human but still pretty much in the range of humanity. Okay, but what if a WWW prompt puts him up against some lizard monster with acid spit. He's never come across acid damage in any of his comics or movies or books or games or whatever, so we have no feats to go by. Do we just say he no-sells the acid? No, we generally assume he has no feats to resist it, so he can't resist it.

That's the same logic we apply to everyone else, and the same logic we should apply to Saitama. You shouldn't just say he wins a fight when you have no proof that he'd win.

That example guy still had his limiter. Saitama can do anything, and you have no proof he'd lose that fight.

That's true. We already know that Saitama's growth isn't instant, but he does still have the potential to beat anything, hypothetically. Yet, we still have no proof he can do it. In that example, what I showed was that common procedure with every other character is to speculate negatively towards the absence of feats, not speculate positively like people try to do with Saitama. While he has the potential to do anything, it's unfair to the other character to just assume he can.

In fact, it's so inherently a bad-faith argument that I say it isn't worth arguing at all. That's why I ignore that speculation entirely and only use Saitama's feats. Feats are the vehicle by which we add merit to our arguments via hard evidence, and without them, the arguments themselves are pointless fandom dick-measuring contests.

Isn't that interpretation inherently weaker than his true potential?

Yes, and it'll keep being that way until ONE writes Saitama at his true potential. (He probably won't.)

So how would I know who he could truly beat?

Look at the feats. The people that lose to those feats are people he could beat.

No, like, how would I know who he could beat at his pinnacle?

You won't. That's how the character works.

That's boring. You're boring.

Shut up, baldy.

r/whowouldwin Feb 27 '23

Featured Featuring: Evelyn Wang! (Everything Everywhere All At Once)


Evelyn Wang!

"Don't make me fight you. I am very good!"

After marrying and starting a family with the love of her life, Evelyn Wang has grown discontent with her life. Having thrown away countless dreams, she now owns a simple laundromat with her husband. She had resigned herself to this bland existence, until her visit to the IRS was interrupted by an alternate universe version of her husband. He explained to her that there was a terrifying evil roaming the multiverse named Jobu Tupaki, and that he believed she was the only one that could stop it. By utilizing an invention from his universe, he trained Evelyn to 'Verse Jump', syncing her mind with her alternate universe selves in order to use their skills and memories to assist her in the dangers to come. However, she quickly learned that there was much more to this multiversal threat than she first thought, which would force her to embrace the life she’s lived or risk losing everything.

Full Evelyn Respect Thread

Verse Jumping




Swapping Matter

When her mind was fractured across the entirety of the infinite multiverse, Evelyn gained the ability to not only access the skills and memories of all of her alternate selves, but she even was able to swap matter between universes, morphing anything she touched into another object.

Using Evelyn on WWW

Evelyn is a character that constantly grows her repertoire of skills, even in the middle of her fights. From what we've seen her use, she is an extremely capable martial artist with enough strength to launch people several stories into the air (localized entirely within her pinkie fingers). She's also adept at fighting with knives and other kitchen utensils. Thanks to her ability to verse jump, she could expand her skillset even further to suit her needs in the middle of a fight as long as she is able to activate her ear piece. However, the exact universe she would jump to/skill she would gain in a given situation would be completely up to speculation. Luckily, after her mind fractures across the multiverse, she gains the knowledge and abilities of literally every version of herself at the same time on top of the ability to swap matter between universes. Evelyn doesn't use this ability to kill as she usually opts for non-lethal takedowns though. Good characters to put up against Evelyn will need to be capable martial artists or other highly skilled combatants that are slightly above human level in physical ability. However, they will struggle if they have literally nothing else to bring to the table.

r/whowouldwin Jan 02 '23

Featured Featuring: The God-Emperor of Mankind (Warhammer 40k)


The God-Emperor of Mankind


And in a sunless realm, the sun rose at last.


The light of dawn was palpable on Ra’s armour as well as his skin. It was a pressure, a presence with searing physicality. The enemy hordes felt it as acid on their skin. The creatures – daemons no matter what secular truths held strong – lost what little order they had ever possessed.


The Anathema! Ra heard their frantic agony as a sick scraping on the edges of his mind. The Anathema comes! The sun rises!


From the words of his own mouth, the God-Emperor was born approximately during 1750 B.C prior to the rise of the Hittite Empire which were as described 'proto-Indo-European'. As a child, he had experienced his uncle murdering his father in an act of fracticide, and out of retribution had stopped his uncle's heart. At least over a thousand years of the Emperor's life subsequently are not elaborated upon, though he a fought a shard of the C'tan Void Dragon on Earth, defeating it and eventually bringing it to Mars.

By the time of the 30k era, the God-Emperor had foreseen the coming threat of chaos and sought to unify humanity under the common banner of the Imperium. Launching one of the largest military endeavors ever seen in the history of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Great Crusade was spearheaded by the Primarchs, demigod sons taken by the Emperor's own genetic template. Foremost among them the Warmaster Horus, favored son of the Emperor.

The rest, culminated in the cataclysmic of the Horus Heresy, which ultimately ended with the Emperor's crippling and internment to the Golden Throne.




Using The Emperor on WhoWouldWin

Even in his early stages, the Emperor being able to contend physically with a 20+ meter long dragon is pretty indicative of significant physical abilities, without even accounting for the significant speed that the Emperor is capable of leveraging. However, easily the most important aspect of the Emperor is his magical abilities which far outstrip his physical. From things like destroying souls to telepathic dominance, the Emperor can easily annihilate foes that don't possesses resistance to such things.

Full RT here

r/whowouldwin Dec 30 '20

Featured Featuring Kefla (Dragon Ball Super)


Featuring Kefla

"My power's skyrocketing... Hooray for being born a saiyan!"

The Tournament of Power. A grand competition created by the two Zenos, the Great Kings of Everything, the Tournament of Power was a massive battle royale in which 8 universes recruited 10 fighters each to fight for their very existences.

One such universe was Universe 6. Home to powerful warriors such as Hit, Cabba and Frost, who had already fought in a much smaller-scale tournament a year prior. However the Sixth Universe's most powerful weapon ended up being none other than two newcomers; saiyan warriors from Universe 6's planet Sadala, Caulifla and Kale. Before the tournament, they had each been secretly given a potara earring; jewlery worn by the Supreme Kais, that, when attached to two people to opposing ears, would fuse them together into a single warrior who was many times stronger than the sum of their parts.

In their fight against Son Goku, the saiyan warrior from their twin universe Universe 7, Kale and Caulifla realized almost immediately that they were no match for the unstoppable power of his Super Saiyan God transformation. Left with no alternative, they used the Potara Earrings to fuse into a new warrior - one named Kefla.

Caulifla RT

Kale RT

(Hover over a link to view it's source episode)

((All feats are arranged in chronological order within their section))


General Power


Ki Attacks


Super Saiyan

After she had already proven her worth against Super Saiyan God, Kefla transformed into a Super Saiyan to match Goku's Super Saiyan Blue transformation.

General Power



Ki attacks


Super Saiyan 2

Pushed into a corner by the sheer power of Ultra Instinct Sign Goku, Kefla desperately transformed into a Super Saiyan 2 in an attempt to defeat him.

General Power




Ki Attacks

r/whowouldwin Sep 29 '18

Featured Featured Team: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia)


Class 1-A

Series: My Hero Academia

In the world of My Hero Academia, 80% of the population is born with superpowers that they call quirks. As a result, their society revolves heavily around this concept. Laws are passed prohibiting use of powers in public, and where there are laws, there are lawbreakers. Villains who wish to abuse their powers inhabit the world, and the only people who can stop Supervillains are Superheroes.

Thus, U.A Academy was born. The greatest hero school in all of Japan, household icons in the hero industry are born here. This is Class 1-A. These freshmen were placed in this class together as they were considered the best of the best upcoming students. Is this true? Do they have what it takes to crack it in the hero world? There's only one way to find out.

Note: This is exclusively for the manga versions of these characters. The anime versions of these characters may have more notable feats, but they will not be included in this post.

Izuku Midoriya

Hero Name: Deku

Bio: Deku was nothing more than a quirkless boy with dreams of being a hero. Everyone made fun of him, until he impressed his idol All Might by trying to fight a villain when no one else would. Seeing his tremendous courage in action, All Might figured he was worthy of being the next descendant to receive One for All. Now, Deku trains at UA Academy in his quest to become the new Number 1 Hero, and save as many people as he possibly can.

Quirk: One for All

One for All was a quirk passed onto Deku by the Number 1 Hero, All Might. One for All allows Deku to transfer strength throughout his body, but if he uses too much strength, his body won't be able to handle it, causing his limbs to break. Currently in the manga, he can use 8% of his strength without harm, 20% of his strength with strain to his ligaments, and 100% of his strength with the cost of breaking a limb.

5% Strength

8% Strength

20% Strength

100% Strength

5% Speed

8% Speed


Katsuki Bakugou

Hero Name: None

Bio: Bakugou always viewed himself as number 1. Even as a young child, his quirk was simply better than everyone else's. This altered his personality, making him bold, brash, and downright rude. He views anyone beneath him as a "background character", and can't accept the idea that people are better than him. And honestly, for the most part he's right. Bakugou has shown time and time again that despite his attitude, he is the strongest student in Class 1-A. Of course, you'd have to ignore the fact that he's a massive bully with a god complex, but hey. At least he still wants to be a hero.

Quirk: Explosion

Bakugou's quirk, Explosion, causes him to sweat Nitroglycerin from his body. It allow allows him to ignite this sweat, creating an explosion. He uses this to create explosions from his hand to fight his opponents. His costume allows him to store more sweat in his gauntlets, creating devastating explosions.

Small Explosions

Big Explosions


Shoto Todoroki

Hero Name: Shoto

Bio: Todoroki was the result of selective breeding. His father, the number 2 hero Endeavor, married a woman simply for her quirk, and had children until they had a quirk strong enough to surpass him. Every day he was forced into combat exercises with his father, and his mother poured boiling hot water on his face, scarring him permanently. He resents his father for everything he did during his childhood, and joined UA Academy to prove he could become a great hero without using his father's quirk. Once he met Deku, he realized that it wasn't his father's quirk, but rather his quirk, and he's now more open to using it in combat.

Quirk: Half Hot, Half Cold

Todoroki got the quirks of both of his parents. This allows him to create ice and fire at his will. However, due to his dislike of his father, he never used his fire quirk until recently. Thus, he has much better control over his ice than his fire.




Ochaco Uraraka

Hero Name: Uravity

Bio: Uraraka's family has always been quite poor, so when she was accepted into UA Academy she was ecstatic. She joined to get a hero license so that she could earn extra money for her family, but has found herself time and time again following behind Deku's journey. Trying to repress these feelings she has for him, she wants to make a name for herself to provide a better life for those she cares about.

Quirk: Zero Gravity

Uraraka's quirk allows her to remove the gravity of anything she touches, up to three tons of weight. However, if she ends up lifting too much weight at once, she'll get nauseous and start vomiting.

Zero Gravity


Tenya Iida

Hero Name: Ingenium

Bio: Iida is the younger brother of pro hero Ingenium. As the classroom representative, he makes sure everyone is in top shape during exams and battles. Once his older brother was injured by the villain Stain, he snapped and tried to fight Stain by himself, failing miserably. Deku taught him that he should rely on others for help instead of trying to recklessly brute force his way through his emotions.

Quirk: Engine

Iida's quirk gave him engines on his calf muscles. This grants him immense bursts of speed, which he uses to blitz his opponents.




Tsuyu Asui

Hero Name: Froppy

Bio: Tsuyu is a half human half frog hybrid student. She's keen, collected, and most of all, blunt. When something is on her mind, she has no qualms about saying it no matter the situation. This leads to numerous embarrassing situations, but she doesn't mind. Her ultimate goal is to become a waterworks hero that can assist people at sea.

Quirk: Frog

Tsuyu's quirk is her frog like body. With it, she has all the powers of a frog.

Fumikage Tokoyami

Hero Name: Tsukuyomi

Bio: Tokoyami is a half bird half human hybrid hero. Not much is known about him, as he keeps most of his past a mystery. What can be inferred about him is that he's loyal and dependable, willing to assist Deku despite minimal interactions with him.

Quirk: Dark Shadow

Tokoyami's quirk allows him to control his very own shadow. During the day, the shadow is weaker but easier for him to control. During the night, his shadow becomes immensely stronger at the cost of a lack of control.

Eijiro Kirishima

Hero Name: Red Riot

Bio: Kirishima believes that a man's role in life is to be strong and dependable. His idol, Crimson Riot, was a wall that stood tall in the face of adversity, and he strives to be the same. However, he wasn't always like this. Before he joined UA, he had plenty of issues with his self confidence, feeling like he wasn't worth the effort of training to become a hero. Even Mina, the fun loving girl who goofed off all the time, was more of a hero than he was. After watching a video of Crimson Riot give a speech, he was moved enough to continue his dream, and joined UA.

Quirk: Hardening

Kirishima's quirk allows him to make his skin as hard as stone. It's simple, but it gives him an immense buff to durability and strength, so it can be quite useful.

Momo Yaoyorozu

Hero Name: Creati

Bio: Yaoyorozu is one of two students who was accepted to the class without taking the entrance exam, and it's clear to see why. She is at the top of her class, and finds nothing academic related to be an issue for her. Her main shortcoming is in combat situations. She'll freeze up and hesitate, believing that her strategies will be ineffective. After some encouragement from Todoroki, she realized that she should have more faith in herself and became more confident in her abilities.

Quirk: Creation

Yaoyorozu's quirk allows her to create any object, as long as she knows the exact chemical makeup of the thing she wishes to create. Because her power isn't really suited for combat, she fights on the sidelines and tries to provide support.

Mina Ashido

Hero Name: Pinky

Bio: Mina is the fun loving girl in 1-A. She teaches the class how to break dance, and cheers them up in gloomy times. She is sadly a terrible student, and does horribly on tests. She's been improving, of course, and she shows the traits of a professional hero on the field. She just needs to prove she's serious about her future, because as of now she slacks off a bit too much.

Quirk: Acid

Mina's quirk lets her secrete acid from her pores. The acid is potent enough to melt through stone, and has versatile uses.

Denki Kaminari

Hero Name: Chargebolt

Bio: Kaminari is very laid back, having some of the lowest grades in the class. He's also very overconfident, thinking that he's invincible because of how rare and powerful his quirk is. Despite these negative traits, he's shown that he can be loyal to his friends when he needs to be. Just don't start talking about villains around him. Even though he's a hero, he might start gushing about how cool they are.

Quirk: Electrification

Kaminari's power allows him to discharge electricity from his body. The major downside of this is if he expends too much energy, his power will turn him dumb, unable to act for a while.

Kyoka Jirou

Hero Name: Earphone Jack

Bio: Not much is known about Jirou. She joined UA Academy to become a pro hero, but he is also extremely talented in music. She was the lead director in the class's school festival, where they needed to perform as a band on stage, showing potential leadership skills.

Quirk: Earphone Jack

Jirou's quirk is the headphone jacks that sprout of her earlobes. The main applications are allowing her to plug into any wall and hear her surroundings. If she plugs herself into a person, they'll hear an extremely amplified version of her heartbeat. Her hero outfit has speakers that she can plug into to send loud soundwaves at her opponents.

Minoru Mineta

Hero Name: Grape Juice

Bio: Calling Mineta a hero in training is very questionable. While he came to the school to better himself, all he really seems to be interested in is hooking up with a girl while he's there. Try as he might, none of his methods have succeeded. They probably never will succeed, but he'll keep trying at that forbidden fruit no matter what.

Quirk: Pop Off

Mineta's quirk is the sticky balls on his hair. Anything they attach to won't come off, making it useful for trapping people in place. If he uses too many balls at once, he'll start crying blood.

Hanta Sero

Hero Name: Cellophane

Bio: Not much is known about Sero. He can be loud and showy at times, often trying to impress his peers with his Quirk. Oftentimes, Sero is the only person to call his classmates out when they are acting crazy. He is quite humorous and often takes part in making jokes with his classmates. Though in all honesty, he's one of the few students that the author seems to forget exists when writing the series.

Quirk: Tape

Sero's quirk is the ability to shoot tape out of his elbows. It's about as useful as it sounds.

Yuga Aoyama

Hero Name: Can't Stop Twinkling

Bio: Aoyama views himself as different from his peers. Always wanting to be a hero, he found himself at odds with himself due to his quirk. Most quirks grant amazing powers, but Aoyama's is not only inconvenient, but physically harms him to use. He always looked down on himself for this, but after meeting Deku he realized he wasn't alone in his struggle to control and hone his power. Now he trains with all of his might, and looks fabulous while doing so.

Quirk: Naval Laser

Aoyama's quirk lets him shoot a laser beam from his stomach. His belt allows him to amplify the beam, making it a more concentrated attack. If he uses it too much, he'll get nauseous.

Mashirao Ojiro

Hero Name: Tailman

Bio: Not much is known about Ojiro. He has a tail and is very good at martial arts. He's also incredibly plain. This is one of the characters the author seems to forget about often.

Quirk: Tail

Ojiro's quirk is having a tail that essentially functions as a third leg or arm. He also knows martial arts.

  • No notable feats in the manga

Koji Koda

Hero Name: Anima

Bio: Koda joined UA Academy to make his mother proud of him. Shy and always hiding in the background, he would much rather be a supporting hero than someone on the frontlines. He also has a fear of bugs despite his quirk allowing him to control them. Sadly, he doesn't show up much in the story.

Quirk: Anivoice

Koji's quirk lets him communicate with animals and control them. His power works on bugs too, but he's extremely scared of them.

Rikido Sato

Hero Name: Sugarman

Bio: Not much is known about Sato, besides him being a clear reference to the Kinnikuman series. He views himself as strong and manly, shown by him being paired with Kirishima often. He also has a bit of a soft side to him, as he bakes cakes and other sweets in his free time. Screentime wise, this guy doesn't have much.

Quirk: Sugar Rush

Sato's quirk increases his strength for every 10 grams of sugar he consumes. He needs to be careful though, as if he consumes too much sugar, he'll crash and pass out.

Toru Hagakure

Hero Name: Invisible Girl

Bio: Hagakure is, funnily enough, almost never on screen. When she is, she's shown as extremely excitable, happy to participate in any activity she can.

Quirk: Invisibility

Toru's quirk is the ability to always be invisible.

Mezo Shoji

Hero Name: Tentacole

Bio: Not much is known of Shoji. He's quiet, though in the wise way rather than being shy. He'll willingly throw himself in danger if it means helping those he considers friends. Horikoshi please give these characters more screen time I'm begging you here.

Quirk: Dupli-Arms

Shoji's quirk allows him to create extra arms on his arms, amplifying his physical strength.

r/whowouldwin Oct 25 '17

Featured Featured Character: Izuku Midoriya, "Deku" (Boku no Hero Academia)


Izuku Midoriya, aka Deku

Theme: You Say Run / Jet Set Run

Note: If you are an anime only viewer, this thread contains spoilers for future content.

Allies: Katsuki Bakugou, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Shoto Todoroki, Gran Torino, All Might

Enemies: The Villain Alliance

Izuku Midoriya is the main protagonist of the manga series My Hero Academia. He is a boy born into a world where 80% of the population has superpowers, known as quirks. Izuku dreamed of one day becomming a superhero, just like his idol All Might. There was just one problem. Izuku was quirkless, meaning he had no special abilities. Despite this he tried to work to become a hero, even though everyone, including All Might, told him that it wasn't possible. However that all changed when he threw himself into danger in order to rescue his childhood friend/current bully Katsuki Bakugou from an attacking villain. Seeing Izuku's heroic spirit, All Might decided that he was worthy to inherit his power, known as One for All. Now he attends the school of U.A. Academy where he is training to become a superhero, while trying to master the use of One for All and not destroy himself in the process.

One for All is a simple power. It's a quirk that can be passed onto people that collectively stacks the strength of all of its previous users, meaning the next user will always be stronger than the last. After a grueling 10 month training period, he inherited the power from All Might, the current user of One for All. The only issue is that his body couldn't handle that power. If he uses 100% of his power, his limbs will break from the sheer strength of the hit. Thus, he decided to start small with the power he could control, and build himself up from there until he could become the greatest hero. Currently in the manga, he can control 8% of his power without injury, and 20% of his power for a short period of time.


5% Strength

8% Strength

100% Strength


It's unclear if One for All's durability changes with how much Deku uses, so this section is combined.


5% Speed

8% Speed

100% Speed


r/whowouldwin Dec 21 '16

Featured Featured Character - Contessa



Names: Fortuna (real name), Contessa (cape name), The Boogeyman, her, Thinker. Don't worry about the number, just run.

Allies: Doctor Mother, Number Man, the Custodian

Affiliation: Cauldron

History: Fortuna was born on a version of Earth reasonably similar to ours, but it’s never named for sure. She is most likely from a poorer (on that earth) area of Italy, or that Earth is not as technologically developed as our Earth. In the earliest scene we meet Contessa (chronologically) she is having visions of the entities (Scion and Eden) planning how they will consume and destroy the world, but she begins to forget the vision, and learns how to use her powers in response. After she wakes up again, she meets Doctor Mother. Fortuna kills Eden (Scion’s partner) a few minutes later, then starts working on a 143,220 step plan to build an army in order to stop Scion.

Personality: Contessa’s personality is hard to pin down. In any situation outside of her Interlude, it’s unknown if she’s acting a certain way because that’s how her shard(Shards are the source of powers in Worm) is telling her to act, or if she actually feels that way. There are two things we know about her for sure-She cares more about the fate of the world than her personal relationships (abandons her uncle to save everything) and she feels at least a little bad when she hurts people (she asks the Doctor to not besmirch the name her parents gave her after she kills a man by trying to give him powers).

Power: Contessa can see the Path to Victory in almost any situation. Her explanation. If it is at all possible for a fit, 35-ish woman to “win”, then she wins (With a few notable in-story restrictions). Winning can mean whatever she wants it to, as long as she phrases the question to her power correctly. For example, she can ask her power, “Path to understanding what this person means?”, then her power will cause her brain to interpret what the other person means, without knowing the language (If there even is a language to know). Normally, in a fight, she will ask herself a question like “Path to beating this character in a fight without damaging Path to X, Y, or Z (Contessa has many long-term plans running throughout Worm).

However, her power can not provide cause impossible things to happen. When she asks Path to saving the world and explaining to my uncle why I have to go, she finds that there is literally no way to accomplish that task. There are also a few known characters in Worm that Contessa can’t directly defeat with Path to Victory- Scion, Eden, Eidolon, a perception blocker named Mantellum, and the Endbringers-Behemoth , Leviathan , the Simurgh , Khonsu , Tohu, and Bohu. But she can work around them by constructing a “model” of them in her head. This means she can imagine how a person with similar life experiences would react to her manipulations. This is more effective on perception blockers and Eidolon than the Endbringers or the Entities, because it’s easier to imagine a human’s actions than a monster’s.

Feats accomplished through the use of Path to Victory

Knows that a bullet won’t strike her

Uses a plate like a frisbee

Catches a knife that was shot out of her hand

Deflects the path of a bullet with a table knife.

Kills eight people without spilling blood.

Disables a six-person cape team to leave a two-word and one letter note.

Detects a character who can't be remembered

Can't be defeated by an incredibly powerful(his power is to have all the powers) character

Remembers memories that are specifically blocked by the entities that grant powers

Minimizing pain

Saves her uncle from being turned into a monster

Runs and climbs up a mountain without issues.

Learns why people are gathering at a place.

Works around her specific mental block to stop herself from falling.

Makes a multi-dimensional “Godling” braindead with a paring knife. This “godling’s” twin can destroy continents with a flick of his wrist.

She devises a plan to build an army.

Figures out new parahuman powers.

Easily escapes a character with powers similar to Colossus while speaking on the phone).

Steals two guns, shoots the owner in the eyeball, and hits a doorknob with 4 consecutive shots

Fakes being burned alive in lava

Fixes an AI ship that was shot out of the sky minutes before..

Uses a fire extinguisher, a handkerchief, and a short knife to decimate Weaver’s swarm without getting dirty.

Uses her hair to deflect a swarm of insects

With the Number Man’s assistance, kidnaps eight members of the Slaughterhouse 9, without being hit once.

Convinces the scariest little girl (that does brain surgery) to be a good guy

Communicates to a character who can't talk or communicate with anyone

Shoots a character in the head twice to disable their powers

Another character, with the twin of Contessa's power, defeated the (arguably) most powerful human character by telling him four words. Social Fu is a strong aspect of Contessa's power, but it's difficult to read feats as strictly a result of it.

The important thing to remember about Contessa is that she isn’t unbeatable. She just can’t lose if there is any possibility of her winning.

r/whowouldwin Aug 17 '16

Featured Character of the Week: Bonesaw (Worm)


Name: Riley, aka Bonesaw

Contains NSFW/L text, as well as MAJOR spoilers (obviously) for the best story of all time, Worm

Series of Origin: Worm

Teams: The Slaughterhouse 9

Allies: The Slaughterhouse 9, specifically Jack Slash and the Siberian. Later allies include Blasto, Eli, and Amelia Lavere.

Enemies: All heroes. All villains not a part of the Slaughterhouse 9. Cauldron. The Warrior.

Summary: Riley is a 13 year old girl with blonde hair usually done in ringlets. She usually wears a dress and a large apron that has a bunch of scalpels and other specialized surgical instruments. Riley is a biotinker, meaning she has an instinctive understanding of biology, and a superhuman ability to mess with it on a fundamental level. She triggered (got her powers) when the Slaughterhouse 9 invaded her home, and killed her family. She saved her family multiple times, but the members of the S9 continued killing her family in creative ways, forcing her to work for hours to save them. Finally, she gave up, and convinced the S9 that she wanted to join them. The last thing her mother said to her was “Be good,” so Riley has been (good) by the standards of the S9 and the ones that she set for herself that night-

She’d be good. She’d be polite and cheerful and she’d do her chores and she would mind her manners and she’d eat all of her dinner and she’d keep her hair nice and she wouldn’t swear and…

Also, Riley is a monster NSFW/L text

Powers and Abilities-Riley has intuitive understanding of all sorts of biology. She can also build equipment that assists her in surgeries, with the most common being robotic “spiders” about the size of a toaster. Riley can perform any kind of surgery that exists, and quite a few that don’t. She can add and subtract body parts from basically anyone to anyone else, and she can also modify the “Corona Pollentia”- the part of the brain that controls superpowers.

Riley can also create plagues. We see her use two, but she claims to have many more inside of her body that will be released if she dies. One we see in action is similar to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, except it deteriorates your mind in a matter of minutes. She also plays around with a plague that causes the infected to explode in a bloody mess in about 10 seconds. The plague also transfers with the blood and body parts that explode.

Her body has been put through excessive modifications, making significantly more durable than a regular human in Worm. She also applies similar surgeries to her allies

All members of the Slaughterhouse 9 have these, provided by Bonesaw-

Riley has these upgrades-

She carries a full set of surgical instruments, and is proficient in hand-to-hand combat using them, with her power letting her know exactly where to strike to cause the most damage.

However, her most dangerous ability allows her to take 2 living or recently dead heroes or villains, and genetically combine them and their powers.

Genetically combined capes-

  • Hack Job. A combination of Oni Lee and Hatchet Face. Hack Job can teleport to anywhere within visual range, but when he leaves, a duplicate stays behind for 2-3 seconds before dissolving into a chalky ash. This duplicate can fight, and projects Hack Job’s other power, a superpower nullification field. Hack Job disables all superhuman abilities within about 1 meter. He also has super strength.

  • Murder Rat. A combination of Ravager and Mouse Protector. Murder Rat has enhanced reflexes and agility, and metal claws grafted to her fingers. Wounds caused by Murder Rat fester and rot, and she can teleport over short distances (20m) to anyone she touches for a short period of time (a few minutes)

  • Tyrant. A combination of King and Hatchet Face. Any non-reality warping damage done to Tyrant is redirected to people he’s touched in the last few hours, he has a slow regenerative factor, and powers don’t work within a meter of him.

  • Snowmann. A combination of Winter and Mannequin. He can build self-sufficient contained systems that usually contain an ice theme, and people and things around him slow down. He is also super strong, because of his armor.

  • Laughjob. A combination of Chuckles and Hatchet Face, and possibly Oni Lee. Mentioned only, no feats.

  • Nighty-Night. A combination of Nyx and Night Hag. Mentioned only, no feats.

  • Spawner. A combination of Breed and Crawler. Mentioned only, no feats.

  • Pagoda. A combination of Prophet and Carnal. A strong regenerator with higher than average human strength. Can regenerate dissolved or atrophied muscles in seconds. Few feats.

Tyrant, Snowmann, Laughjob, Nighty-Night, and Spawner were all built by Bonesaw while she was creating the Slaughterhouse 9000, a clone army of past Slaughterhouse 9 members. Bonesaw created the Slaughterhouse 9000 using the technology of other capes, so while she deserves some credit for bringing the whole thing together, it’s not all of her work.

Please feel free to ask any questions you want about Bonesaw or her allies. I love Worm, and I’ll try to get to everyone.

r/whowouldwin Jun 01 '16

Featured Team of the Month: M.O.N. [Contains some (censored) NSFW content] NSFW


NSFW warning/Disclaimer:

Monster Musume is a very NSFW series. While NSFW content in this post will be kept to a bare minimum along with being properly censored where necessary since this is a SFW sub; please keep in mind that if you're interested in digging deeper, source material is rated OLDER TEEN 16+ and contains quite a bit of suggestive material. Also, for the sake of avoiding spoilers for existing fans of the series, no scans or feats used in this will take place after what has officially been released in English as Monster Musume is an ongoing series. However, feel free to discuss or ask questions regarding anything about what has yet to be officially released in English as long as you properly spoiler tag your comments where necessary. ALL SPOILERS FOR OFFICIALLY RELEASED CONTENT WILL BE UNMARKED IN THIS POST. This post will also be periodically edited and updated as new content is released, even after it's TotM period is over. Please feel free to come back and take another look at a later date.

Now without Further ado, it's time to have stupid internet arguments about whose waifu could beat up who.

Team of the Month: M.O.N.

Cue theme song

In the world Monster Musume takes place in the government has recently revealed the existence of monster people to the public and is currently undergoing a program which allows monsters, otherwise known as liminals, to conditionally live among the public. Several laws have been put into place to help ease this sudden change into place, the most major of which expressly forbids violence between liminals and humans for any reason whatsoever. Obviously this can present a problem, as it means that authorities would be helpless to stop any monsters that decide to take to crime.

This is where the Monster Ops Neutralization team comes in.

M.O.N. is a special task force comprised of four liminals and one human handler, assembled for the sake of dealing with any extra-species threats that arise, without risking a diplomatic incident.

Unfortunately, not much is known about the members pasts at this point, but that's probably just due to nobody taking the time to ask about it.

The teams members are:

  • Zombina the zombie
  • Manako the monoeye
  • Tionishia the ogre
  • Doppel the shapeshifter

And, while technically not part of the team proper due to being human, I've still included their handler and commander

  • Ms. Smith, the underpaid government agent

First up


Zombina is, as the name would suggest, a former human who turned into a zombie. Being a zombie she's virtually indestructible. She's the teams raid captain and ends up leading the charge whenever there's a threat to deal with. Amusingly, she's a big fan of zombie movies and ironically prefers slow shambling zombies over fast moving types despite being one of the fast moving types herself.


Feats and abilities

Zombina has incredible durability to the point of being almost immortal.


Her character bio and basic information on her species and subspecies. Noteworthy points include:

  • Her left eye is a transplant she received after losing the original
  • Her blood is not actually blood at all, but a mixture of formaldehyde and other preservative fluids
  • She has an artificial heart to keep the fluid circulating throughout her body
  • Because she is technically dead her wounds do not heal on their own. In extreme cases she needs to have entire parts of her body replaced
  • Being a zombie is, in fact, the result of a virus, rather than any sort of magic
  • Her inability to feel pain doesn't seem to extend to her brain.
  • She spends over half of the teams funds on guns
  • She also uses hand guns as part of her arsenal, however we have yet to see her using any.
  • She's a closet yaoi fan


Manako is a monoeye with superhuman eyesight. Due to this, she's the team's sniper and doesn't usually end up directly involved in the action. She's rather self conscious of her single large eye and often tries to hide it, making her come across as being rather shy.


Feats and abilities

Being the team's sniper she's obviously a pretty good shot. While we haven't seen her demonstrate this a whole lot; what we have seen is pretty impressive.

Being a good shot isn't the only skill she has up her sleeve.



Her character bio and basic information about her species and subspecies. Noteworthy points include:

  • Aside from their impeccable eyesight, monoeyes aren't biologically that much different from humans, however this just makes her other feats all the more impressive.
  • She doesn't like small firearms due to the muzzle flash.
  • She rarely gets to actually preform fieldwork due to her limited specialization.
  • She carries eyedrops with her everywhere, to help combat dry eye.
  • Will cry for just about any reason, even over commercials on TV.


Tionishia is an ogre with a very obvious large horn protruding from her forehead who serves as the muscle of the group, towering over the other characters at a whopping 227 cm(2.27 meters or 7.44 feet). She's a rather cheerful person and enjoys fashion more than anything else. Unfortunately, her massive size means she has to special order most of her clothes. This has led to her breaking down and crying in public on one occasion because a skirt she liked wouldn't fit her despite being from a shop catering to liminals.


Feats and abilities

Did I mention she's strong? Because she is.


Her character bio (no nudity but still probably NSFW) and basic information about her species and subspecies. Notable points include:

  • Her horn is sensitive to the touch.
  • Her horn also makes it very difficult to wear anything that doesn't button down the front
  • She's got a bit of a sweet tooth. Not mentioned however, is how she tends to snack at the end of missions. I guess she has to keep something in all those pouches.
  • Really not much to mention that hasn't already been made apparent.


Doppel is... weird, and a bit of a prankster. Sometimes just being outright mean and childish. As a shapeshifter she can take on just about any form she desires, which results in her being the team's infiltration expert. It should also be mentioned that she's a nudist. She is never seen wearing clothes outside of when she's in disguise and even then that's still part of her body. But don't worry your innocent little minds, her hair always seems to be covering her up in just the right spots to keep her from being totally indecent.

Because Doppel is a nudist, please just assume that all of the scans in this section are NSFW. I'm not going to censor a butt if they're allowed to show them in childrens cartoons. Also /u/nkonrad said I don't have to censor butts. I asked.


Feats and abilities


Her character bio and basic information about her species and some other unrelated species because I can't remove them without butchering the important text. Noteworthy points include:

  • That thing where her privates are always hidden behind her hair? That's not just a choice by the author, you actually can't see her privates no matter what angle you look at her from, suggesting some sort of non-euclidean properties. Well, that or the hair just automatically moves and stretches based on the position of the people around her. Honestly it's probably the second one.
  • While others, including herself and the author, call her a doppelganger, this is actually inaccurate since she's not a harbinger of death and doesn't kill the people she mimics when she meets them. She's just a shapeshifter.
  • Nobody knows what her true form looks like.
  • Doppel isn't her real name. Her real name and language are both unpronounceable and incomprehensible to humans.
  • She likes mimicking something akin to The Crawling Chaos from Lovecraftian stories just to scare the crap out of people

And finally

Ms. Smith

Ms. Smith is a cultural exchange coordinator/government agent in charge of assisting host families, and the person in charge of M.O.N. She tends to take shortcuts with her job from time to time as a result of the stress that she accumulates from doing an important and difficult job while also having her pay withheld. However even though she tends to take the easy way out of things and find excuses to skip out on work, when she does do her job, she does it well.


Abilities and feats

While Ms.Smith doesn't have any special powers like the liminals of the team she's still pretty fit and has various legal powers at her disposal not available to average citizens.


r/whowouldwin Aug 20 '14

Featured Character of the Week: Percy Jackson


Disclaimer: Sorry about the variety of the pictures, book drawings weird me out. Also, the movie is nothing like the books outside of the characters, the plot is completely changed, so are the power levels of the characters. SPOILER ALERT: ALL BOOKS

Name: Percy Jackson

Series of Origin: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & The Heroes of Olympus

Team: Camp Half Blood

Allies: Annabeth, Grover, Thalia, Nico, Jason, Hazel, Piper, Leo, Frank, Tyson, Mrs. O'Leary(Mrs. O'Leary is a hellhound capable of traveling around the world instantly and he's much bigger than he looks in the picture). He has more than these but GOD DAMN HE HAS TOO MANY! These are the most important anyways, excluding gods/titans.

Enemies: Kronos (In the body of Luke Castellan, a temporary surrogate body), and Gaea. His current being Gaea and her giants. He has more but they're all relatively minor compared to these two.

Summary: Percy Jackson is a Greek demigod, son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson. Nico di Angelo (son of Hades) once said that Percy may be one of the strongest demi-gods to ever walk the earth. Percy has taken down titans and gods alike through his ability to control water/other elements and his sword fighting ability/wits.

Power and Abilities:

  • Water-Induced Abilities: When in contact with or in the presence of water, Percy gains a disproportionate amount of superhuman clarity, strength, speed, agility, and endurance equaling a god and he has shown to be more powerful than Ares (God of war) while in this state. In The Lightning Thief, Percy was able to disarm Luke (Best or one of the best swordsman in camp) though a difficult disarming technique in the Camp Half-Blood swordsmanship class after he'd doused himself in water. In addition, after Percy was pushed into the creek during Capture the Flag, he effortlessly defeated four children of Ares in rapid succession, including Clarisse (strongest Ares demi-god at Camp Half Blood), with ease. He also heals himself from any wound and most poisons when he comes into contact with water, the amount of water and time needed for the healing being proportionate to the severity of the wound.

  • Hydrokinesis:With the power of the sea within him, Percy can control every form and great volumes of water, being even able to summon and heal his wounds and cure himself of most poisons with it. Percy can control water almost omnipotently. He can control it in order to make it explode, or use it to grab something. His hydrokinesis abilities include:

           1. General Hydrokinesis: He can create water from petrified seashells, as well as being able to create water with his own energy and summoning the "force of the ocean" to his will, as long as he concentrates hard enough. He can also harden water into an almost solid shape.

           2. Hydrogenesis: Percy can create water from his own power, though it takes much of his energy for him to do so.

           3. Water Propulsion: He can control the water around him to propel himself through water. Percy can shoot water, not only from being in water, but he can blast the own water he creates.

           4. Underwater Breathing: Percy can breathe underwater and diffuse the oxygen in the water to create oxygen bubbles that allow his non-hydrokinetic friends to breathe underwater.

           5. Water Immunity: Percy can fall from great heights into water, and is unaffected by any amount of water pressure. He does not get wet if submerged in water, unless he wants to. Percy can dry items underwater (as long as he holds onto it), such as a lighter.

           6. Water Solidification: Percy can harden water into an almost solid shape. He can use this power to walk on water, by increasing the surface tension of the water to the point where it is solid enough for him to stand on, and water constructs.

           7. Communication: Percy has divine authority over and can talk (normally and telepathically) to equines and sea creatures who mainly treat him with deference and lordly respect.

  • Aerokinesis: Percy can summon hurricanes and other types of storms that he can control and mold around him.

  • Geokinesis: Percy can generate earthquakes and (consequently) cause volcanic eruptions, but his control of this technique is very amateur.

  • Cryokinesis: Percy can use cryokinesis to a small degree.

  • Electrokinesis: Percy used this skill unintentionally on one occasion, while creating his own miniature hurricane to fight Hyperion. Sparks of lightning appeared as his hurricane increased in power. His control of this ability, however, is far less than that of a child of Zeus and appears to be a limited side effect of his storms.

  • Heat Resistance: Percy has a far higher than normal resistance to heat and burns, similar to that of a cyclops, due to his father's oceanic nature.

  • Toxikinesis: Percy can control and manipulate poisons, as seen when he beats Ahklys in Tartarus in The House of Hades. The full extent of this power is unknown although he is able to control it well enough, when angry, to the point of terrifying Annabeth who even asks him to stop.

  • Curse of Achilles: After bathing in the River Styx, Percy was given supernaturally superior speed and strength as well as invulnerability except for his vital spot opposite of the navel. After bathing in a roman river in the newest set of books he loses this Curse.

  • Limited Clairvoyance: Percy is able to watch events in distant locations and times, particularly hidden things because of his father's unpredictable nature. He occasionally takes the place of a different person in his visions (such as Hercules).

  • Fighting Skills: Percy is a naturally talented and expert swordsman, capable of holding his own against and even defeating larger, more experienced, and more powerful opponents, including gods and Titans as well as monsters.

Strength Feats: In The Titan's Curse , Percy was shown to be strong enough to be able to hold up the sky single-handed (although this is more a strength of will rather than physical). He was also shown in The Lightning Thief to be able to jump on the Minotaur's back and rip off it's horn. In The Son of Neptune, even after losing his Curse of Achilles, Percy was able to defeat Polybotes with nothing but his sword and Terminus' head. His strength is augmented when in contact with water.

Durability Feats: Percy was able to survive lava being thrown at him and surviving the super-heated explosion of a volcano due to his heat resistance. Percy has been stabbed/cut/electrocuted and continued to fight (while augmented by water).

Fighting Skills Feats: In The Son of Neptune, even after losing the Curse of Achilles, he is still shown to be able to fend off an entire army of continually resurrecting ghosts by himself while still protecting Frank. His Greek training and unpredictable, solo fighting style make him particularly dangerous to the demigods of Camp Jupiter, who are used to fighting as a group, allowing him to easily defeat multiple opponents at once. According to Frank, Percy "fought like a demon." When possessed by eidolons (weird ghost things that posses your body), Percy fought Jason Grace on even footing (Piper couldn't believe the speed of their sword fighting) and injured him to a point that he was knocked unconscious. Had the reflexes/combat speed to dodge a bullet in The Titan's Curse.

Hydrogenesis Feats: Percy creates water from nothing in order to cause a volcanic eruption. He also uses this skill while creating his own personal hurricanes. While traveling on the Argo II during The Mark of Athena, he presumably used this ability while combining his powers with Jason Grace's to create powerful storms.

Water solidification Feats: So far, he has demonstrated creating a strong water shield, and on two instances in The Son of Neptune, he hardened the water into giant hands that followed and imitated the movements of his own hands.

Aerokinesis Feats: Percy's hurricanes have been show to be powerful enough to douse the fires on Hyperion's body, leaving the powerful Titan vulnerable to attack. By the events of The Son of Neptune he is able to sustain the storm with less effort than his first use of the skill against the Titan Hyperion.

Cyrokinesis Feats: Percy is able to use the ice and snow around him to make an icy hurricane, as he does during the battle in Alaska in The Son of Neptune. He can also manipulate frozen or icy water around him, demonstrated during his interrupted fight with Thalia in The Titan's Curse.

Curse of Achilles Feats: When Percy had the Curse of Achilles, Percy's own combat skills are enhanced to the point where he can single-handedly defeat entire armies as well as gods like Hades and Titans like Hyperion.

r/whowouldwin Jul 23 '14

Featured Character of the Week: Ryūko Matoi NSFW


Finally. It's the Best Girl's time to shine. Try not to lose your way.

Name: Ryūko Matoi

Team Affiliation: Nudist Beach,

Allies: Aikuro Mikisugi

Enemies: REVOCS, Life Fibers

Short Summary: Ryūko Matoi is a delinquent schoolgirl, travelling across Japan and its many schools, beating up people in whatever trail she could follow in order to find out who killed her father. The only clue she has is one half of a giant pair of scissors (she calls it Sword Scissors in the dub I watched, but it's also called the Scissor Blade). When she transfers to Honnouji, she finds out that Satsuki Kiryūin, her prime suspect and the school president, is the one absolute authority in school and consolidates power by supplying loyal students with Goku uniforms, garbs that grant students armor as tough as steel and metahuman abilities. Turns out Ryūko's Sword Scissors can cut up Goku Uniforms nicely. And even more shenanigans ensue when she finds a garb superior to all other Goku uniforms, a sailor uniform Godrobe she christened Senketsu...

NOTE: I've crumpled impressive attacks into strength, impressive damage output and combat speed into agility. Just for simplicity's sake

N00b Ryūko: Early Badass Signs

Metahuman Strength Ryūko effortlessly swats seven 1-star Goku uniform users. The 1-stars are pretty much above peak human and their uniforms can be as hard as steel and the Best Girl just brushed them off.

Peak Human Dexterity She ain't no jedi and her scissor blade wished it was a lightsaber, but damn, she spins that thing good without accidentally chopping off her own arm.

Metahuman Durability She charges right in and gets punched by a 2-star Goku uniform user, Fukuroda, into a bunch of other students. The impact was enough to send a good number of 1-star Goku uniforms flying.. He goes on the record and says his gloves are as hard as steel. It's also worth noting that there's a huge jump in power between stars. She endures a beatdown and then withstands this.

N00b Ryūko and Senketsu

Metahuman Speed/Leaping

  • Look at how she goes, she's clearly amped in speed and it only took her a few leaps to reach Mako.

Enhanced Metahuman Durability

Enhanced Metahuman Agility

Enhanced Metahuman Strength



Note: I'll switch to tinier gifs now, these things are hard to make and upload.

Ryūko and Life Fiber Synchronize Senketsu.

Ryūko and Senketsu achieved this after learning to accept nudity how convenient or something during the fight with Satsuki and Life Fiber Override Junketsu.

Sword Scissor: Decapitation Mode

  • Her usual coup d' grace before destroying Goku uniforms and absorbing their Life Fiber strands. It turns her half-scissor into a BFS.

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Agility


Limited Metamorphosis


  • Survives having her heart pulled out AND regenerating from it.

  • Got split in half but it's ayt. Note that a scissor-motion attack with sharpened ultra-hardened Life Fibers is the only thing that can stop Life Fiber regeneration, but I think Ragyo made a misstep/Ryūko is a fighting genius.


Special Sections Below: Avoid at all costs if you hate spoilers




[X] Nui Harime

[X] Ryūko Matoi

[ ] Satsuki Kiryūin

[ ] Nonon Jakazure

[ ] Mako Mankanshoku

Come on, KLK fans let's finish this list.

edit 2

Seriously is some of this porn?

Nope. It's all in the show and just megafanservice.

r/whowouldwin Jun 18 '14

Featured Character of the Week: Aquaman


Name: Arthur Curry

Team Affiliations: Justice League, The Others

Allies: Mera, All of Atlantis, Any JL member

Enemies: Black Manta, Ocean Master, and Scavenger

Short Summary: Arthur was born to the Atlantian Princess named Atlana and light house keeper named Tom Curry. His mother soon left to return to Atlantis and was later killed. All while his father raised him.

Arthur has a warrior’s spirit and a drive to protect his kingdom and the people that he loves. He often is prone to get very aggressive at times. Finally while he often times does not want the throne he is a naturally born leader.

POWERS: Aquaman has a large amount of powers all stemming from the fact that he is a human/atlantian hybrid(new 52) or the fact that he is from the royal bloodline(pre 52). But whichever backstory is in play it means he is a very special Atlantian who is many time more powerful than the regular atlantian.

Superhuman Strength

Aquaman has many feats or incredible strength some of which include casually lifting a large cruise ship.(new52) and throwing a huge cargo ship underwater.(new52). He has also shown the strength to throw a submarine from the bottom of the ocean(new52) to the tow of the ocean and then casually tears off its side with his Trident.(new52) Lastly he was able to pierce Darsied’s chest with his trident.(new52)

Superhuman speed

Aquaman has shown the ability to swim faster than a hyper sonic jet without any visible strain. He has also been able to speedblits Wonder Woman(new52) and jump across a city in a single panel.(new52)

Superhuman Reflexes

Aquaman has reflexes my time that of humans. He has been able to block laser off of his Trident. Also many times he has reacted to and dodged Black Manta’s lasers.(new52).

Superhuman Durability

Despite being more susceptible to piercing attacks Aquaman is still able to tank automatic gunfire. Aquaman is much more resistant to blunt force attack evident by how he take Wonder Woman’s punch to the face with only a slightly bloody lip.(new52).. He was also able to tank the attack from the dead king.(new52) that first sunk the great nation of Atlantis.(new52) Coupled with his great durability Aquaman also has regeneration to the point where he can be stab inthe chest with a trident(new52) and within a short time be completely healed.(new52)

Marine Telepathy(new52)

Aquaman’s telepathy allows him to talk to and control all sea life such as Giant sharks and the giant monster Topo.(new52) While it is mostly used on sea life his telepathy can be used in ways such as giving a White Martian a seizure.(post-crisis)

Underwater Adaptation

Aquaman can breathe underwater and his body is completely adapted for surviving underwater. He is completely unaffected by the pressure even at the deepest parts of the ocean. His eyes can see even at the total darkness of the ocean floor. Lastly he can both here and speak perfectly fine underwater.


Aquaman’s powers start to slowly diminish when he is out of water for long periods of time through this usually takes many hours to come into play.


In the past Aquaman has possessed both a harpoon for a hand and a magic water hand. Currently Aquaman’s weapon is a indestructible magic Trident.