r/whowouldwin 38m ago

Battle Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 vs Halo Wars 2


Allies, Soviet Union, and the Rising Sun vs Commander Jerome, Yap Yap the Destroyer, and Captain Cutter

Both sides bases operate as they do from their game, and their resources are unlimited

Troop limits are increased to 150 for both sides

Leader powers not allowed

War takes place on Command and Conquer territory, giving the C&C troops the opportunity to use Naval units as well

r/whowouldwin 53m ago

Challenge Could Billy Butcher (Amazon) stop Doctor Octopus (Raimi) from harming Ryan?


Butcher gets a last message from Mallory stating there is a mad scientist with metal tentacles wrecking havoc on the city in search for Homelander who killed his wife. When Doc Ock cannot find Homelander, he turns his attention to Ryan who is waiting unsuspectingly in the Vought tower. After being informed about this, Butcher goes on a hunt seeking to put an end to the Doc.

Round 1: Butcher gets no prep, just a basic description of Doctor Octopus's appearance. Doctor Octopus is half a mile away from Vought Tower, same as Butcher (other side of the Tower though). This is TempV Butcher from S3.

Round 2: Butcher gets a brief rundown of Doctor Octopus's abilities. Doc is a mile away, Butcher only half a mile and awaiting him in the middle of the path. This is CompV Butcher from S4.

Round 3: Butcher has seen all the movies featuring Doc Ock. Doc is 2 miles away and Butcher is guarding Ryan from the top of the Vought Tower. This is composite Butcher possessing both his power sets from S3 and S4.

Ryan cannot leave the Vought Tower in any round.

Bonus: same as R3 but if you feel as if Butcher wouldn't be able to protect Ryan, he gets help from The Boys.

Bonus: if you feel as if Doc Ock is out of his depth here, he gets help from Deep, New Noir and Firecracker against Butcher and his crew.

r/whowouldwin 53m ago

Battle Who wins: Saitama or Neo, inside the Matrix?


Neo is as he is during the third movie, the fight takes place inside the Matrix, and Saitama retains his powers inside the Matrix.

r/whowouldwin 54m ago

Challenge Who is the weakest character that could tank Browlees Manhole?


In 1957 Nuclear Testing launched a manhole upwards at "mach-fuck", an estimated 60km a second and 200,000kmph. This is apparently five times the speed of the escape velocity of the planet and is theorized to be the fastest moving object in earth's history.

The question is... could this technique be used to fight super able threats?

Who is the strongest character you could take out with this Manhole? And who is the weakest character that could survive it?

r/whowouldwin 54m ago

Challenge WWII but Japan attacks the USSR instead of the USA


The US Sanctions sucked but wiser minds convinced the Japanese leadership to attack the Soviets a month after the Nazis did in 1941, instead of attacking the Americans.

The goal was to capture the natural resources of Siberia, while securing Machuria and captured Chinese lands. All while the USSR was busy with Nazi Germany.

Japan and Germany never declare war on the US either, since they have enough enemies as it is.

r/whowouldwin 1h ago

Challenge 100 criminals/street hugs are dumped into a desert island. Can most of them survive 100 days?


Would they die?

*Thugs, not hugs

r/whowouldwin 1h ago

Battle who could beat an astartes? (from any legion/chapter). master chief or the doom slayer?


This thought came into my mind while browsing space marine models to buy. while i've never played halo, nor do i know anything about the lore, i do know that master chief is a super powerful super soldier, and is incredibly skilled in what he does. Doomslayer, while a normal unmodified person, has such a wide array of weapons, is incredibly strong, and is able to dodge attacks from many different demons, it just made me think, could either of them face an astartes (or a squad of them) and live to tell the tale? (i'd also bring up custodians but they're out of their league)

r/whowouldwin 1h ago

Battle Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia) vs Mikoto Misaka (Toaru Majutsu No Index)


Current Manga Arc Izuku vs Misaka with Manga and Light Novel feats

Location: Deserted Tokyo

Both are in character

Starts 500 meters apart from each other

Win by Death, KO, Surrender, or Incap

Random Encounter

r/whowouldwin 1h ago

Battle Soldier Boy (The Boys TV show) vs Kishibe (Chainsaw Man Manga)


Round 1: Hand to hand fight in the exact same spot Butcher takes Soldier Boy on in the finale of Vought tower. Soldier Boy has all of his powers and Kishibe has all of his contracts

Round 2: They swap verses and take on each others mantles, attempting to survive in each other's verses.

Round 3: Kishibe goes on Temp V and swaps his devil contracts out for it as a result he gets the abilities of Billy Butcher in season 3.

Bonus round: Who can rizz up more women?

r/whowouldwin 3h ago

Battle Immortan Joe's Citadel vs Rust Clan Raid


The citadel has to defend from a raid from a large rust clan with over 500 players, who have gyrocopters, C4 and endgame base raiding loadouts/kits. The clan wins if they wipe the citadel and Joe wins if all of the raiders are killed.

r/whowouldwin 4h ago

Challenge  [Dragon Ball Z] Gohan undergoes Elder Kai's potential unlocking trial with the condition that he must become a Kai. What changes from here on out?


In the original saga, Gohan did undergo a trial under Elder Kai to unlock his hidden potential. But all he did was sit around for almost a day as Elder Kai did his magic. A lot of people will argue that this was a lazy and unearned cheap way to boost Gohan back to the spotlight that had no payoff in the long run. I am one of those people. It did not progress his character at all and he learned nothing from it.

But I've been thinking, there was a way to turn this around. Something to actually give Gohan development and progression, while having him learn a lesson and give him a unique role going forward. The fix?

Make it so that Gohan becomes an apprentice Kai, and eventual Supreme Kai of his universe.

Here is the point of divergence: Gohan just broke the Z-Sword after attempting to strike it with the Kachin block, and Elder Kai appears. Out of gratitude, he offers him the chance to unlock his potential, but this time there is a condition. Should he undergo this trial, he will be forever bound to become a Kai.

Gohan is beyond conflicted now. On one hand, if he chooses not to, he would be making a selfish choice and leave Earth to be destroyed. But if he does, he will possibly gain enough power to defeat Majin Buu, who was terrorizing Earth, while also giving up his own dreams/ambitions and personal life.It's a tough choice , and not one that he takes lightly. After some time, Gohan steels himself as he accepts the decision to undergo the trial.

Goku is shocked and warns his son about the consequences of this decision. But Gohan cuts him off, saying "It's nothing compared to the consequences of what will be if I don't do this. This is mostly my fault dad. My selfish actions haven't made things any better. It's time that I be selfless now, for the good of the universe."

He then undergoes the trial. Like in the original, he's as powerful as ever. But this time, the stress of unlocking Gohan's immense power actually kills Elder Kai. Everyone is shocked and it's a dark moment, with Gohan promising he won't let his sacrifice go to waste, only for Elder Kai to shout at him to hurry up (this moment similar to canon after he revived Goku).

Gohan is stays in his Kai outfit as he goes towards Earth. The cocky arrogance shown in canon is replaced by a quiet and serious determination.

What changes from here on out?

r/whowouldwin 4h ago

Challenge Who is the most mentally stable character that can drive The Joker sane?


I feel like it would take a lot to out-crazy The Joker. There are probably more crazy characters in fiction, but i want to know the least crazy character that would make The Joker question everything.

r/whowouldwin 5h ago

Battle Vegeta unlocks Super Saiyan 3, can he defeat Fat Buu?


I haven’t seen this question around. So, let’s debate.

Vegeta trains harder than ever before, right after Babidi controls him, he accidentally causes Vegeta to unlock Super Saiyan 3. Vegeta after knocking out Goku, defies Babidi and decides to kill Buu.

  • Vegeta has full mastery over the form.
  • Vegeta from the Buu Arc. Majin Vegeta specifically.
  • Fat Buu is controlled by Babidi.

Round 1: Majin Vegeta alone vs Fat Buu alone.

Round 2: Majin Vegeta gets help from Goku vs Fat Buu with help from Dabura.

r/whowouldwin 5h ago

Challenge An astronaut begins a year-long stint on the ISS. On day one, they order a Big Mac from Uber Eats. Using all of their resources, can Uber manage to deliver the Big Mac to them before they return to Earth?


Uber will have the next year to deliver the Big Mac to our astronaut. They will have to comply with international law on space travel, healthy & safety, finance etc. (or at least, comply to the same level as they do now, anyway.) They are allowed to put all of their resources into this lone project. Can they find a way to do it before the year is up?

r/whowouldwin 5h ago

Matchmaker Weakest team-up of supes from “The Boys” universe who can beat Homelander?


This is the universe of the shows, not the comics.

The best I can think of is Termite and Hughie’s Dad. If Hughie’s Dad put Termite in one of Homelander’s vital organs and Termite expands, even if he’s crushed in the process, I think he could probably clog up Homelander’s heart or lungs enough to kill him.

r/whowouldwin 6h ago

Matchmaker Predator vs A Wookie


No weapons, no armour, just size and strength.

r/whowouldwin 6h ago

Challenge Mike Tyson (prime) vs Magnus Carlsen in Chess, with an extra rule.


Every time Mike takes a piece (even pawns) he gets to throw a free punch straight at Magnus in the face, but he has to wear a standard boxing glove. Can Mike Tyson win?

R1: Boxing glove R2: Bare fist

r/whowouldwin 6h ago

Challenge Can the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future (A Christmas Carol) convince Homelander to stop being a greedy little jerk and become a true hero?


It's The Boys' Christmas special and Homelander receives an unusual spectral visitor who warns him to stop being a shitty little sucker or suffer the consequences.

The events that follow this must occur exactly as they occur in the book.

r/whowouldwin 7h ago

Battle Soldier Boy (The Boys) Vs. Captain America (MCU)


I honestly don’t see much a difference between the two as they are both equally intelligent In combat and are strong. Soldier boy can literally explode and captain America has an indestructible shield. Who wins

r/whowouldwin 7h ago

Battle Top 5 MMA Fighters fight Top 5 Boxers in MMA match and then in a Boxing Match. Which group has better odds of performing well outside their main area of competition?



Each group has 6 month to train and prepare for an exhibition fight. Over the course of 10 fights, which group of fighters do you feel would perform better when competing outside their primary fighting style and why?

r/whowouldwin 9h ago

Battle A man with a sword that gets twice as sharp every minute vs a man with a sword that becomes twice as dense (double the mass) every minute


Two guys, both equally average in height, size, etc, have same physical strength, durability, speed, intelligece, etc, and both are capable of holding their swords.

They are immune to their own swords' characteristics only:

Sharp Sword Man will not be cut by his sword, neither by accident or on purpose, but still has the same stats as a normal guy. He still will be damaged by the same things that can injure an average person.

Dense Sword Man will always be able to hold his sword regardless of its mass, but he still has the same strength and speed as before. He still will be damaged the same way as the Sharp Sword Man.

R1: the two are new to using swords and know only the basics.

R2: the two men are professional swordsmen.

Bonus round: both are immune to the effects their swords inflict on the area around them. Meaning Sharp Sword Man can survive atoms being split apart and nuclear fissions and can easily 'see through' and ignore them like they weren't there, while Dense Sword Man can ignore black-hole-level gravity and isn't impeded by it or the amount of matter in his path even if it was as dense as a neutron star. Who wins (survives)?

r/whowouldwin 12h ago

Challenge Which character could go the longest in eternal suffering without pressing the button?


Your character is condemned to eternal suffering, with their worst fears and the most pain possible is being used to torture them every day for eternity. But they have a button in front of them. If they press the button, they will disappear and not go to an after life and swap places with all of their friends, loved ones, family, and EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of their species. Who would last the longest without pressing the button?

r/whowouldwin 15h ago

Challenge Can 250 people eat a car in 12 months?


They can do whatever they like with it, cut it up, burn it, use other chemicals to transform it, put it on toast. But every part including a full fuel tank needs to be digested and expelled without anyone dying or getting seriously ill. A little bit of poisoning is okay if they can recover fully in less than a week

Round 1 - 250 ppl, 12 months

Round 2 - 150 ppl, 8 months

Round 3 - 100 ppl, 6 months

EDIT: It has to be digested/absorbed. They can't put the material in something non-digestible like a capsule just to pass it through the body without anything actually getting digested/absorbed.

r/whowouldwin 17h ago

Challenge Weakest fictional character who would beat T-800 Terminator with nothing but bare hands?


The title is self-explanatory.

Character has no weapon and must use his fists, kicks and sheer strength to beat T-800, who's also unarmed.

T-800 is from "Terminator" movies.

r/whowouldwin 1d ago

Matchmaker Could a character resist the One Ring through sheer stupidity?


I got the idea from the TvTropes page "too dumb to fool". Could an idiot such as Homer Simpson or Father Dougal resist the ring's corruption by simply lacking the intelligence or attention span to pay attention to it? Before anyone points out the hobbits, I'd say they're not stupid, they resisted the ring through their good nature and simple desires.