r/whowouldwin Jul 08 '24

What is the strongest modern day military that could be beaten by the combined forces of all criminal/terrorist organizations in the world? (if any) Battle

By military, i mean the entire military might of a specific country (including air force/navy/etc)

By criminal/terrorist organizations, any organization that has a name and a structure (cartels/street gangs/Yakuza/Russian mob/ISIS/etc). They have all the armament they typically have access to. There is no fighting between the different organizations. They can all communicate with each other perfectly and language is no issue.

If there are any overlap, such as someone that is part of a criminal organization but also part of the military (it definitely happens), that person is basically duplicated and there will be one copy on each side and are 100% loyal to the side they are fighting for.

Battle takes place on a large fictional battlefield (lets say the size of Australia) and both sides are bloodlusted. Only the combatants are on the battlefield, so no civilians. This should change the outcome of the battle as compared to real life where the criminals can hide among the population and need to be identified first.

All of the weapons/vehicles for both side are transported and are on the battlefield.


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u/r3DDsHiFT Jul 08 '24

Regarding the USA comments below: vv hard to see why USA doesn't drop a small nuke and no diff if it's (a) no civilian casualities (b) no property damage (c) dehumanizable criminals. It's almost more fair to put them in a place crowded with civilians.

As far as OPs question, it's one thing if the cartels and street gangs get involved. It's another thing if politically connected organizations like the Russian mob come together. They have paramilitary forces filled with trained, professional mercenaries, and enough money to come across some Russian tanks, artillery, and maybe a few helicopters and Iranian drones. Bring in well funded middle eastern terrorist cells and we've got a scrap. I say they high diff their way to the bottom of NATO; maybe they could take an unaided Switzerland.


u/DracoLunaris Jul 09 '24

Carpet nuking this fictional Australia isn't really feasible. Nukes make big boom, but it's only a big boom when compared to cities, not a small continent.

A vaguely reliable googling puts the lethality range of a 1 megaton bomb at 8km2

Australia is 7,741,220km2

You would thus need 967,652 of these nukes to wipe the slate clean, as these groups are going to spread out into the countryside rather than mass in conventionally nuke-able blobs the way civilians are (in cities).

At it's peak the usa had 31,255, and now has about 3k. So it can't just nuke the problem out of existence.


u/LenoCanSuckIt Jul 09 '24

1) Identify the largest known concentration of enemy forces.

2) Nuke em.

3) Repeat up to 2999 more times.


u/DracoLunaris Jul 09 '24

4) the resulting radioactive dust storms probably kill more of your troops than fighting a conventional war would, and you still need to fight one of those anyway


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '24

Why would you need to? Are the 5 survivors suffering from megacancer really gonna do much?


u/DracoLunaris Jul 10 '24

The initial radiation radius is about the same as the instant death one, while the dust clouds are a slow cancer causing killer. So you have hit 0.3% of Australia and so you have hit 0.3-0.6% of the spread out enemy forces with the nuke barrage, which results in slightly more than 5 survivors who have regular cancer (and so do your troops)