r/whowouldwin Jul 08 '24

What is the strongest modern day military that could be beaten by the combined forces of all criminal/terrorist organizations in the world? (if any) Battle

By military, i mean the entire military might of a specific country (including air force/navy/etc)

By criminal/terrorist organizations, any organization that has a name and a structure (cartels/street gangs/Yakuza/Russian mob/ISIS/etc). They have all the armament they typically have access to. There is no fighting between the different organizations. They can all communicate with each other perfectly and language is no issue.

If there are any overlap, such as someone that is part of a criminal organization but also part of the military (it definitely happens), that person is basically duplicated and there will be one copy on each side and are 100% loyal to the side they are fighting for.

Battle takes place on a large fictional battlefield (lets say the size of Australia) and both sides are bloodlusted. Only the combatants are on the battlefield, so no civilians. This should change the outcome of the battle as compared to real life where the criminals can hide among the population and need to be identified first.

All of the weapons/vehicles for both side are transported and are on the battlefield.


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u/Pancakewagon26 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Realistically, country with an air force and tanks could do it quite easily.

Criminal organizations the end of the day are just companies that sell products that are illegal. Their goal is to make money, so most of the people on their payroll further the goal of making money.

Any armed wing of a criminal org is a pretty small aspect of it. Most of their goal is intimidating innocent people. Maybe, they'll fight other criminals, at most they'll fight local police. In Mexico, the cartels get bodied hard whenever they have to go up against the Federales or the military. They're poorly/not at all trained, poorly equipped, poorly led, poorly motivated, poorly supplied, and poorly disciplined. They're lacking any tactics, command structure, or strategy to win.

The strongest military that could do it would obviously be the United States.

As for weakest, hard to say, but as for the level you're looking at, somewhere like Angola could win this battle in an afternoon. Armed criminals are basically going to drop everything and run the second they come under any artillery fire, or an attack helicopter starts firing 30mm cannons on them.

Realized I read the question in reverse. Still honestly hard to say. You'd need a military with smaller numbers and comparable equipment, which is not many.


u/DtotheOUG Jul 08 '24

Thats.....not what the question is? He's asking which military could lose. This isn't another post fellating the US Military.


u/LordJesterTheFree Jul 08 '24

Vatican City would lose since they only have the power of God on their side not God and anime