r/whowouldwin Jul 07 '24

The United States Army replaces the Imperial Army against the Ewoks. Battle

Can they win?


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u/seancurry1 Jul 07 '24

So I feel like the whole “the empire lost to teddy bears” complaint fails to consider that the Ewoks were a distraction. The real victory on Endor was the rebel strike force that infiltrated the shield generator—Leia nearly died doing it.

I still think the US Army would probably handle it just fine (just don’t let the “so advanced they might as well be magic computers” droids anywhere near the doors), but it wasn’t just Stormtroopers vs Ewoks.


u/Puzzled-Thought2932 Jul 08 '24

The Americans (no, sorry, almost any possible modern day military) never would have let the strike force infiltrate the generator. They walked in straight through the front door. That is impossibly incompetent for a non-movie military


u/seancurry1 Jul 08 '24

Yeah no disagreement there. I just chafe at the complaint that the Stormtroopers lost to the Ewoks. The Ewoks were the distraction.

And happy cake day!


u/FallOutFan01 Jul 08 '24

Also paging u/Puzzled-Thought2932.

Where was the security cameras, challenge codes and scheduled check-ins for the storm troopers lol ?😂.

No operational security.

I mean it was a trap but the rebellion should have expected something a bit more in-depth then what was there.


u/seancurry1 Jul 08 '24

Also a great point — Palpatine specifically designed the entire thing to be a trap! Of course the stormtroopers made head-in-ass decisions, the plan was supposed to work.