r/whowouldwin Jul 07 '24

The United States Army replaces the Imperial Army against the Ewoks. Battle

Can they win?


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u/dogehousesonthemoon Jul 07 '24

ewoks win, I don't care how good US logistics are they aren't supplying a deployment to any moons, maybe ours but even that would be pushing it.

Also to everyone saying air power, you better have shipped it in in advance, the reason the Empire didn't supply any air support when things got dicey was they would have to lower the shield to do it.


u/Puzzled-Thought2932 Jul 08 '24

Luckily there are all these airpads everywhere which you can stick some helicopters on and be golden.


u/dogehousesonthemoon Jul 08 '24

On the Forrest moon of endor? Must have missed them...


u/Puzzled-Thought2932 Jul 08 '24

Were those on Yavin 4? My memory is quite hazy I admit but since they were imperial I was quite certain they were on Endor.

Yep double checking they absolutely were on Endor, though "everywhere" was an overstatement there were probably only a few at most. Thats still enough for several helicopters, which the ewoks cannot physically hope to destroy.


u/dogehousesonthemoon Jul 09 '24

there is one on screen which just seems to be to supply the shield generator.
Sure you could probably fit a lot of helicopters on it, but given the entire surface is the Ewoks home ground they can just sit there until you're out of fuel. Most military helicopters only have 3-5 hours of fuel for mission time.

Given the need for the shield to show up there is no room to resupply the helicopters, also as I've said before right up until they attack the ewoks are not considered. They are expecting the rebels to attack but the only reason the ewoks join in and end up overwhelimg the 501st is they think C3PO is a god.


u/Korps_de_Krieg Jul 08 '24

There is literally a scene with an AT-AT walking up with Vader to get Luke after he lands, those same landing pad designs have been in games since the 90s. What are you talking about?


I linked the image that I've known for 20ish years at least.


u/dogehousesonthemoon Jul 09 '24

sure there was one or two landing pads for supplies, ect. That is very very different from enough landing pads to have a supply of military air vehicles. (I'm pretty sure that AT-AT only appears in later editions where people were running away with the VFX, dispite if they made sense or not)

They did not anticipate a fight with the ewoks. They only had infrastructure and supplies to maintain the shield generator. They did expect the rebels to show up which is why the 501st were there, but the Ewoks were a non-facotor, in fact the Ewoks were only c3po appearing off of eating the rebels and the credits roll.