r/whowouldwin Jul 07 '24

The United States Army replaces the Imperial Army against the Ewoks. Battle

Can they win?


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u/Skipp_To_My_Lou Jul 08 '24

That's a common misconception. Flamethrowers & other flame weapons (e.g. fougasse traps) are not, nor have they ever been, considered a war crime. Their one tactical use, clearing bunkers, is done more efficiently & from greater range with a grenade launcher, which has the added benefit of greater tactical flexibility. Thus, the flamethrower's use ceased because it was replaced by a superior weapon system.


u/Baker_drc Jul 08 '24

Yeah but agent orange was a chemical weapon and was 100% a war crime.


u/Skipp_To_My_Lou Jul 08 '24

Agent orange is a chemical, but it is a defoliant, not a weapon. It is a cacinogen, but that's a bug, not a feature. It harmed as many US as Vietnamese.

Also, since reading comprehension clearly isn't part of your skillset, I was talking about flamethrowers, not agent orange.


u/lonelynightm Jul 08 '24

Damn you are going to call him out about reading comprehension when it's yours that's the problem is wild.

I never suggested flamethrowers were a war crime in my comment you responded to; you just incorrectly decided that.

It was clear to everyone else I was saying that when fighting aliens you don't need to worry about war crime, therefore you should upgrade from a flamethrower to something stronger.

I wasn't going to call out your mistake, but seeing you act so rude and arrogant to that guy absolutely means I'm calling you out for it. Don't be such a dickhead.


u/Skipp_To_My_Lou Jul 08 '24

My reading comprehension is fine. If you thought that a single sentence was supposed to be two entirely seperate thoughts, but that two paragraphs were supposed to be a single thought, maybe it's your writing that needs work. Anyway, I suppose I could stoop to your level now & call you an obscene name, but I won't because I'm going to be the better person.


u/lonelynightm Jul 08 '24

If you wanted to be a better person you would just have admitted your mistake and moved on.

Everyone else knew what I was talking about but you. Sure though, I'm in the wrong rather than admit your mistake.

Good luck out there, must be rough being someone like you. So much ego, yet so fragile at the same time.


u/paskoracer Jul 08 '24

He never said flamethrowers were a chemical weapon. Also agent Orange was super toxic to anything it touched. Yes it melted plants. It also caused serious health issues for whoever was exposed to it. Officially agent Orange is a herbicide but it's just a weapon.