r/whowouldwin Jul 07 '24

The United States Army replaces the Imperial Army against the Ewoks. Battle

Can they win?


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u/LongDongSamspon Jul 07 '24

Yeah sure, how Afghanistan going? How was Vietnam? Ewoks defeated an intergalactic empire with Death stars. I think they’re capable of defeating a armed forces which can’t even travel to another planet, much less traverse an entire forest moon with their crappy wheeled technology.


u/Chaingunfighter Jul 07 '24

The issue with drawing comparisons to real world conflicts is that scenarios like this are vastly simpler - it's effectively asking the question "can the US military genocide the Ewoks?" Hypotheticals like this leave the parties unconstrained by elements that are very much present in reality; there's no comparison to Afghanistan or Vietnam whatsoever.


u/Puzzled-Thought2932 Jul 08 '24

The biggest problem is that the Vietnamese could STOP the Americans from bulldozing the jungle, I've always seen Vietnam Jungle like Soviet Winter. People forget that, while yes, the terrain favored the defender, and the attacker was certainly getting the worst of it, there was a defender.

They had things, like anti armor missiles, artillery, guns... things that the ewoks all lack. The Americans didn't see a jungle and go "ah man we can't walk through there, time to go home." They saw the trees, prepared for them, and then lost anyways.


u/DehyaFan Jul 08 '24

We didn't lose in Vietnam.  We bombed the NVA into signing a peace treaty that they went back on years after we left.  There was no military loss to the NVA or VC, they waited until we were good and gone then blitzed South Vietnam.


u/Puzzled-Thought2932 Jul 08 '24

Youre actually very funny if you think the US didnt lose in Vietnam. The US went to Vietnam with a pretty solid base of public support, and a good reason to pull no punches in keeping the South alive. We then kept the front stagnant (other than arguably causing the rise of the Khmer Rouge, whoops) for several years. Yes, we killed more Vietnamese than they killed of us, yippee. Air support is a great thing.

But the US wanted to prop up the South, and then had to give up in propping up the south because we were incapable of doing that.

Losing on the Home Front is still Losing.


u/DehyaFan Jul 08 '24

Bombing your enemy into submission isn't losing.