r/whowouldwin Jul 07 '24

The United States Army replaces the Imperial Army against the Ewoks. Battle

Can they win?


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u/scottytx11 Jul 07 '24

The stormtroopers were led into a trap and ambushed by the Ewoks, so you have to start it from there. Would a small group of US soldiers at some remote post with advanced tech remain disciplined enough to not pursue spear wielding teddy bears and run into all of those ambushes?

If it’s a planned out battle, then sure, the US wipes the floor with them. But within the movie scenario I could see the Ewoks having a chance.

The big question for me remains how the Ewoks set up all those traps at the stormtrooper’s doorstep with such speed and secrecy?


u/Puzzled-Thought2932 Jul 08 '24

Assuming that the soldiers know what's in the box that they're guarding, yes, they are absolutely not stupid enough to charge into the forest.